Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 838 Refreshing the bottom line of cognition

Chapter 838 Refreshing the bottom line of cognition
"Xiao Yang, you are not afraid that your father will beat you up soon." Still said angrily.

"Ha! If you use martial arts at home, you will be thrown out by Mommy. Brother, don't stand there stupidly. There are so many grills over there, and the table is full. If you don't finish eating today, you are not allowed to leave." Yang Wang quickly picked up some pepper Powder, poured on the grilled meat at once, a burst of spicy meaty aroma burst out, and the smell made my mouth water.

"Wow, it smells so good, everyone, don't look at it, since you're here, try your own skills, why don't we have a competition..."

I don't know who called out.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became lively again...

The group of people who were looking up at the grill suddenly dispersed and went to find the ingredients they were interested in...

In an instant, there was only Lin Fei'er with a slightly embarrassed face left on the spot. This time, Yu Yuchen was not happy to call her.

Calling her is to save her face. I don't want her to come here, so I feel at a loss. .

But Lin Fei'er's attitude made her a little unhappy.

People are poor and ambitious, but it is not an aboveboard behavior to belittle others in order to elevate themselves.

But after a while, I looked up and put the first batch of barbecue on the table, tasted it, it was indeed the same taste as before, and I specially invited everyone to come and taste it, "Those of you who don't have hands-on, you can try me first Yes, although it is not as delicious as Mommy's cooking, but it is definitely considered skilled..."

I specially grilled dozens of skewers of lamb, some bacon slices, and vegetarian dishes. The number of early adopters is enough.

"Wow, it's so spicy!!"

Some people jumped up after trying it, some endured it, and some thought it was delicious...

"Come on, mine is not spicy, this Xiao Yang is a spicy food, looking for spicy food to eat!" Still, he also made it over there, served it on the table, and explained.

A group of people rushed forward and swept away.

Yang Wang took a glance in satisfaction, but saw An Yiyang, who had been acting very calm today, and Ling Hao, who stood up slowly, walked gracefully to the food, and picked up the tasting...

Because what you look up to is really spicy enough, so after you try it for the first time, you dare not touch it again...

Yang Wang stuck out his tongue, and smiled cunningly at Sheng Tian, ​​"Brother, is yours ready? Do you want me to try it first?"

This is the real dad version! !
Moreover, Sheng Tian only took one chicken and made it his best...

After so many years, he is still self-reliant, and his skills are not inferior at all.

"Xiao Yang, is your brother's cooking really as delicious as your father's?" Mo Tianxin came from a distance with Sheng Shi, smiling and full of meaning.

"Mommy, if you want to eat, maybe we will be lucky~"

Looking up and laughing, he said.

There was a sudden silence all around, petrified.

Mr. Sheng's President, you are still cooking barbecue at home...

This is simply refreshing the cognitive bottom line of countless people! ! !
But the truth is like this...

"Xin'er, I said earlier that it's okay for these children to make a fuss, but you also want to join in the fun. This is to get your husband involved..." Sheng Shi's arms around Mo Tianxin did not show any signs of loosening.

Looking up, I heard countless crackling sounds behind me...

"Sheng Shi, are you calling me the youngest? Huh?"


Who will admit it?

Not to mention that this young mother looks like a girl in her 20s, even if she really looks old, who would dare to chew like a dog...

(End of this chapter)

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