Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 917 The poisoning has been deep

Chapter 917 The poisoning has been deep (5)

Looking up at the fire, he pulled his finger back faster than him, and said angrily, "An Yiyang, your skin is itchy again! You actually grabbed something directly from my hand."

"These duties belong to the trash can, let me help you!" An Yiyang smiled brightly and stretched out his hand.

Yang Wang snorted coldly, "My things are up to me, since my sister sent them, of course I have to personally open them."

Looking at the things in her hands, she had a strange feeling, and that feeling guided her to reach out to take it apart.

In front of An Yiyang, she opened it provocatively.

An Yiyang's face suddenly turned foul, and he aimed at the right time, planning to do it again.

But Yang Wang was prepared and avoided it deftly.

"Ha! You can't catch it!" Looking up and waving the envelope in his hand, his proud eyes touched the resolute font, and the smile on his face froze all of a sudden.

An Yiyang took the opportunity and scratched away.

"Let's see, which brat dares to dig the wall in an open and honest way..." An Yiyang looked around, but he didn't find the mystery inside. Seeing Yang Wang was stunned, "Xiao Yang, what's wrong with you?"

Looking up and shaking his head lightly, "It's nothing, I'm just surprised."

An Yiyang looked uncertainly at the small face that had recovered to such a small face, vaguely aware of something different, but couldn't tell.

In that letter, there was only one word, Yang.

The others didn't notice the face-changing moment of looking up, but they still saw it clearly.

But Ling Hao didn't see this scene because he left halfway.

Ling Hao didn't see it, but Kelly did.

As long as she has a chance to take advantage of the loopholes, she will never let Yang Wang go.

The two classes were held consecutively, with a brief break of 5 minutes in between, and the class was held again, looking up at the finger resting on the phone, as if wandering and hesitating.

She recognized that word, not only the word she recognized, but also the title...

In the second half of the class, she was still immersed in her own thoughts, without any thought of listening to the class.

"Sister, that thing..."

In the end, I couldn't bear it anymore.

She warned herself in her heart that she was going to find Heiming to settle accounts.

His eyes were fixed on Yi Yi who was listening to the class seriously, and he frowned, was he too serious.

Didn't even read the information.

Looking at the other side, her elder brother always looked careless.

Very low-key.

It is only in this course that they are in the same classroom.

Waiting impatiently, he also took a few glances at the professor who was giving the lecture, and felt that his eyes seemed to be fixed on Yi Yi intentionally or unintentionally.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

Could it be an illusion.

As soon as the phone lights up, I look up and feel happy.

"Under the big tree in the playground... If I remember correctly, someone will be waiting there..."

Still replied.

So, in the last ten minutes, looking up was like having a nail under the buttocks, restless.

After class, Yang Wang said calmly, "Xiaowei, you go back first, I have something to do when I go out."

Wen Xiaowei nodded thoughtfully.

"When will you come back?"

"I don't know, maybe soon, maybe very slowly." Yang Wang shrugged.

"Well, then I'll go eat first."

Wen Xiaowei packed up her books and left first.

Look up to the slow motions and walk behind everyone.

Beside her, An Yiyang walked quickly to her side, "Xiao Yang, shall we go together?"

"I have something to do soon." Yang Wang said lightly.

"Are you busy? Why are you always busy... hey... you wait for me..." An Yiyang chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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