Yipin farm, excellent husband

Chapter 382 The Grand Finale

Chapter 382 The Grand Finale (2)
After all, An Yue is a prudent person, her impulsiveness is only in business, she is very ignorant about her feelings, but Xiling Gui accommodated her ignorance and all her indifference in emotions, which is not admirable Will not work!An Yue's heart warmed even more, she suppressed the unease, smiled at Xiling Gui, and said, "Look at you, I'm fine."

Looking at the man in front of her, An Yue suddenly felt a sense of panic and worry that she had never felt before. From time travel to the present, she always thought that she had spent a few years in vain, and that she would always live in this time and space.

Because she has experienced too many things, her temperament is relatively colder than others, but this does not mean that she does not love everything around her, and, on the contrary, she cares about everyone here more than anyone else!

An Yue's complexion had returned to normal at this moment, and Xiling Gui felt relieved and said, "Next time, you are not allowed to go to the lake."

When he heard that she fell into the water, his whole heart ached, and he wished that the whole lake would be filled up!

An Yue nodded in a rare way, looking at his slightly pale face, she knew that he probably hadn't rested since last night, and there was a hint of distress in her eyes.

A few hours later, the people sent to pick up the Ninth Prince and Si Zhiyin also rushed back. Originally, the two were going to get up and go back to the mansion, but when they heard that An Yue had fallen into the water, they hurried over.

The Ninth Prince was not much older than An Yue, but when he saw An Yue, he immediately acted like a child, and said with a bit of respect and flattery: "Sister-in-law Seven, I heard that you fell into the water? What day was yesterday? Could it be that the water ghost failed to recruit people?"

Si Zhiyin didn't leave, so the Miss Sun family naturally didn't want to let the two of them stay together, so she followed beside her facelessly.

An Yue originally felt that she was not sick, and she didn't want to stay in the house any longer, so she sat in the yard and watched Doudou and An An practice martial arts, basking in the sun, very comfortable, now listening to the brisk voice of the Ninth Prince , knowing that the three of them are in good health.

"Zhi Yin is here? Come and take a look at the White Jade Buddha just sent by the emperor. It's really a good thing."

An Yue didn't show any face to the Nine Kings, she stood up and waved to Si Zhiyin, the Nine Kings were not angry, on the contrary, they were very helpful, and rushed to An Yue's side.

But Sun Jiejie was unhappy, she had been hungry for a whole day, and the Ninth Prince unexpectedly took her to dinner first, and instead came to look at Mrs. An!
This Mrs. An's status is noble, but she is only in the honor of the men of General Xiling. If it is not difficult to resist, how can she, a delicate young lady, smile at her?
"Mrs. An, the Ninth Prince is talking to you, how can you only care about Miss Si?" Sun Qingjie couldn't help but say something.

There are not only An Yue and the two children in this yard, because of An Yue's falling into the water last night, not to mention the return of Xiling, even Concubine Linggui, Yuyao, Bao'er, Hua Xingyun, Qingjing, Qinghan and Lu'er, everyone who was related to An Yue gathered in the yard, and now after hearing what Sun Jiejie said, the scene suddenly turned cold.

Especially for Xiling Gui, who originally put all his tenderness on An Yue, but now when the discordant voice rang out, he immediately exuded a chilling aura.

These other people had rarely enjoyed Xiling Gui's peaceful attitude, and suddenly changed directly, they wished that others would tear that Sun Jiejie's mouth to pieces!

An Yue was not angry, but smiled, glanced at this Miss Sun, and asked: "This girl is very face-to-face, Gui, isn't she a guest you invited?"

These words are undoubtedly reminding that Sun Jiejie that this is the General's Mansion of Xilinggui, even if the emperor comes, he will not say anything, she is not qualified as an outsider!
An Yue's light words made Sun Jiejie startled immediately, and quickly looked at Xilinggui!

Just now, she had been focusing her eyes and mind on the Ninth Prince, but she had forgotten that there was a killing god in this yard!
That timid gaze looked at Shangxilinggui's disgust and threat without a trace of emotion, and instantly felt his legs and feet go limp, and hurriedly buried his head down, and couldn't help saying: "I'm sorry, Mrs. An, I, I am temporarily Overstepped."

"It's just a temporary overstep, it's nothing, Gui, don't scare people." An Yue smiled, looked at Xiling Gui and signaled, the situation was better.

It was just a momentary event, but Sun Qingjie was covered in cold sweat. If Xilinggui hadn't looked away, she might have fainted on the ground by now, and she felt a little dazed just now, as if she was about to be blackmailed. It was shrouded in fog, afraid that he would offend the killing god again, so he quickly pinched himself secretly, and then he returned to normal.

After taking a deep breath, Sun Jiejie remembered that Xiling Gui, who was once known as the ugliest man in the world, was actually extremely handsome!
She had never met Ji Yan, the No. [-] son in the world, but she felt that even the No. [-] son could not compare to the appearance of Xilinggui!

It's just that she doesn't understand, Xiling Gui has power and influence, and his mind and appearance are unmatched, so why did he take a fancy to a lowly businessman who started from a peasant girl?And this business girl actually has a marriage contract with Ji Yan?

Looking at the way he kept peeling melon seeds in his hands, I was even more puzzled!
"Sister-in-law Seven, this, could this be the White Jade Buddha of Grandpa Huang..." The Ninth Prince looked at the gentle, pure and flawless White Jade Buddha, and asked with his mouth wide open.

This white jade Buddha exudes a fragrance of Buddha, it is impossible to dye it in a short period of time, and this white jade Buddha is small, but the beads held by the Buddha's hands are all engraved with scriptures, which can be said to be a work of magic. No one can make a second one except for that eminent monk friend of the first emperor!

An Yue was a little puzzled, this White Jade Buddha still had a background?
She looked at Xilinggui suspiciously. With Xilinggui's status, she would not feel surprised no matter what she got, but why did the Ninth Prince react so strongly?

"Gui, this is the White Jade Buddha of the late emperor? Could it be that you dug the late emperor's grave?" An Yue was stunned for a while, then asked.

Xilinggui is also the emperor's own son after all, if she digs up her grandfather's grave for a white jade Buddha, then she will be guilty of a serious crime.

The Ninth Prince had black lines all over his face, and said, "Sister-in-law Seven, you don't know the origin of the White Jade Buddha?"

"I don't know what's strange?" An Yue shrugged, she was just a commoner, how could she know too much about the royal family?

Ninth Prince took a deep breath, looking at this ignorant Seventh Sister-in-law, I really want to know what she knows in her head!
"Although I didn't dig the grave of the emperor's grandfather, but it's about the same. This thing represents the emperor's grandfather. It has been kept in the Huguo Temple. Unless it is the father, if others want to take it out, they can only grab it..." Ninth Prince suddenly Thinking of something, he opened his mouth even wider. For the first time, he pointed at Xiling and said: "Could it be Father? Father put it..."

(End of this chapter)

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