Chapter 115
Chapter 115
After eating the noodles and washing the dishes, Liu Xiyan looked at Mo Yun expectantly.

Mo Yun had no choice but to get up and walk into the bedroom, and took out the manga manuscript.

"Give you."

"Thank you!"

Liu Xiyan's eyes lit up, and he quickly read the manga manuscript.

"The cartoons you draw are so beautiful!"

"It would be great if it could be made into an anime!"

Mo Yun shook his head: "With Blue Star's current technology, it shouldn't be possible to shoot."

Hearing this, Liu Xiyan was silent for a moment before speaking.

"Yes, monsters are around. The human race has been in dire straits these years. In order to resist foreign enemies, everyone is desperately practicing martial arts. Everyone's dream since childhood is to go to the front line to fight against monsters."

"At the same time, all kinds of scarce resources are also occupied by the two races of monsters."

"Under such an environment, technological progress naturally slows down."

Speaking of this, Liu Xiyan smiled and continued.

"But it's better now. The strength of the monsters and monsters has been severely damaged. It will be impossible to recover their vitality in a few decades."

"Now the demons are retreating to the great northern swamp, and the monsters are hiding in the [-] mountains in the southwest. The crisis of the human race is temporarily lifted, and they have more time to become stronger and accumulate strength."

"Without foreign aggression, other aspects can be freed up for development."

Speaking of this, Liu Xiyan said mysteriously: "Some information has been revealed from above, saying that they are combining technology and rune circles to create combat mechas!"

"Grandpa said that the prototype of the mecha has already been designed. As long as the energy is enough, such a mecha can even kill seventh-rank and eighth-rank warriors!"

Speaking of this, Liu Xiyan's eyes lit up.

"If it is possible to mass-produce such mechas, the human race will no longer need to be afraid of the monsters!"


Liu Xiyan suddenly became a little depressed.

"The problem of energy consumption has not been solved now. The resources consumed by mechas are too terrifying, and the human race cannot afford to consume them for the time being."

"It's okay, it will come true one day." Mo Yun said.

"Yeah! It will happen one day!" Liu Xiyan nodded vigorously and said quickly.

"Now the human race is getting better and better and stronger."

"The avenue that was originally incomplete has now been completed."

Speaking of this, Liu Xiyan seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said in a daze.

"That's right, I heard from Grandpa that after the Dao was completed, the spiritual energy seemed to be much stronger than before, and everyone's cultivation progress speed has generally increased."

"More importantly, in the recent period, the human race has successively had quasi-king-level powerhouses proving the pinnacle of Taoism!"

The more Liu Xiyan spoke, the more excited she got, she stood up from the sofa, and said quickly while pacing.

"Grand Master Hong Tian of the western base, broke the boat and sat in the ancient temple for more than two hundred days. He did not eat or drink to comprehend the Dao, and finally proved the pinnacle of the Dao before the oil ran out!"

"Commander Di Long of the eastern base encountered an ambush on the way of chasing the strong demons in the Quasi-King Realm. When he was in dire straits, his potential exploded, and he blasted a bloody path with a pair of iron fists."

"It is said that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future blessing."

"After escaping from the trap set by the enemy, Commander Ti Lung sensed heaven and man, looked at the endless magnificent mountains and rivers, felt something in his heart, and finally proved the pinnacle of Taoism."

"After breaking through to the King Realm, Commander Di Long turned back and killed the quasi-King Realm strongman of the Demon Race with one punch."

Liu Xiyan's eyes were shining brightly, and the more he spoke, the more excited he became, as if he was the one who proved the pinnacle of Taoism.

Mo Yun had a deep understanding of this emotion.

In Blue Star, it is every martial artist's ultimate dream to prove his way to the top.

Liu Xiyan didn't know what Mo Yun was thinking, and continued.

"At the same time, Hu Zhenshou of our Jiangnan base also proved the pinnacle of Dao."

When talking about Hu Wei, the guardian envoy of the Jiangnan base, Liu Xiyan seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but froze, bit her lip and said.

"Unfortunately, more than two years ago, the battle between the demon and demon clans besieged the Jiangnan base, causing the commander of the Jiangnan base to be seriously injured and the foundation damaged."

"Otherwise, he should also be able to prove the peak."

"In this way, the Jiangnan base can have two top leaders."

"It's really a pity." Mo Yun also said.

Liu Xiyan nodded and continued: "In addition, Qi Shan, the commander of the Jiangbei base, and Long Shan, the female war god of the Zhongnan base, both successfully proved the peak of the Dao a few days ago."

"To this day, the human race already has five peaks!"

Liu Xiyan had a bright face, very happy.

Mo Yun was also very happy.

In a few days, Li Xinghe will almost be able to break through, and he will be number six by then.

Liu Xiyan didn't know what Mo Yun was thinking, and continued.

"It's a pity that for the time being, only these peerless powerhouses can prove the peak. Grandpa said that other quasi-king realm powerhouses still have a long way to go before they can prove the peak."

"However, the human race has plenty of time now. I believe that in the future, there will be more and more strong human races who will prove their way!"

Liu Xiyan is very confident.

The development of the human race has been rapid.

As long as there is no outbreak of demon turmoil for the time being, the people will have enough time to save up.

One day the human race will be able to rise, far surpassing the other two races.

The two chatted casually for a while, and Liu Xiyan quickly finished reading the comics, then bid farewell to Mo Yun, and went out to perform the mission.

She recently had a new assignment.

This time, I just deliberately took a detour to take time to look at Mo Yun.

Before Liu Xiyan left, Mo Yun helped her update the small token of the field to synchronize the projection power.

In addition, he did not forget to sign in silently.

[Congratulations to the host for signing in successfully in the invincible domain and obtaining basic rewards, spiritual power +400, mental power +400, physique +400, comprehension +40, foundation +40, luck +40...]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering a special reward and obtaining the skill: Sword of Immortal Slaying. 】

Hearing the system notification tone, Mo Yun couldn't help but be delighted.

"Koi really never disappoints."

"It seems that you have signed up for martial arts this time?"

"Not bad, it's been a long time since I signed up to get special rewards like martial arts and martial arts."

Mo Yun smiled and looked intently at the virtual panel.

"The Immortal Sword Art?"

"Is there a matching sword formula for the Immortal Sword?"

Mo Yun concentrated and checked.


After checking the information, Mo Yun nodded with satisfaction.

The Immortal Slashing Sword Jue is indeed the matching sword art of the Immortal Slashing Sword.

With the combination of Zhanxianjian and Zhanxianjianjue, it can explode with terrifying power.

Moreover, the Immortal Sword Jue is also a martial skill that surpasses the best in heaven, and it has eight levels in total.

As long as the first four levels are cultivated to perfection, it means that one has reached the level of the King Realm.

Compared with breaking the sky with a single sword, the Immortal Sword Art is undoubtedly several times stronger, possessing terrifying lethality.

Mo Yun guessed.

After using the Slaying Immortal Sword Art, the current him can also face the king realm powerhouse head-on.

If the opponent underestimated the enemy, it would not be strange to be slashed by a sword.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Yun concentrated on extracting the Immortal Slaying Sword Art.

After going through it roughly, Mo Yun closed his eyes slightly, and began to comprehend the Sword Art of Slaying Immortals.

An hour later, Mo Yun slowly opened his eyes, and a sword intent slowly condensed in his palm.

At this moment, he has thoroughly comprehended the Sword Art of Slaying Immortals, and has cultivated it to the peak of the fourth level, which is only a hair away from perfection.

Feeling the sword intent in his palm, Mo Yun nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, the power is indeed much stronger than Yijian Potian."

(End of this chapter)

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