Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 893 Emotional Problems

Chapter 893 Emotional Problems
"It's nothing fun, but I plan to go shopping with Wen Xiaowei this afternoon, do you want to follow?"

Hei Ming's breath stagnates.

Did he do it too obviously, so that there is a danger of losing the mission at any time.


Just shut up.

It's good to know what's in your heart.

"Okay, okay, if you don't tell me, I don't want to ask..."

Hearing that she was upset, Hei Ming also felt uncomfortable, "Yang, I'm not..."

Looking up and listening to him quietly, but didn't hold out much hope.

Every time he talked about the key points, Hei Ming would not continue.

"Xiao Hei, I still miss my old life, at least you won't hide from me for no reason..."

Looking up and curling his lips, he said, "If you have something to tell me, we are still the best partners——

I find myself inseparable from you. "


The former sentence fell into a bottomless abyss, and the latter sentence was like being fished out of ice water.

Hei Ming's heart almost jumped into his throat.

"Yang, you know what you're talking about..." There was a trace of tension in the voice.

Looking up hates others to question themselves the most.

But Hei Ming didn't mean that...

"Are you questioning my feelings?" Yang Wang snorted coldly, "Next time you say something like this, I will ignore you."

"Look up!"


"Have you thought about..."


Hearing that he was hesitating again, looking up, his thin eyebrows twisted into twists, "Say it or not."

"Perhaps in a few years, you won't need me anymore." Hei Ming's voice was very weak, so weak that almost no emotion could be heard.

But Yang Wang felt that he was very unhappy.


Why do you think so!
Looking up and asking curiously.

"If you make an agreement with An Yiyang, you can continue..."

Looking up and turning his eyes a few times, his brows did not open, "Xiao Hei, you are really strange. If I am not sure about something, I will not do it. An Yiyang's persistence is like being possessed by a demon. This is liking, isn't it?" like."

That's what her mommy said.

"That's what the fireworks said that day, he likes to look up, not love—"

"..." Hei Ming.

Yang Wang thought for a while, then asked boredly, "However, Xiao Hei, what kind of feelings do you have for Xiao Yang?"

Yang Wang suddenly became interested and asked.

"..." Hei Ming was silent for a while.

In fact, it's already stressful.

"Can we talk later?"

Looking up and waiting for a long time, I was extremely upset when I waited for this sentence, "What's the matter? You don't love me, do you?"


"You what? You don't love me, or like me, do you?"

snorted coldly.

It really is a killer, really cold.

"Yang, there will be someone you love in the future! Then I won't be needed." Hei Ming said lightly.

"So what?" Yang Wang's heart skipped a beat.

When asked such a question suddenly, she didn't know how to answer it.

Will there be someone to love?

What kind of person would she like? Speaking of the person she likes, the first thing that pops up in her mind is the shadow of Hei Ming.

Cheeks are hot...

"I'll make your lunch and put it on the table, don't be hungry."

"...Hei Ming, can't you say something nice? Huh?"

The signal was suddenly cut off.

"..." Looking up.

Damn Xiaohei, next time I see you again, I will make you suffer a little bit, because I dared to take the initiative to cut off the signal.

No, no, I haven't finished my question yet, damn Xiaohei, I haven't finished my question yet, why did you disconnect, I haven't asked clearly, my question just now—"

separated by a wall...

Hei Ming tightly clenched the communicator in his hand, his heart was beating wildly, as if about to jump out of his chest, but luckily he cut it off in time.

(End of this chapter)

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