Yipin farm, excellent husband

Chapter 149: A scholar meets a soldier

Chapter 149: A scholar meets a soldier (3)
The woman in the policeman's clothes breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that An Yue didn't look like a villain, but her father was also in a dilemma. I don't know why this case attracted the attention of so many adults!

When the two arrived at the yamen, An Yue was immediately pushed into the courtroom. In addition to the magistrate who was sitting upright, there were other people on the left and right sides of the hall.

When Xilinggui saw the person beside him, his face turned cold.

Zhan Jinpeng!
Janning'er's father!

"Pa - the prisoner in the audience, why don't you kneel when you see me!" the magistrate knocked on the gavel and said.


An Yue had no choice but to become a prisoner before the case was tried?
Xilinggui gave the people on the stage a cold look, and took out a token from his pocket. This token was exactly the same as the one that Qinghan took out in Liancheng back then.

When the magistrate saw it, he broke out in a cold sweat. Xilinggui had removed his mask now, so he didn't recognize him, but he didn't expect that An Gouyue really had something to do with General Xiling. With the items of the general!

When An Yue saw Xilinggui showing the badge, she probably knew its function, just like Yu Che, there is also the black jade badge of Yixian Valley, which is a symbol of status.

"Si-since there is a warrant from General Xiling, then...then you don't have to...kneel! However, the emperor broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people, so everyone in the audience should report their names quickly!" The magistrate restrained his words a little, The word "prisoner" didn't dare to call it casually.

"An hook moon."

What An Yue was staring at at this time was another adult. That man had a decent face, but there was some resentment in his eyes.

"An Gouyue, where did you go at Shenshi yesterday!"

"In her own yard!" An Yue frowned. Shen Shi was between three and five o'clock yesterday afternoon. At this time, she was pouring the soap out of the mold. She was the only one in the whole yard at that time, because Fearing that the two children would eat the soap by mistake, she asked Luer to watch...

"Nonsense! Someone saw you walking towards the small forest to the east at Shenshi yesterday!" The magistrate yelled, but he didn't even dare to use the gavel, and the atmosphere was very strange.

When An Yue heard this, she suddenly felt that this matter became more and more interesting. Not only did she say that she killed someone, but now she has found a witness?

"The woman wants to see who saw me go to the grove!" Every time An Yue gets angry, there will be a creepy look between her eyebrows, even if the magistrate has interrogated countless prisoners, he can't I've never seen An Yue and that follower like this.

"Bring witnesses!"

As soon as the magistrate opened his mouth, some policemen escorted him in. The man came with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, his eyes flashed, and he staggered even more when he walked. He looked a bit treacherous.

The female police officer also frowned. It was the first time she saw this witness, but she immediately became more convinced of An Yue.

"The villain, He Hai, has seen the grown-up." The man prostrated himself on the ground as soon as he entered the courtroom, and shouted respectfully.

"He Hai, did you see the woman in front of you go to the grove with your own eyes?" the prefect asked.

The man looked at An Yue with roguish eyes, and was stunned for a moment, such a beauty is really attractive!

An Yue could clearly see his little move, and immediately felt a little mocking.

Then He Hai stared at An Yue for a long time before saying, "My lord, what I saw that day was the woman in front of me."

"Oh? Then I'm going to ask this little brother. There are many passers-by on the road every day. Why do you remember me? Could it be that you have the ability to predict? Or is it that the people in the grove are You killed it, so you just find someone to frame it?" An Yue said lightly, without anger, as if this matter had nothing to do with her, which made He Hai tremble inexplicably.

After a while, He Hai said: "The girl is beautiful, so the villain took a few more glances, and there was no one around the girl at that time, so the villain followed her a few more steps because he was worried that the girl would be in danger."

"So according to you, you saw me kill someone?" An Yue asked again.

Then He Hai obviously didn't expect An Yue to ask such a question, but he also felt that if he confessed, the other party's crime of murder would be implemented more quickly, and Dang even said: "The villain is far away, but I vaguely saw that this is a woman and the deceased. meeting, and not long after, a dispute arose, and the woman killed the man in a fit of rage."

The prefect frowned, that's not what He Hai said at first.

"Then tell me, how did I kill the person, did I use a machete, or an iron rod, or did I curse the person before they fell down?" An Yue raised her eyebrows and asked, as soon as she finished speaking, The female catcher laughed lightly, and the magistrate in the hall cast a blank glance.

How could this man know how Qi's father died? What others asked him to say was just the testimony of seeing An Yue go to the grove, but he made a contribution and boasted a few more words. The method of death is different, that is perjury, in this era, giving perjury is also a crime, at least you have to get dozens of slaps before you can get out.

Sure enough, when An Yue asked this question, the man pondered for a while, looked at the magistrate with flickering eyes and said, "At that time, I was far away and couldn't see clearly... I saw them gesticulate for a while, and the man fell down!"

"An Gouyue, your name was written on the side of the deceased, and now someone testified that you were arguing with the deceased, what else do you have to say!" the magistrate said sharply.

Qi Huairong, who was watching from outside, had a look of grief and indignation, his hands were clenched and trembling.

"The name can be written by someone else, and the witness card may also be bribed. Naturally, the women will not accept it." An Yue calmed down.

"You still don't admit it!" Qi Huairong affirmed, and couldn't bear it anymore and rushed to the court: "My father told me that he is going to see you!"

"Young master Qi, your father said he came to see me, but did you see it with your own eyes? You like to hear what your father said so much, why don't you go down and meet him after you die, and I will use this corpse just now , so that the magistrate can see and see, if I really killed the person, would I still let the corpse lie there in broad daylight?"

Qi Huairong's face turned blue and pale for a while, An Yue had never talked to him like that, and An Yue looked like she wanted him to die with his father!
Qi Huairong was stunned for a moment, then knelt down in front of the magistrate, and said: "Master magistrate! My father offended An Gouyue, so the shop couldn't last anymore. Yesterday afternoon, my father suddenly told me that An Gouyue would When I saw him, I said that I wanted to help him with the business of the shop, and he went out at that time, but he never came back... She must, must have killed my father!" Qi Huairong gritted his teeth in the last sentence, no more love.

Some people are like this, love too deeply, if they can't get what they want, they will turn that love into destruction!
(End of this chapter)

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