Yipin farm, excellent husband

Chapter 288 Using Violence to Control Violence

Chapter 288 Using Violence to Control Violence (1)
"Ma'am! I saw it, they beat Luo Ying down!" Just as An Yue was about to explode, a person suddenly stood up and pointed at the three culprits with red eyes angrily.

An Yue looked at the man in surprise, then looked around and said, "Stand over here if you see it."

An Yue pointed directly at an open space and said.

The expression of no joy or anger makes people feel a little panicked, but some aboriginal villagers believe that An Yue will help them. After all, they and she can be regarded as neighbors, and these refugees and the servants outside who work for the rich What's the difference?
Most of the original villagers stood proudly behind the three of them, while there were a few people standing beside An Yue. Although these people had no idea in their minds, their eyes were full of red, probably they were usually working. I was often discriminated against by the aboriginal villagers.

In fact, in comparison, the number of refugees is no less than that of the original villagers. It's just that the so-called good people are bullied. These refugees already feel that they owe these villagers, and they will not resist more. If they hadn't died today People, maybe this oppressive situation will intensify, and her paradise will become a mess.

All the workers stood still, and then An Yue looked at the three people who caused trouble, and asked, "Did you catch Luo Ying when he fell down the mountain?"

It was the man just now who spoke first, and said with a sincere face: "No! It was only a little bit close, ma'am, it's all my fault..."

"That is to say, after Luo Ying fell down the mountain, you didn't meet him at all, right?" An Yue continued to ask.

Although the three of them didn't understand An Yue's meaning, they all nodded. After lying for a long time, it seemed that they began to feel a little more truthful.

An Yue has always felt that if she wants to deceive others, she must first deceive herself. After giving herself enough hypnosis, what she says will naturally become the "truth", just like these three people now.

"That being the case, why do you have scratches of different shades on your body? There are even handprints? Not only that, but how could there be your torn clothes on the protective railing that fell? Don't tell me that you got down before Luo Ying! "An Yue asked coldly.

If the three of them hadn't smashed the protective fence with their hands, it would be difficult for Luo Ying to fall, right?

"Madam, Madam, you misunderstood! The rags on the fence may have been accidentally hung up before, and these handprints..."

"Okay, don't explain anymore, I'm not a government here, I don't need you to explain how these things come from, I think those people behind you know who's fault it is, and how Luo Ying died is all yours It's useless to talk about what you see in your eyes, I just want to know if you are still not ready to plead guilty?" An Yue said directly.

Those people were all shocked, but there were so many of them, and they were the original villagers here, even if An Gouyue knew the truth of the matter, she should face them...

"Ma'am! Why do these refugees do the same work as us, this Luo Ying is paid more than us!" The three culprits did not speak, but someone behind them asked dissatisfied.

An Yue found it funny, and said: "Because they are just like you! This original village belongs to you, but everyone, don't forget that this is now Dark Moon Villa! Except for your own house, all other places belong to me. What kind of people I would like to invite to help is my choice, and more importantly, I, An Gouyue, am not sorry for you at all, because I know that you are the original villagers, so it is more beneficial to let Li Jin and others arrange for you work, but it seems that it is not enough in your eyes? Is it possible that you want to take the entire Dark Moon Villa as your own?"

An Yue's voice was stern, and for some reason, although some of them had watched her grow up, they seemed to have never known her before, and they were very scared of her expression.

An Yue thought that what she had done was kind enough. If someone else bought this land, they would all be moved away. Homelessness is the lightest thing, and some even directly lead to bankruptcy!

Seeing these people being stupid and silent, An Yue continued: "Even if you don't tell me what happened today, I can find out the cause and effect myself, but if I find out by myself, the consequences will definitely be different. You can choose for yourself!"

An Yue didn't believe that the three of them conspired to kill Luo Ying just because of a small matter of higher wages.

When I asked this question, the villagers behind the three of them didn't understand. They just wanted to help their fellow villagers to calm down these outsiders.
The three of them looked flustered. After all, they were all villagers. The three of them might have been a little bolder when they got together, but now they couldn't discuss with each other in front of An Yue, and their feet began to soften.

"Ma'am, I know, Luo Ying told me this morning... He was a little happy at first, saying that he heard the news from others that a new girl seems to be interested in him, if that girl doesn't care that he has two He will propose a marriage for the child, so as not to ruin the family's reputation..." said a person standing beside An Yue.

An Yue frowned, feeling an ominous premonition in her heart, and immediately asked, "What girl?"

When An Yue asked such a question, many people immediately changed their expressions and gave the man winks, as if they were afraid that he would speak out impulsively. With angry eyes, he said: "Madam, the girl who came to the village with you, I heard that she is your personal maid!"

Personal maid?

An Yue exudes a sense of coldness all over her body. She has only two personal maids, one is Lu'er, she will naturally not have any scandals, and the other is Bitao. Refugees live not far from each other!

"You three also know her?" An Yue asked the three messed up people again.

It's only been a few days since I came to the village. I didn't expect such a troublesome thing to happen because of her maid. If Bitao was really at fault, she really didn't know how to deal with it. If it was serious, she felt that she was right. She was a little ruthless, after all, it was good for Bitao to serve her before, but if it was light, it would not be enough to convince the public, let alone make Bitao realize her mistake.

When the three people were asked by An Yue, their hearts froze immediately, and after hesitating for a long time, they said: "Because, because the refugee's living place is a little rough, girls Bi and Bi Tao will ask us for help when they need something, and they are familiar with each other after coming and going. But, but I heard Bi Tao say that Luo Ying wanted to belittle her, and even wanted to go to Madam to sue that she was going to marry Miss Bi Tao, that's why we..."

"You're talking nonsense! Because Miss Bitao is the lady's maid, and we treat her with courtesy, we dare not show any meanness at all, but there are many rumors from you villagers that Miss Bitao has taken a fancy to our Luo Ying." News, Luo Ying is now interested!" the young man beside An Yue said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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