Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 863 So Heartless

Chapter 863 So Heartless
Two Fifty Zero walked out of a room in the hotel, and then returned to the room a few rooms away. That guess kept flashing through his mind...

Hei boss didn't let sister Yang know because of the mission, but this mission is really puzzling.

Following sister Yang?

I don't know what the boss was thinking, anyway, he couldn't figure it out, but since he lost this matter, he had to keep it a secret.

Walking back to the room, seeing Yang Wang still holding the camera in his hand, looking at it seriously, without saying much, just sitting quietly on his sofa.

"Little two..."

Looking up at the faint voice...

"Sister Yang, what's the matter?" [-]'s face was extraordinarily calm, with a less cold feeling.

Looking up, he turned upside down and asked with a frown, "Your photography skills are so rubbish, has the camera ever left you?"

Her gaze was fixed on the rapidly flipping photos, and she felt an indescribable feeling looking up. Even if she suspected someone in the photos, she couldn't be sure because the distance was too far away.

And I searched all these photos, but none of them were taken in a normal way.

So she suspects...

He put his gaze back on [-] and looked him up and down.

[-]'s expression didn't change, it just thought about it seriously, "What you said is, because I was anxiously waiting in the coffee shop, I seemed to go to the bathroom halfway, and the camera bag was left on the table.

Yang Wang immediately retracted his gaze, thinking about something else.

A drop of cold sweat broke out in [-]'s heart...

Fortunately, Boss Hei helped him figure out the reason, otherwise...

Just now Boss Hei was dealing with the group of stalkers, and happened to be photographed by him, and the fact that the camera was deleted once, I really can't hide it.

"I knew it, he must have done it again, but why did he..." Yang Wang's tone was a little disappointed, and he paused, "Xiao Er, did you get rid of the tail that followed me?"


No wonder!
"He's so ruthless, he hides from me everywhere, how did I offend him..." Looking up, holding his chin, he muttered.

Looking at the occasional figures in those photos, they were the same as ordinary tourists, but she felt that it was Hei Ming.

Those few people gave him what task, after much deliberation, the problem can only be due to the task, but...

He is following her.

Secret protection?

Xiao Er said, those tails were all dealt with by him, what was Hei Ming doing quietly lurking around her...

I really can't figure it out.

Two Fifty Zero glanced around guiltily, and finally froze on the computer. He is not suitable to intervene in the boss's affairs, but thinking about it, the current situation does not mean intervening indirectly.


Still fell for the black boss!

Moreover, after boarding the pirate ship, but still unable to get off, if Sister Yang finds out that he is lying to her in a mess, then...


For ten days, Yang Wang was busy walking around, letting [-] continue to monitor, and at the same time was busy shaking off the tail around her, especially Ling Hao who appeared from time to time, which drove her crazy.

For ten days, nothing.

Even after that, no suspicious figure was ever photographed again, and she didn't feel his presence either.

This feeling made Yang Wang feel more irritable and helpless than ever before.

I vent to the communicator every day, and there are only two words every day, good night.


She began to faint slowly.

For the last two days, she stayed in the hotel directly, sleeping with her head covered, and she didn't even pay attention to the [-].

(End of this chapter)

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