Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 857 Has something to do with the royal family?

Chapter 857 Has something to do with the royal family?
"Tell me, this time I came back to find my grandmother. Every time it was Xiaotian and Yiyi who came back, your father always said that you were very busy, and there was no time to go home..."

"He's suing me..." Yang Wang, who has a different face, has the same personality as before, "We have video calls every month, but my father let me study at ease and don't have to worry about my family."

"Well, I also believe in my granddaughter, but Xin'er said that you changed schools, and now you are in City C with Xiaotian, are you still together?"

Looking up and nodding with a chuckle.

"Then this time..."

Looking up at Duzui, he said casually, "I was just curious about the identity of a classmate, but I couldn't find it out. I followed him a few days ago and went to King X's palace. I wonder if it has something to do with the royal family..."

Bai Xinlan's movement of holding her hand froze slightly, she frowned secretly, "Royal family?"

"Yeah, I took advantage of the summer vacation to follow..."

As he spoke, he peeked at her quietly and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although grandma is from the Karl family, she is from her own family. She just wants to know Ling Hao's identity, so there is nothing to hide.

"Then you want to take advantage of these few days to visit the royal family?" Bai Xinlan's eyes flashed, thinking of the past few days, she knew why she came...

Looking up and smiling, he acquiesced.

"It's not easy to get a list of the Karl family..." Bai Xinlan paused, with a sudden smile on her lips, she looked at Yang Wang, "Do I have the conditions?"

"The Karl family?" Looking up and shaking his head, he thought of Ling Hao who was smarter than a monkey, and said, "Grandma, can you create a humble family..."

Seeing Bai Xinlan's smiling face, she suddenly thought of a question...

This time it's not a grand gathering, but some big families were invited, and they shook Bai Xinlan's hand with a slap on the head, "Then I'll leave it to grandma..."

"Huh? So you want to get away with it?" Bai Xinlan didn't find it strange when she looked at the boy's face, she only kindly pampered her.

"Okay... just say it, if you can do it, you will definitely do it..." Looking up and sucking, his eyes rolled around.

"In the future, I will often come to country X for a sit-down. If possible, call your parents. I miss you very much..."

Sighing, he said helplessly, "In a year, there is even a rare opportunity, you know? Every time there is a holiday in country X, I always miss the days in country E, and I also want to go back to C City, but grandma is old, and your grandfather is busy with that every day..."

Looking up, a sense of guilt suddenly rose from the bottom of my heart, and I nodded seriously.

"When there are festivals in the future, Xiao Yang will definitely bring his elder brother and Yiran here as much as possible. As for parents, they will also."

Bai Xinlan swept away the sadness on her face, and couldn't help showing her face, "That way I can rest assured, but when you come back this time, you shouldn't be living in the Karl family... are you?"

Seen through by Bai Xinlan, she looked up and smiled, "Grandmother is really smart, I have something to do outside, the banquet is still ten days away, so I don't live here, and I can't stay in the Karl family without reason, causing trouble... ..."


As long as they are ordinary visitors, they don't feel familiar when they come out of the room, and they are just sent to leave.

When the royal family is involved, even their Karl family has to be careful. Has any member of the royal family gone to City C?

This doubt has been circling in Bai Xinlan's mind...

The Karl family also has a list of royal family members, but no one left country X at will, and what they don't know about it...

(End of this chapter)

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