Chapter 859 Means!

"You don't know me? I was sitting next to you on our flight in country E a few days ago..." Ling Hao didn't feel unnatural at all, but smiled brightly.

Taking the wrong medicine?

Looking up, this thought flashed through his mind, and he slapped it away immediately.

"Oh!" She looked very surprised, and smiled politely, "Boy, are you playing here too? I didn't ask you last time, what are you doing in Senna!"

"...Don't you think I look older than you!" Ling Hao hated the title of 'boy' very much.

"It's okay, I'm just used to calling me little brother, what a coincidence to meet you here!" As he spoke, he picked up the camera symbolically, and took a few more pictures at the scenic spot, asking.

It seems that there is not much interest in him, and he always keeps a distance.

It is the kind of person who looks enthusiastic but is actually very indifferent.

After thinking about it carefully, Ling Hao can find that the essence is the same.

Moreover, yesterday he followed his own car...

Is it looking up?
While Yang Wang was taking pictures and pretending to choose a scene, he glanced quietly and found an interesting thing.

When Ling Hao approached just now, she vaguely felt a murderous aura.

With a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he pointed to the DV in his hand and asked, "Hey, kid, help me find out what this thing is called. I remembered that I saw it in a travel guide yesterday, but I suddenly forgot what it was called... ..."

With such a good opportunity to test, how could Ling Hao let it go, just leaning over...

The two were talking and laughing. From a distance, their faces were close together, like a pair of good 'friends'.

Even [-] is willing to believe that this is a friend I look up to...

Dutifully hold up the camera.

Suddenly, he caught a killing intent around him, flashing very quickly, as if leaking out unintentionally, and looked at the source of that feeling, but he didn't see anyone.

He was extremely familiar with that feeling, the aura that belonged to his companion...

Even [-] can feel it, and is willing to believe that Hei Ming is really nearby...

Secretly admire.

I admire the depth of his hiding, and the looking up while chatting and laughing with other people over there, he suddenly read the deliberate meaning from the action of looking up!


With Ling Hao entangled in his footsteps, looking up can at least not be considered lonely.

But you have to be on guard everywhere, in case someone around you discovers something...

He did not forget that Ling Hao was looking for her everywhere.

It is expected that she will not give up this opportunity, and this Ling Hao's scheming is not ordinary.

"Boy, you haven't told me what you are doing in Senna?" After walking around the ancient buildings of the temple, he came out.

Avoid direct sunlight.

She pretended to lower her head to organize the photos she had just taken.

"Almost, but my family is in Country X. I wonder if you are interested in visiting me..." Ling Hao sent out the invitation very seriously, but doubts arose in his heart, and he was even more uncertain about the previous confirmation.

Compared with the previous attitude on the plane, this Wang Yue's attitude is much calmer.

As before, it was like deliberately provoking him... Indeed, he really didn't doubt it anymore.

If he hadn't followed him...

"I don't seem to have much interest, but I heard that the family in country X is very strict. Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I don't want to follow you into the muddy water. You don't look like a good person..." Yang Wang never said anything show mercy...

Ling Hao didn't feel the embarrassment of being rejected at all, he just smiled, "I haven't asked your name yet..."

===Evening 3===
(End of this chapter)

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