Chapter 886
When one climbs to the top, if one gives up easily for the other...

She didn't think An Yiyang would give up easily.

Even with An Yiyang's obsession with her, she wouldn't believe it.

"You said something stupid again, but you said it yourself, okay, I'll bandage you up first." Hei Ming felt a strange feeling in his heart, that kind of warm feeling.

But can no longer continue.

Otherwise, he really couldn't restrain his emotions.

Yang Wang just quietly let go of him, let him lead them, and the two walked towards the control room.

"Xiao Hei... We will always be this good, you are mine..." Yang Wang started to lose his temper again.

Hei Ming's back stiffened suddenly, and the feeling of his arms being hugged made his heart explode again.


With a promise, I couldn't help but quicken my pace.

"Hey - I said why are you running!" Yang Wang stomped behind him.

Walking out of the control room, you can still feel the smell left by a group of people.

damn it.

He even eavesdropped again!
Looking up and rubbing his nose, just listen!

After leaving the medicine room, Hei Ming prepared some medicinal powder for wound healing, while Hei Ming was still asking, "Does it hurt?"

Looking up, pouted lightly, and shook his head.

Hei Ming frowned, he really could do it, this is his own body...

Couldn't help giving her a blow.

Looking up at the gentle movement, she felt a burst of joy in her heart, and she knew...

As [-] said, she knows her partner best.

Hei Ming will not leave her alone.

After thinking about it, it's just that everyone is hiding her mission.

But since she agreed to Hei Ming, she will not ask for the time being.

I really regret what I said to An Yiyang back then.

"...Xiao Hei, have you been following me all this time? I didn't tell anyone about the matter with An Yiyang."

"..." Hei Ming.

It seems to be exposed.

"...It seems that you really have been following me all this time." Yang Wang curled his lips, his eyes fell on his big hand, feeling very relieved.

"Will you still follow me like this in the future?"

"You don't want to?" Hei Ming looked at her nervously.

Looking up and thinking about it, she is still in school, and Hei Ming can never enter her school...

"For the sake of every time you prepare breakfast for me, okay..."

The corner of Hei Ming's mouth twitched, and he held her hand lightly, reluctant to let go.


A moment of silence.

"Ahem——" [-] coughed a few times outside the door.

"That... Sister Yang, I heard that the Karl family is looking crazy, what should we do here..."

He just stood outside the door and shouted, but didn't go in.

"Follow the kidnapping process and let them find it."

Always fool those royal eyes.

"Xiao Hei, did the master give you the information?"

Hei Ming nodded, "This person is very dangerous, I have been paying attention to it carefully."

"It's not this person who is dangerous! It's his identity..."

Hei Ming shook his head, "This man is well hidden, and I spent a lot of effort investigating him, but found nothing."

Apart from knowing his identity, he doesn't know anything.

"The information about Prince Andrew, even in the database of Country X, is very simple. I think it involves a struggle between forces. The current calm is only the early stage."

His first task is to protect Yang Wang, and everything else comes second.

"This fellow hides so deeply?" Yang Wang frowned, not noticing that the two of them were still holding hands.

(End of this chapter)

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