Signed in at home for three years, I went out and tore the gods with my hands

Chapter 127 How dare the light of a firefly compete with the bright moon?

Chapter 127 How dare the light of a firefly compete with the bright moon?

Chapter 127 How dare the light of a firefly compete with the bright moon?
The red palm prints fell.

A mushroom cloud rose up.

Within a radius of several kilometers, it disappeared instantly.

The ground exploded, dust filled the sky, smoke and dust billowed, and the scene was like the end of the world.

Above the sky, the giant wearing the crimson flame armor looked at this scene with cold eyes.

"Has the holy world, which used to be the origin of all worlds, fallen behind to such an extent?"

"In the entire holy world, there is no one who can block the palm of the god?"

He looked down at the ground with contempt.

However, after a while, he seemed to think of something, and his face under the armor wrapped slightly twitched a few times.

"The aura below just now is not the person who destroyed the Ancient Zhantian Sword that day..."

In fact, he has already sensed it.

That aura only contained the aura of the person who destroyed the ancient Zhantian sword that day.

Not surprisingly.

The opponent is just holding the item that destroys the aura of the person with the ancient sword.

He had thought so.

Imprison the person, and then snatch the item.

Using the aura on the item as a medium, it instantly locks onto the person who destroyed the ancient sword.

In this way, it can save him a lot of time.

However, it may be because after being powerful, they are used to solving problems by force.

As a result, when he was doing things, he didn't like to think more and more.

Just like just now.

He had clearly planned it.

But as soon as he tracked it down, he patted it with his palm, subconsciously forgetting to keep that item.

This is just great.

There's nothing left.

Where can I find media?

"I should bring Lao Ba here, he likes to use his brain."

The giant in the crimson flame armor frowned slightly, talking to himself.

But soon, he shook his head.

"No, if you bring the old man here, he will definitely cheat me, and most of the benefits of being a pioneer will be taken away by him."

"Heh, if the media is gone, it will be gone. It just takes more time."

Thinking of this, the giant wearing the crimson flame armor focused slightly, ready to radiate consciousness again.

However, in the next moment, he was stunned, and looked down with some surprise.


An illusory and small figure broke through the dust and rushed towards him quickly.

Seeing the phantom figure rushing towards him, the giant in the crimson flame armor frowned.

"This is the aura of the person who destroyed the ancient sword..."

"Why did he suddenly appear?"

"Martial Dao Ninth Stage Realm?"

"Why is the breath so weak?"

"No, this energy fluctuation is infinitely close to the king realm."


"Oh, it turned out to be field projection."

"It's interesting that a mere projection has such strength."

"My God looks forward to you more and more."

At this time, the phantom had rushed over.

"Whoever hurts my koi, die!"

The phantom was glowing with a golden light, and endless spiritual energy gushed out from the void and quickly gathered together.

Then, a huge golden palm print, wrapped in terrifying energy, condensed in the air in an instant, and bombarded towards the red armor giant with a bang.

Seeing the appearance of the golden palm print and sensing the terrifying power within it, the expression of the giant wearing the scarlet flame armor changed, and his face was full of disbelief.

"This, this... is this a god-level martial art?"

"This, is this possible?!"

"The Scarlet Flame Dynasty doesn't even have god-level martial arts. How can there be god-level martial arts?"

Just when he was surprised.

The golden palm prints have already been slapped.

With a muffled sound, terrifying energy exploded.

Squeezed by the berserk ability, within a radius of several thousand meters, the space is distorted, like a pot of overcooked porridge.

The golden light filled the air, like a dazzling sun.

After a while, the golden light slowly dissipated.

The giant in the scarlet flame armor stood against the wind, motionless.

Except for the red battle armor becoming slightly scorched black, he didn't suffer any substantial damage.

This armor is the top armor of the Scarlet Flame Dynasty.

Even if he stood there motionless and let the king realm warriors attack, it would be difficult to damage the battle armor.

What's more, the phantom in front of him is not as strong as the King Realm.

"Whoever hurts my koi, die!"

It was found that the target was not destroyed.

Xu Ying repeated the previous sentence, once again condensed a golden palm print, and bombarded towards the red flame armor giant.

At the same time, a piercing sword intent appeared in his palm, and with a swipe, he followed the golden palm print, concealed his breath, and attacked together.

Regarding this, the giant wearing the red flame armor didn't even look at it, and just slapped it out.

There was a muffled bang, and the golden palm print collapsed instantly just as it approached.

However this time.

But with a swoosh, a beam of sword intent pierced through the space and arrived in an instant.

This sword intent carried the aura of slashing everything, as if it was about to split the world into two.

And that sword intent was aimed at.

It is the eye pupil part of the red flame armor giant.

There, it is the only place where he is not covered by armor.

When the giant wearing the scarlet flame armor discovered the sword, it was too late when he wanted to control the armor for protection.

There was a snort.

The sword intent that turned into streamer burst into the lantern-sized right eye of the red flame armor giant.


The stream of light burst out, the pupils burst, and golden blood gushed out instantly, dyeing a large area of ​​space golden.

The power of this blow.

By surprise.

Can kill Wang Jing directly!

"Ahhh! How dare you hurt me?!"

The giant in the red flame armor covered his eye sockets where the bones were exposed, and let out a roar that shook the sky.

At this moment, the space shook violently, and the whole world trembled.

He was angry.

To be wounded by a creature he regarded as an ant was simply a great shame to him!
Moreover, he found that the sword light was very strange. With his strength, he would not be able to recover from his injuries for a while.

"Die to this god!"

He was furious, and endless red flames spewed out from the red battle armor.

With another palm, the phantom was smashed into pieces in an instant.

However, in the next moment, the phantom condensed again and attacked him again.

"Ahhh! Die to this god!"

The giant wearing the scarlet flame armor went crazy.

He was hysterical, like a madman, striking out palm prints one after another, smashing the phantom again and again.

However it didn't work.

As soon as the phantom disintegrated, it would condense again, seemingly endless.

After defeating dozens of phantoms in a row, the giant in the red flame armor calmed down.

At this moment, his pupils finally returned to normal.

Seeing the phantom attacking again, he no longer took action, but gathered his spiritual consciousness to cover it.

Terrifying consciousness erupted like a torrent, and time seemed to have stopped.

That phantom was imprisoned in the air.

Seeing this, the giant in the scarlet flame armor smiled.

"The light of a mere firefly dares to compete with the bright moon?"

"In this case, the god will use your avatar projection as a medium to lock your body!"

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that the phantom could also be a medium.

Thinking of this, the giant's consciousness in the scarlet flame armor has already started to work.

A mysterious and mysterious energy gathered quickly, covering the phantom that had been imprisoned.

Then, a faint, looming aura was caught by the red flame armor giant.


He was about to jump away, but stopped short.

Then, he sneered.

Controlling the battle armor spewing red flames, draw a light door in the void.

"Since the position has been locked."

"The teleportation function of the Scarlet Flame Armor is just in use."

Saying that, he drilled into the door of light and disappeared.

The teleportation function consumes a lot of energy and can only be used once every 48 hours.

But he felt it was totally worth it.

at the same time.

The phantom's summoning time has also come, and it slowly dissipates in midair.



Liu Xiyan patted his mushy head hard, and slowly woke up.

"what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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