Chapter 866

Lika bounced around and looked up, admiring, "You really look like me, Xiao Yang is really amazing..."

"Hey, let me use your identity to go to the palace and do something."

Lika was puzzled, "Why do you want to borrow my identity? But grandma agrees, it's nothing...Xiao Yang..."

Looking up, he stretched out his hand, patting her small head with a paw.

"Sister, who will allow you to take a small Yang, little girl, she is as tall as me, she grew up on hormones!" Yang Wang was a little aggrieved.

Lika rubbed her head, "Everyone calls you that, and you look like me now, you look really small..."

"Uh huh, it's time for another shot. Is it because your aunt and the others are not here, so you dominate?"

"I've always dominated."

Lika curled her lips in boredom, "Why don't you go back this time and take me with you, I also want to go to City C."

Picking up the cosmetics on the side, slowly tinkering with it...

"Hasn't Auntie come back all this time? Well, you are here at this time..." Looking up, who just got up, suddenly realized a problem.

Lika came to her with her grandmother's consent. What was her reason...

Picking up the face brush, she smiled softly, "I'm here to help you with your makeup, because only I know myself..."

Looking up at the epiphany, nodded and sat down.

Let her paint and paint on that face.

Lika is the daughter of Aunt Sheng Min, and her aunt stays in City C a lot of the time, leaving Lika in the Karl family to accompany her grandmother.

Thinking about it, she felt ashamed.

My aunt gave birth to a daughter to replace her, not to give birth to a child.

"Lika, you are also on summer vacation, what are you doing recently..."

He picked up a topic at random, and talked to her a few more words to Yang Wang.

Perhaps it was because she found a suitable peer to talk to, Lika couldn't stop talking, and kept talking...

Coming out of the Karl family, looking up is holding Mr. Vader's arm, even the smile on his face is exactly the same as Lika's.

Sit in the car of the Karl family and slowly drive towards the royal palace of Country X.

For a long time, Lika has been known to outsiders for her cute side and her innocence. This is a new difficulty for Yang Wang.

In twenty minutes, the Carl family's car slowly entered the dedicated parking space of the palace.

Get out of the car, look up and take a quick look, and find that the surrounding security is not as strict as usual.

It is as majestic as a temple, with huge arches, and the stones of the huge arches are painted with complicated patterns and patterns. Only after walking through the long corridors, do you know the magnificence. There are precious art giants on the walls. The shining crystal chandelier perfectly interprets the status of the royal family, solemn and solemn.

Coming out of the corridor, the field of vision suddenly widens, and the palaces and palaces make people unable to help but understand their historical details.

With a hasty glance, I looked up and didn't want to see it, and didn't want to know.

Holding Mr. Wade's arm, he was led into the royal garden for an open-air banquet.

As soon as they stepped in, someone came up to say hello.

"Mr. Vader, Miss Lika."

"Oh! Miss Rika is here too..."

" are here too, I haven't seen you for so many days, what have you been doing..."


Looking up just smiled sweetly, and said in the familiar language of country X, "Hi everyone, it's nice to meet you."

As the first family, the Karl family naturally has many people they want to please, and they look up to them better than anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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