Yipin farm, excellent husband

Chapter 198 An An Illness

Chapter 198 An An Illness (1)
There were still some red threads in those eyes.

Li Jin was originally the village head of Xitou Village, and he lived by robbing houses. Since he joined An Yue, his life has been much better. Not only did he fill his stomach, but also the two younger brothers and an old mother in the family. It's more than that, the livelihood of the entire Xitou village depends on An Yue's garden, so how can he not be grateful to Dade?

I'm afraid he will keep this kindness in his heart for the rest of his life, and he dare not forget one day, if he forgets, the heaven will not allow him.

"Okay, I've accepted all of your wishes. Why do you say that everyone is so pretentious after a meal? You are a big man!" An Yue smiled, lifted the glass, and drank a glass of wine.

Li Jinsao blushed, and all the men in the cafeteria laughed at him, but no one was malicious, after all, who didn't feel grateful to An Yue?
Everyone scrambled for guns and toasted An Yue. Xilinggui, who was sitting quietly, would help her to block a little bit, but the sharp-eyed ones had already discovered the relationship between Xilinggui and An Yue, and immediately poured them down cup by cup at him, refusing to listen. As he said, if he had to take good care of his master and his wife, Xiling was due to An Yue's face, so he bit the bullet and drank all the wine. Already drunk cup after cup, his face was so dark that it couldn't be darker.

Surrounded by a group of men, women, and old women drinking wine, it was the first time in his life that he felt it.

After the banquet was over and everyone had said what they had to say, they were willing to let An Yue and Xilinggui leave. Although Xilinggui drank a lot of wine at this time, his mind was still sober. All the dryness and heat were blown away.

However, An Yue's situation is not so good.

The old man and the others saw that Xiling Gui was beside her, so they couldn't take care of her, so they all went to their own business, leaving An Yue sitting on the stone at the entrance of the big cafeteria with a bewildered expression.

Xilinggui has never seen An Yue act like this?I couldn't laugh or cry immediately.

An Yue didn't cry or fuss, her small eyes squinted, and her little finger hooked back and forth towards Xiling Gui, and when the perfect face was hooked in front of her eyes, she immediately engraved it with a "baji".

If An Yue's kiss was a little more ecstasy, he would have enjoyed it a bit, but the main reason was that An Yue's actions were very domineering, and Xiling Gui immediately understood how his son's weird behaviors were exposed from time to time!
"Return to Xiling."

An Yue was sitting on a big rock, the evening breeze was blowing, the long veil around her legs moved slightly, her flushed face revealed a coquettish look, and her pouting lips were even more irresistible temptation, but Xiling Gui was really close at this time No, because as soon as his body approached, the woman's weird movements sucked her up like an octopus. Although it was a good thing to hang on to him, but An Yue's movements were so hot, he was really afraid that he would accidentally lose control Stop, let the woman be executed on the spot.

"Return to Xiling." An Yue squinted her eyes, and called out again as if she was raving.


Xilinggui smiled wryly, seeing that long hair sticking to her small face, she immediately stretched out her fingers helplessly to tidy her up, but just as she stretched her hand out in front of her, An Yue's small mouth bit her. in the mouth.

The woman's sharp teeth made Xi Linggui frown slightly, but after a while, those teeth loosened, only a sense of warmth surrounded him.

There was a numbness in his heart, if he was not outside at this time, Xiling Guizhen would have wished to punish this woman.

"Let's go home." Withdrawing that finger, wet saliva stuck to it, very helpless, but at this moment An Yue didn't know what she had done, when she heard Xiling Gui's voice, she went "huh" Standing up suddenly, the little hand poked Xilinggui's chest, and said: "Back—"

After finishing speaking, as if the man was a big tree, he climbed up in two or three strokes, wrapping tightly around Xilinggui's body.

"An Gouyue, you woman is getting more and more courageous." Xi Linggui said, but still tried his best to support the woman on his back, and walked towards An Yue's small courtyard step by step.

An Yue was dizzy, and moved her back to Xilinggui's ear, and said in a dragged voice, "By the bed—the moonlight—"

Xiling Gui raised his eyebrows, is he going to compose a poem?
Calm down, only to hear An Yue continue: "Li Bai, open the window—"

Xiling Gui wrinkled his face and said, "Who is Li Bai?"

"Shut up! I haven't finished yet!" An Yue muttered, and unconsciously slapped the man on the head with her hand, and Xiling Gui's expression turned extremely ugly.

"Say—" Xilinggui gritted his teeth, he wanted to hear what Li Bai was doing with the window open!
An Yue smiled "hehe" and said, "All the germs are dead!"

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew around.

An Yue's sudden high spirits disappeared in an instant, her small face was pressed against the man's back, and bubbles kept spitting out of her mouth.

Xilinggui only felt the heat coming from behind him, his concentration was always good, but for some reason, ever since he met this woman, he couldn't control his passion, finally got into the room, and put the woman on the bed for a while. Let's put it, the clothes that were already a little messy made people fantasize even more.

Xilinggui sat beside An Yue, suppressing the desire in his heart, and prepared to tidy up the little woman, but just as he sat down, the octopus stuck to him again, and the little hand started to follow his body indiscriminately. grope up.

An Yue didn't know what she was doing, she just felt as if she was holding a piece of cold ice in her hand, and she couldn't help but stick it on it, letting the ice melt away layer by layer.

Seeing that Xilinggui was breathing a bit short of breath, but those dangerous eyes were still holding on, An Yue continued to move slowly for a while, as if feeling a little irritable, she immediately threw the piece of cold ice under her body, It also stripped away those things that got in the way.

The body fits well, An Yue has already experienced the relationship between men and women after all, now that she is drunk, she finds that the cold thing has turned into a beautiful man, her mind is in a mess, and she squeezes this man regardless of his image, but The appearance of her hands and feet obviously made the man impatient, and within a short while, Xilinggui had turned defeat into victory, occupying the woman's soft body.

Sleepless all night, the woman's face turned red from alcohol, which made Xilinggui feel unbearable.

It wasn't until noon the next day that An Yue got up. When she opened her eyes, the messy and somewhat terrifying scene had already shocked her. After all, every time she got up early in the past, Xiling Gui had already cleaned the house, even while she was asleep. When it was time to help her wash her body and put on clean clothes.

But this time, the faint smell in the room that hadn't dissipated made her face turn red, and then she looked down at the man next to her, and opened her eyes, looking at herself with a half-smile.

(End of this chapter)

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