Origin of Douluo

Chapter 307 Extra Story - Warm Life

Chapter 307 Extra Story - Warm Life (1)

"Sister, let me go, my ears are going to turn red from you." Gu Yuan said with a pitiful face.

Ever since I married this woman, it has become more and more difficult to take care of.

Gu Yuena let go of her hand and asked: "Then let me ask you what you were doing looking for that Xia Yaoyao in Xianyu before!"

"Uh... Patriarch Xia asked me to participate in the competition of the younger generation in Xianyu, so..."

"Hmph! Let's save this sentence for later. Today you will kneel on the washboard for me. A few days ago, I listened to you carefully. As a result of being a virtuous wife..."

No, the more you talk, the more angry you get. This guy actually wants to bring a woman back. What on earth does this stinky brother want to do.

Gu Yuan wanted to cry without tears, "Sister, Na'er, what can I do with my good looks? Who told me to follow you like this? Eyes, hair and skin..."


Gu Yuena was unable to answer for a moment.

Purple eyes, long silver hair, and snow-white skin.

After watching him all the time, he suddenly felt a little handsomer than before, and his face flushed a little.

In other words, wasn't he adopted at that time?Why do you look so much like yourself.

"Okay, okay, get up, let's go see Dong'er and the others today!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Yuan said happily: "Okay, wait for me to change my clothes first."

Get up and go to another room, which is full of clothes he and Gu Yuena usually wear.

Because ascending to the God Realm also inherited the palace of the senior Mie, and it was very big and remodeled by the way.

Not long after, Gu Yuan was dressed in white and had his hair tied up, looking decent.

"That's right, it looks very serious!" Gu Yuena said.

Gu Yuan didn't say much, and immediately went to Bibi Dong's palace with Gu Yuena.

His women all inherited the god position, so they all came to the God Realm.

I also solved the problem of the soul beast family, as for the Golden Dragon King?
Disobedient can only be ruthlessly beheaded.

It's a pity that the Silver Dragon King has already been taken down by him as his first wife.

"Xiaoyuan, you're here, I won't be here with sister Yue these few days!" Bibidong watched the two of them arrive, and what she said also revealed some coquettish meaning.

I don't know what's going on, Bibi Dong doesn't have the pope's airs anymore, but she is more mature and charming than usual.

Gu Yuan coughed dryly and said, "How come, by the way, where did they go?"

"You said that Nana and the others seem to have gone to play. They have just ascended to the God Realm, and they also want to experience other lives." Bibidong explained.

"Okay, Dong'er, please pour me a cup of tea, I'm a little thirsty."

"it is good!"

After saying that, Bibi Dong took small steps to pour tea.

Gu Yuan couldn't help but feel happy, seeing that this is what a virtuous wife looks like, Gu Yuena is simply incomparable.

No, why does my back feel a little cold!
Turning his head, he realized that Gu Yuena had been staring at him.

"What did I do wrong? Why did I see that you were very upset with me just now!"

"No, no, how could I be dissatisfied with you, Na'er!" Gu Yuan hurriedly defended.


Bibi Dong had already brought three cups of tea over, "Xiao Yuan is ready, I brought these teas from Xue'er!"

Gu Yuan picked up a cup and drank it down. Three seconds later, a clear breath washed over his whole body.

"That's right, I didn't expect Xue'er to have such good tea."

Gu Yuena also agreed, and it was the first time that she drank this kind of tea, although she didn't drink tea much.

"Xiao Yuan, why have I been vomiting recently, and my stomach is not feeling well!" Bibi Dong asked suddenly.

He spit out the tea he took another sip just now, and looked at her in surprise, "Is what you said true? You have it."

"Really?" Bibi Dong agreed very handsomely and excitedly.

After so long, I can finally have my own child.

The corner of Gu Yuena's mouth twitched, but she quickly covered it up.

It's just that why Bibi Dong was faster than her first made her, the main palace, a little dissatisfied.

"I also had vomiting before, why didn't I respond!" Gu Yuena felt a little unhappy.

I told Gu Yuan a few days ago, and it turned out that I might have spoiled my stomach from eating.

Although only once, but if there is!
At this time, Gu Yuan suggested: "Why don't we ask the goddess of life, she should be able to see it!"

Goddess of Life, she is most familiar with things like feeling life.

"it is good!"

Then Gu Yuan took the two girls to the place where the goddess of life lived.

"Goddess of Life, I will take my wife to see how they are doing!"

The Goddess of Life is wearing a long lavender dress and long green hair. She also has top-notch looks, but she is very similar to Brigitte, both of whom have long green hair.

"Mr. Gu is here. There was no response last time. How long has it been since this time? Are you too impatient? It's the same as Ruin before this afternoon. Don't be too impatient." The goddess of life smiled.

Gu Yuan smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, why don't I invite you and Ruin to taste my craft someday!"

"Okay, Mr. Gu said it all, how could I refuse." The Goddess of Life agreed with Gu Yuan's craftsmanship.

When he first came, he invited people from the entire God Realm to have a meal.

It would be great if Destroyer could cook. Although he wouldn’t be hungry if he didn’t eat, he still wanted to taste what his cooking was like.

"Come, ladies, give me your hands!"

Gu Yuena and Bibidong slowly stretched out their hands, and a strange force entered their bodies.

After a few breaths, the goddess of life showed a smile.

"Congratulations, both ladies have it."

Gu Yuan was happy, he could finally pinch that chubby little face.

It's just that Gu Yuena said before that she also vomited and she didn't believe it...

He was afraid that he would be finished again when he turned around.

"By the way, try to take the two wives around as much as possible these days, and don't make them angry." The goddess of life gave some special instructions.

"Okay." Gu Yuan hurriedly walked up to the two girls and smiled, his face was full of happiness.

The Goddess of Life looked a little happy, seeing that Mr. Gu's two wives had children, and they could drink wedding wine later.

She prefers lively scenes, after all, the arrival of Gu Yuan has brought a lot of joy to the God Realm.

He still clearly remembered that Gu Yuan had inherited the position of Mie, and the people led by the God Realm Committee were not convinced at that time, but they were all beheaded by him with a single sword.

Because the rules were established before Mie Ao, whoever inherits his god position is eligible to be elected as the chairman of the God Realm Committee.

Up to now, no one dared to disobey, after all, Gu Yuan did not become the president of any kind.

Instead, he came and went to serve his wives.

"Idiot, don't laugh." The two girls gave him an angry look.

Gu Yuan said: "After all, I'm going to be a father, can you not be happy?"

"Come on, let's go home and tell them about this!"

(End of this chapter)

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