Chapter 854 Crazy
Lying on the big bed, looking up, thinking, if Hei Ming was there, they wouldn't need to beat around the bush and start from other places, and sneak into the palace directly. That method is simple and safe...

What exactly is Xiao Hei doing, there is no news at all.

Thinking of Hei Ming, she felt a wave of irritability for no reason, looked up listlessly lying on the bed, satiated and wanted to sleep, she didn't need to do these things before, she just watched.

"Xiao Hei...what is he busy with..."

Ask them to just say it's important, just don't tell her exactly what the task is.

If Ling Hao's affairs were to be cleared up quickly, she would go to find Xiao Hei. It took such a long time. What kind of mission is so strange that it would take a year.

And every time she talked to him, Hei Ming's tone was always calm, and there was nothing unusual about it.

He patted on the bed bitterly, looking up at the bottom of his heart, the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt, they were companions for more than ten years, so he was really willing to not see her for a year.

She could resist not going home for four years, but she could still watch it on the cold screen.

Will he not see her for several years, or will he never see her again?

Throw away the computer in your hand, pick up the communicator in your bag, and contact a certain black without hesitation...

Called, but no one answered.

"Hei Ming, I'll give you an hour, no, half an hour, if you don't reply to Lao Tzu's message again, you will never come to see me!"

Message, message again.

Looking up and roaring at the communicator, he slammed on the bed hard, his chest heaved and heaved, obviously out of anger.

She thought that she had quietly hidden Huang Ye's memory in her heart, but she always felt a little unreal about the current life in her heart, like walking into a dream, everything was not as real as it was at that time.

But only 3 minutes later, the communicator flashed a ray of red light, but he couldn't find it when he looked up.

It took only two or three seconds for the red color to turn off again, as if it had never flickered again.

Yang Wang is not an emotionally numb person, but she is afraid of Hei Mingshi, and a terrible thought flashes in her heart.

She left Hei Ming's side. Has Hei Ming completely forgotten her in a year?
How could this be……

The sadness in my heart is like entering a hypnotic state, and a burst of drowsiness hits unconsciously, but I suppress the sadness in my heart.

I don't know why, many times, she actually feels that Hei Ming is always by her side, and even she thinks that she has a strong hallucination.

Lie on the bed for a long time before regaining the feeling in my heart.

He raised his face, picked up the communicator again, and left a message.

The ups and downs in my heart flashed through, and finally I clicked on it, and there was only one sentence, "Good night."

Looking up and widening his eyes, he looked at the record on the communicator, ten minutes ago...

There is a record.

Immediately, all the sleeping insects were shot to death, "Hey...don't bring this kind...I just walked away quietly..."

Going back, no one cares about her anymore.

Looking up at the bottom of my heart, I went crazy, damn it, when she wasn't paying attention...

I want to cry without tears.

How did she know that Hei Ming returned after only two or three minutes.

Thought I'd have to wait a few more hours!
While holding the quilt and going crazy, [-] came back.

"Sister Yang, I'm back, that matter has been done..." Well...

A fierce gaze swept over, and [-] couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle.

It was a two-meter-high luxury bed, with feathers flying everywhere, sticky everywhere on the head, shoulders, and floor.

Looking up and seeing him come back, the eyes piercing through the communicator shot directly at [-]...

(End of this chapter)

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