Yipin farm, excellent husband

Chapter 170 The Enemy Meets, Extremely Jealous

Chapter 170 The Enemy Meets, Extremely Jealous (5)
The only hut is too simple, with only two bedrooms and a hall, which is worse than An Yue's house in Nankou Village, and one of the two bedrooms should be the old housekeeper's, and the other is Xilinggui. Occasional accommodation.

Seeing the woman who took off the cloak, the old housekeeper felt even happier. It is naturally good for the major general to have a woman he likes.

"Does the housekeeper live alone in this yard every day?" An Yue asked respectfully after taking a sip of water.

The butler was taken aback, then quickly bent over, and said: "Young general doesn't like crowds, this yard is just old slaves."

On weekdays, even if Xiling returned, the subordinates around him would all sleep outside the door, or watch the night in the yard.

An Yue felt sour. The old butler also looked about 70 to [-] years old, with gray hair, hunched over, and much weaker than his grandfather. Now he lives in this place by himself at his age, and something may happen to him in the future. No one knows.

Looking at Xilinggui, he said, "Why don't we let the old housekeeper come back to live with us in the village in a few days? My grandfather will accompany us to chat and talk, so we won't feel lonely."

"Girl, this old servant will guard this house." The old butler said.

The house was originally not so big. When the old general was alive, the yard was just right, and the family was happy. But at that time, the major general was still young, but after the old general left, the emperor kept giving the house and the courtyard, and it got worse day by day. It is big, and the layout inside is different every day. The major general was upset when he saw it. Within a day, he sent troops to razed all the yards to the ground, and only made a place that was enough for shelter.

"This house is so desolate, Xiling Gui is often away, what's the point of you staying here all the time, it's better to find a place for the elderly to live up to, Xiling Gui, don't you think so?" An Yue said again.

The old butler was taken aback, looking at Xilinggui.

I saw Xiling Gui petting out the floating leaves in the tea, saying: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

The old butler was so excited, he never thought that his major general didn't refuse!

Under the trembling beard, his mouth was too excited to speak.

An Yue didn't say anything anymore, the four of them had a simple meal, and then rested separately, and An Yue had only one choice to sleep with Xiling Gui.

After another two days of shopping with Xilinggui, June [-]th finally arrived.

Xilinggui had already greeted An Yue, so she naturally knew that this day was about a marriage contract, although if Xilinggui didn't want to marry An Zhen'er, no one would be able to stop her, but the royal family and the imperial will will always give people There is a feeling that An Zhen'er is the main wife, and An Yue doesn't want to make trouble for herself, so she also wants to show her best.

On the morning of June [-]th, Xilinggui brought a new suit of clothes to help An Yue dress neatly. His movements were gentle, and he was even careful with the black hair, for fear of hurting her.

An Yue didn't bring a maid with her, so she naturally did the makeup by herself.

But fortunately, Xilinggui helped her paint her eyebrows, and her skin was fine and fair, and she was beautiful even without makeup, so she only put on light makeup and put on the step-by-step golden hairpin sent by Xilinggui. The shabby carriage carried them, and the two entered the palace together.

On this day, the children of the famous families in Kyoto and the lady from the boudoir all walked towards the palace at the same time. Luxurious carriages or sedan chairs were being carried in and out non-stop. An Yue's old-fashioned carriage was very conspicuous.

Of course, with the financial resources of Xilinggui and An Yue, how could they not even be able to afford a carriage?She just thinks that it is enough for people to dress up solemnly, and the carriage is just a means of transportation, so there is no need to pursue it too much.

What's more, carriages cannot enter the imperial garden.

The "unique" carriage made these ladies and young masters of the noble family horrified, thinking that it must be the concubine or concubine of some family.

However, as soon as the people in the car appeared, many people dared not speak nonsense for a long time.

It is said that Xilinggui brought a woman to swagger through the city, and the woman was dressed in ordinary clothes, resembling a peasant girl from the countryside, but now, she was wearing a light pink gauze dress, and her black hair seemed to flow like a waterfall. Looking at that face again, It was even more shocking!
The eldest lady of An Guogong's family also entered the palace gate, and it was inevitable that they would meet each other.

An Zhen'er's white dress was inlaid with gold threads, shining in the sun, like a fairy descending to earth, her proud and confident smile was enough to make all women feel ashamed, her temperament has always been unparalleled.

However, at this moment, all the young masters and ladies know that An Zhen'er is not the only goddess, but the calm woman next to Xilinggui should be the one to be noticed!

"I didn't expect General Xiling to really bring Mrs. An. I really don't mind helping Mrs. An on such an occasion. After all, Mrs. An grew up in a farmhouse since she was a child, and she is somewhat uncomfortable." An Zhen'er said softly. Smile, the tone is flat, but it is indeed like a thunderbolt in the mouth of others.

Such a dusty woman turned out to be a peasant girl!

Then she was the one who swaggered through the market with General Xiling?

Immediately, the look in An Yue's eyes changed, ridicule, disdain, jealousy...

The rumors must be wrong. How could General Xiling carry things for a peasant girl and serve her left and right?
An Yue had thought of this scene earlier, so she just smiled lightly and said, "Is the young man next to Miss An not here? I remember that Miss An would never let that young man leave her body no matter where she went."

Boy, naturally refers to Anwei.

With An Zhen'er's identity, it is naturally impossible to bring a servant along to the banquet in the palace compound.

An Zhen'er's complexion changed, An Wei disappeared, she sent people to search for it for a long time but failed to find it, and at this time An Gouyue actually mentioned An Wei, did she have ulterior motives?

"I'm afraid Mrs. An doesn't know the etiquette rules? We are distinguished, and those servants can only protect them from a distance, how can they follow closely? Besides, you can only bring maidservants to such a place. By the way, I don't have any." Seeing Mrs. An's maid, where did she go? Do you want Zhen'er to borrow a maid to serve her first?" An Zhen'er countered without changing her expression.

An Zhen'er said "Mrs. An" in one mouthful, and the people nearby also heard the tricks, and they were both surprised and suspicious.

"It's fine for her to have me take care of her." At this time, An Yue didn't speak, and the Xiling Gui held An Yue's little hand, completely ignoring the surrounding eyes, and said.

It is enough for her to have me serve her...

Suddenly, everyone was in a mess!

Is this still the majestic and terrifying general?

He even said that he wanted to serve this woman called "Mrs. An" in front of him!

An Yue lowered her eyes and smiled slightly, which was enough to wipe out any pressure on An Zhen'er. Regardless of An Zhen'er's changed expression, the two of them walked towards the imperial garden. People dare to set foot.

(End of this chapter)

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