Chapter 869

In the eyes of outsiders, from the beginning to the end, Vader was very indifferent to this granddaughter named grandfather.

"Mr. Wade, let the doctor treat her injured arm first, and take a rest. After all, she was injured in the palace..."

No one knows why Prince Andrew went up to care about this little girl.

Anyone with glasses could tell that this girl was not favored by Mr. Wade, the head of the family.

But no one thought about why this happened, otherwise, they wouldn't have brought her into the palace.

But Ling Hao thought of this, and always felt that it seemed a bit unreasonable for Vader to let people go when the banquet just started.

But I can't tell...

Looking at the little girl named Lika again, his eyes were full of grievances, and before he knew it, he walked over and opened his mouth.

Vader's face turned pale, but his tone did not relax, "Then I will trouble the doctor."

As soon as Prince Andrew made a gesture, a maid ran over and helped Lika to leave first.

"Mr Vader seems to be very strict with his children..."

Prince Andrew asked seemingly unintentionally.

His eyes just glanced over the person who left without looking too much, just like what he did just now, it wasn't him.

When Vader and him looked at each other, there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "The prince is right, you should be stricter with your children..."

Prince Andrew also smiled, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced at the girl who tripped Lika on purpose just now, but only lightly, and didn't stay long.

"I'm referring to my granddaughter, this shouldn't be the heir of the Karl family!" He asked with a smile.

Vader withdrew his expression, as if being poked in a sore spot, and sighed softly, "It can be said that the prince must also know that Augustine, as the heir, is not in the Karl family, he has his own business , did not return..."

Andrew seemed very interested and made an inviting gesture.

On the other side, the king also chatted with people from other families in a friendly manner, laughing constantly...

After leaving the sight of everyone, the sound of sobbing looking up slowly subsided, and the maid led her into the place where the royal family entertained guests, where the doctor was already waiting.

Looking at the red and swollen arm, the doctor said softly, "It's just scratched the skin, not the bones. I'll just give you some medicine. Miss Lika, please hold on..."

There was a sobbing sound from his nose, and he looked up at the wound on his arm, with a large amount of blood, which looked extremely scary.

The depths of the eyes are cold.

She could have left immediately, maybe she was too anxious, so did Ling Hao notice it?
Or for other reasons.


A few minutes later, the wound was bandaged, and perhaps because of the redness of her arm, her face turned pale again.

Just stay in the drawing room to rest.

There are maids waiting on the side...

"You go out first, I want to rest for a while, I will find you again if I have something to do."

Lika said lightly.


All the maids slowly withdrew, leaving her here alone.

Beware that partitions have ears, and there are obviously a few places here that are equipped with surveillance.

Sitting on the bed, curled up and hugging her legs, her head buried deeply between her arms, she was still sobbing, as if she had been greatly wronged.

Taking advantage of the quiet opportunity of this small meeting, Yang Wang was thinking about the things confirmed just now...

Ling Hao is not only a member of the royal family, but also a prince, Prince Andrew, so why did he appear in City C...

===Evening 3===
(End of this chapter)

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