Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 841 Game Rules

Chapter 841 Game Rules
In the distance, the river water illuminated by the night is so dark that people feel suffocating. The lights of the city reflect speckles and illuminate a layer on the surface of the water. Looking up to the distance and then to the surroundings, he said doubtfully , "An Yiyang, did you wake up just to let me accompany you to blow the cold wind together?"

"Of course not." An Yiyang reached out to hold her hand again, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Xiao Yang, thank you for coming with me today..."

When he said this, he didn't know the bottom of his heart.

She didn't forget that when he was camping, he overheard Yang Wang's words, and she has always regarded him as a friend.

"I want to have a chance..." He said in a low voice, looking at her affectionately.

Looking up, she shrank her hands subconsciously, as if she understood what his eyes meant...

But An Yiyang didn't let go, just like just now, he didn't let go either.

As he said that, in the distance of the river, on the other side of the city on the other side, fireworks were set off for a moment, and the dazzling light even hurt the eyes looking up for a moment.

The light from the fireworks illuminates the entire sea surface, the indescribable beauty, the splendor of red, the seductiveness of purple, especially against the backdrop of the dark scene, and the flashing words at that moment...

Looking up, I like you...

Like the crystals dotted on the black screen, the six words were instantly reflected in the looking up eyes, and a flash of surprise flashed in the eyes.

However, it was just a momentary surprise, that's all.

"Xiao Yang, can you give me a chance?" An Yiyang repeated what he said just now, with a bit of urgency in his tone.

Looking up and gently breaking free from his hands, lying on the railing with the gentle breeze, he only quietly suppressed the feeling of pity in his heart.

Feelings are enough if you can't sympathize.

She only has feelings for An Yiyang as a friend.

"Yi Yang..."

This is the first time Yang Wang called him by an affectionate name.

An Yiyang's eyes, which had gradually extinguished the light of hope, were revived in an instant, sparkling with anticipation.

"Are you sure you like me, not for a childhood wish?"

It's like what a child has always dreamed of, but didn't get it.

"Don't rush to answer me, let's make a bet, and I will convince you to lose..."

Yang Wang said without haste.

This is persistent looking up.

"Say it!" There was a firm light in his eyes.

"Opportunity - you have to give it yourself. It can be said that I treat you with the mentality of a friend, and I treat everyone..."

She is a cold-blooded person, maybe there is a place that can make her blood boil, but she can't live in the darkness of a killer forever.

An Yiyang's eyes suddenly became complicated, and he suddenly couldn't understand looking up, what kind of girl she is...

After so many years of being away, what has she experienced? All of this always enveloped her in a fog, separating the connection between them.

"I'll give you a chance. Back then, my father took five years to rise and become a top player in City C. You couldn't pass the test in his hands. However, I hope that after many years, you can follow my father. If you arrive At that time, you can still cling to today's attitude, then, I will ask you one last question..."

She suddenly turned her face and said with a smile, "How? It's very challenging. Win or lose is all yours."

Hold up your right hand.

An Yiyang gave her a high five without hesitation, expressing his no regrets.

"I will definitely, but Xiao Yang, before that..."

"How long do you think is more appropriate... I mean, how long do you think, I can fulfill my request. During this period of time, of course I am willing to abide by the rules of the game and will not be tempted by anyone..."

(End of this chapter)

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