Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 895 Love Idiot

Chapter 895 Love Idiot
"Besides, today is Qixi Festival, which is most likely to cause sentimentality for single people, but according to my analysis, you don't look lost, so I wonder if you are hovering on the edge of some choice, isn't it just a sign of emotional problems? When the time, the kind of tangled..."

Wen Xiaowei murmured on the side, as if holding back a summer vacation, she looked up and picked her ears.

"Since when did you become an emotional expert?" Yang Wang curled his lips in confusion.

Wen Xiaowei chuckled, "I've always known that after watching so many TV series, I've never eaten pork, but I've always seen pigs run away."


"..." Looking up.

"In that case, I'm welcome."

Wen Xiaowei's eyes lit up, it really happened.

"I ask you, I asked my friend a question today..."

Looking up and seeing her shining eyes, it's like watching some star...

"How does he feel about me—he's my partner." Seeing that her eyes were instantly ambiguous, Yang Wang quickly explained with goosebumps all over her body.
"Don't get me wrong, but he answered me directly. He just sent a message saying that when I understand how I feel about him, I will know his answer..."

Looking up at Wen Xiaowei, puzzled, "Say, isn't it weird? Besides, until now, I haven't thought of how to answer him..."

"..." Wen Xiaowei.

This is a love idiot.

Based on her understanding of Yang Wang, no matter what kind of boys she is with, she always has a joking attitude, hiding if she can, and playing tricks if she can't.

But there are still countless moths flying to the flame.

Seeing that Wen Xiaowei's eyes suddenly became very strange, Yang Wang asked with a strange expression, "Tell me quickly, do you know his answer?"

"..." Wen Xiaowei.

We all know it normally.

"Hahaha!! I laughed so hard, the question of looking up is so silly..." Wen Xiaowei burst out laughing, clutching her stomach, and burst into tears.

After a year of getting along, the relationship between the two has become a no-holds-barred relationship.

This is the most essential side of the well-behaved Wen Xiaowei.

When I looked up, my face turned black.

She didn't say it to make her laugh. Besides, is there anything funny about this question?
This smile immediately attracted countless people to look at the two of them. The most important thing was that they were standing by the wishing pool in Rome Square.

On the evening of the Qixi Festival, countless couples made wishes here...

"Ahem... You have enough time! Tell me the answer when you've laughed enough, so that I don't have to answer his question, but I can still know..." Yang Wang wanted to take a shortcut, but she had a thick skin anyway, and besides, she didn't know Wen Xiaowei What are you laughing at.

Wen Xiaowei laughed until she cried.

"Xiao Yang, tell me, your partner is always a man!"

In order to avoid that oolong thing, she still has to make sure.

"Well, what's the matter?"

"!!!" Wen Xiaowei was speechless.

Can she say, did she hurt that person?

Moreover, Xiao Yang may have been in love with her for a long time without knowing it...


Does her partner feel particularly helpless in the face of such an emotionally vain partner?
"Oh...Xiao Yang, actually, I really can't give you an accurate answer to this kind of emotional question, because I don't know your partner, can I?" Things that people want. .

"Then what were you laughing at just now—" Looking up dangerously, he narrowed his eyes.

If you dare to lie to me, you will die.

Wen Xiaowei thought for a while, "Actually, I don't know how to express it, because it's hard to express feelings. After reaching a certain level, I will understand it naturally!"

(End of this chapter)

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