Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 993 Still Disappointed

Chapter 993 Still Disappointed (9)

"Xiao Yang, where have you been so late?"

Still sitting in the room without the lights turned on, he was so scared that he felt guilty, and walked over to turn on the power.

Seeing Yi Yi who was sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, his heart skipped a beat.

She still has a lot of time to study, and rarely touches her phone all the time. Looking at her posture, she has been sitting here for a long time.

Looking up and scratching her head with a smirk, "Sister, what are you... I just go out and do something, nothing else!"

"Do you know that when you feel guilty, you will make some little moves?" Still frowning, thinking that I didn't see anyone when I came in just now, I was always worried...


Yang Wang hurriedly raised his rubbing hands and surrendered.

"I went out to do some errands."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Ah? Yiyi, what's wrong with you?" Looking up, her heart tightened, and she walked over to find that her eyes were a little wet, and her voice...

"Xiao Yang, you don't like Parker, do you?" Still unwilling to believe and asked.

After thinking about it, I feel that it is related.

"elder sister--"

Yang Wang didn't want to lie to her, but just kept his mouth shut. There would definitely be an explanation for this matter.

"You have something to do with Parker when you go out? You also know about Edmund's house?"

Still feeling cramped, he clenched his fingers nervously.

She wanted to ask to look up, if she said it herself, her father would definitely not agree——

Looking up and sitting down helplessly, "Yiyi, you believe in your eyes, and I believe in mine, our feelings are different!"

Looking up at the newly replaced door lock, he knew that he should have been found absent, and there was still something urgent.

As for the urgent matter, of course Parker's family has something to do with it, which is what she just explained, lesson!
"I know, but can you help Parker this time, he has never begged me, I really want to help him!" Still begging.

The looking up room suddenly became quiet, "Sister, if you want to help him, why don't you just tell Dad that Mom and Dad have never favored anyone, what are you hesitating about?"

Still pupils shrank suddenly, eyes flickering.

It's not a good taste to be talked about.

"I was worried that my father would not agree... But I promised Parker, and I will definitely help this time!"

Looking up and pursing his lips, he said irrefutably, "You also know Dad's character, if he doesn't agree! Did you just give up? Or like now, you are forced to come to me to help you, if Dad thinks it's wrong , even if it’s me, I’m afraid I can’t do it, can’t I?!”

Still biting his lips, he got up, "I won't give up, if Dad doesn't agree, I will accompany him!"

He walked out of the room without looking back.

Looking up and squinting her eyes, her brows were frowning, what does she mean?This counts as angry?
damn it!
Are you angry about that kind of person?
He pounded his fist on the pillow beside him, and lay down abruptly, feeling worried from the bottom of his heart.

If things continue like this, will she really fall out with her parents?

Looking up, a dim light flashed in his eyes. If it didn't work, he could only tell her the truth.

Cut through the mess!
Thinking of this, he issued another order, don't put the other party to death, otherwise they will find a breakthrough point from Yi Yi if they are in a hurry.

Looking up helplessly, he covered his face with a pillow.

How can I get Parker to leave?

money?Will it?

It's still their entire Sheng family, and if they don't give up, something will happen sooner or later...

(End of this chapter)

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