Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 852 Keep Digging

Chapter 852 Keep Digging
Two people, one is sitting on the sofa, the other is sleeping on a luxurious big bed, but this is very common for Yang Wang, her life used to be like this in heaven and hell...

After finishing all this, Yang Wang then climbed back to bed, enjoying her paradise, while looking for a date with Zhou, by the way, thinking about how to walk through the door, at least let her go in and confirm Ling Hao's true identity...

This is also a good way to prescribe the right medicine.

Using a three-dimensional map to find people is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is not a particularly important thing, and it is not necessary.

If he has the identity of Ling Hao, everything about him will be revealed, and then I will show you my sister...

With such thoughts in mind, Yang Wang quickly fell asleep.

Woke up at six o'clock in the morning, slept for a while on the plane, and was woken up by Ling Hao, this would be the best time...

the room next door.

The waiter led the guest in the suit to the door and said politely, "Sir, this is your room. Please call the front desk if you need it, and we will serve you right away."

Seeing the waiter leave, the man in the suit suddenly asked again, "By the way, did those two live together just now?"

"Yes." The waiter lowered his head slightly and replied formally.

This is not considered privacy, so he is so straightforward.

After the man in the suit finished speaking, he went straight into his room, and the waiter standing outside felt a chill on his neck...


From noon, there was no call for lunch, and I fell asleep all the time.

When Yang Wang woke up, it was already seven or eight o'clock, and it was definitely because he was hungry that he was woken up.

When I woke up, [-] was on the computer, operating something quickly...

He yawned, looked up and sat beside her in a daze, "Xiao Er, what are you doing?"

"Brother, look—"

[-] took another blow to the head.

Looking up: "Remember next time, what kind of voice I have, and adapt it appropriately, elm head."

Only then did [-] divert his attention from the computer, and rubbed his forehead embarrassingly, "Sister Yang—" It's really difficult to serve.

"Well, what do you want me to see..." Yang Wang leaned over and looked at the computer in front of him.

It seems to be the route from the airport to the palace, but it looks like there is nothing special.

But those two cars, one driving in front and the other slowly chasing behind, are very conspicuous.

This is the recovery picture recorded on the car when they came here today...

"Xiao Er, are you researching the route to the airport?"

"Yes, but I discovered something by accident and had to tell you."

He stretched out his hand and zoomed in on a certain area.

The zoomed-in place is Ling Hao's car today.

"Car? Is there a problem?" She immediately caught the key point and looked carefully...

I reached out and clicked a few times, and the perspective view of the car immediately appeared in front of me, which was clear at a glance.

Looking up, his eyes suddenly tightened, and his brows were slightly frowned.

"Could it be that lucky that he didn't find out..."

[-] showed an innocent look, "Sister Yang is right, we were not discovered!"

Another hit on the forehead.


"I would rather believe that there are no ghosts in this world." Yang Wang muttered, then let go of his expression, shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently, "So what if he finds out, anyway, he doesn't know who I am, Xiaoer , we will continue to dig!"

(End of this chapter)

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