Chapter 139 Are You All Right?

Chapter 139 Are you okay?
Mo Yun silently read the sign in his heart.

After a while, the system prompt sounded.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and getting basic rewards, spiritual power +800, mental power +800, physique +800, understanding +80, foundation +80, luck +80...]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering a special reward and obtaining the elixir: Perfect Condensed Yuan Pill*1 dozen. 】

Mo Yun was overjoyed at first, then his face darkened.

"Perfect Condensation Pill?"

This thing isn't bad though.

But Mo Yun felt that he would not be short.

Not surprisingly, for a long time to come, the special reward for his signing up the most will be the Perfect Condensation Pill.

At that time, this thing must be inexhaustible.

Therefore, this time the sign-in opportunity for special rewards, if there is no sign-in to produce something special, it is a bit tasteless.

"Uh, I should wait until the koi girl comes over to use this sign-in opportunity."

Mo Yun thought of Liu Xiyan.

When he arrived at the deep pit, Liu Xiyan had already left.

And she has a special means of concealing breath.

Even Mo Yun, after a long time interval, it is difficult to track her down.

"I don't know if this girl has returned to the base now?"

"Probably not yet."

"She is only at the seventh rank of martial arts, and her speed will not be very fast. It may take twenty hours to return to the base from there."

Afterwards, Mo Yun shook his head, no longer thinking about it, his consciousness was connected to the system space, and he took out a Perfect Condensation Pill to observe.

This is a golden elixir.

The shape is round and exudes an attractive fragrance.

Not only that, Mo Yun also sensed a faint mysterious fluctuation in the elixir.

This kind of fluctuation, just smelling it, makes people feel refreshed, and they can't help but want to practice on the spot.

Same as Perfect Foundation Establishment Pill and Perfect Forging Body Pill.

The Perfect Condensed Yuan Pill can play a certain auxiliary role when the Quasi-King Realm breaks through to the King Realm.

In addition, after breaking through the King Realm, taking the Perfect Condensation Pill often can also speed up the cultivation speed.

Of course, when Mo Yun broke through the King Realm to condense his spirit essence, he didn't use the Perfect Condensation Pill.

Because it is not needed.

At that time, he not only realized his own Dao, but also had the Dao Yun of three powerful people in the imperial realm as a guide.

With such a condition, if Mo Yun still can't condense the perfect spiritual energy, then he is a pig.

Putting the Perfect Condensation Pill back into the medicine bottle, Mo Yun withdrew his consciousness from the system space, opened the attribute panel and looked at it.

After the system is upgraded, the property panel can be observed again.

The basic reward for signing in before has also changed from the original [-] to [-].

It's a pity that after the King Realm, if you want to improve your cultivation, you need a lot of basic attributes.

These [-] basic attributes are better than nothing to Mo Yun.

Now his cultivation mainly depends on his own ability, and he uses the Chaos Art to absorb endless spiritual energy from the void.

Of course, although Mo Yun has been growing, such as the foundation of savvy, the effect has been negligible.

Because he has already reached the limit, if there is no other opportunity, no matter how much it goes up, it will not be of much use.

Mo Yun concentrated.

Soon the attribute panel appeared in front of his eyes.

Name: Mo Yun

Cultivation Level: Early King Realm

Martial arts talent: holy grade

Special Abilities: Invincible Domain, Eye of True Knowledge (advanced version), Traction Dao Yun, Perfect Assassin Proficiency, God-level Alchemy, Soul Extraction, Field Proficiency, Shred God

Special Items: Da Huan Pill*1, Tears of the Dragon*1, Five-Color Stone*1
Cultivation methods: Chaos Jue (fourth floor), Tathagata God's Palm (fifth floor), Glazed Golden Body (fifth floor), Ben Lei Jue (fifth floor), Slashing Immortal Sword Jue (fifth floor)

Now his cultivation is at the early stage of King Realm.

To his surprise, his martial arts talent has also been raised to a higher level, reaching the holy rank.

Seeing this, Mo Yun was a little curious and couldn't help communicating with the system.

"System, after the Holy Grade, is it the Great Holy Grade, the Most Holy Grade?"

He didn't expect the system to answer.

Because he asked the question of martial arts talent level before, the system simply ignored it.

But this time, the system unexpectedly gave an answer.

[Ding, back to the host, after the martial arts talent reaches the holy rank, it is the emperor rank, there is no great saint rank and the most holy rank. 】

Hearing this, Mo Yun nodded, not too surprised.

It is normal to be directly above the holy rank and directly to the imperial rank.

What the hell is the talent of the holy grade, the talent of the most holy grade, it sounds too awkward.

Then look down.

Heaven and Earth Cage consumed two cards, leaving six cards left.

At the same time, the imprisoning of all things also consumed one piece, leaving one piece.

Then there is the practice.

The Chaos Jue broke through to the fourth floor.

The other several exercises have all broken through to the fifth floor.

As the level of martial arts and martial arts increased, Mo Yun's strength doubled directly.

At this time, if he confronts Ji Wuyue again, he doesn't need to consume skill and item cards at all, and he can slash him with a single sword.

After a quick glance at the property panel, Mo Yun closed it, walked into the kitchen and cooked something symbolically.

After breaking through to the king realm, there is no need for food anymore.

Not to mention the king state, even the quasi-king state, the body structure is already non-human, and there is no need to eat at all.

Just like Gu Qingshan.

I have been in retreat for 20 years without eating anything at all.

But Mo Yun didn't intend to do that.

For him, cooking is a joyful thing.

he thinks.

The soul of the cooker, no matter how strong his cultivation is, he cannot forget about the cooker.

Even if he breaks through to the holy realm or even the emperor realm in the future, he will still keep the habit of cooking.

After eating and playing some games to relax, Mo Yun took a Perfect Condensation Pill, sat down cross-legged and began to practice.

When cultivating, time passed quickly, and it was almost morning in a blink of an eye.

Mo Yun concentrated his attention, and silently read the sign-in in his heart.

The previous sign-in was rewarded after the system upgrade.

This check-in is the daily check-in quota for today.

After the sign-in was completed, the system prompt sounded. Looking at the text prompt on the virtual panel, Mo Yun was dumbfounded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering a special reward and obtaining the elixir: Perfect Condensed Yuan Pill*1 dozen. 】

"Knew it."

Early the next morning.

As soon as Mo Yun came back from practicing on the balcony facing the rising sun, he sensed Liu Xiyan's aura.

After a while, Liu Xiyan climbed up from the balcony in disgrace.

Her dark face was full of anxiety, and her beautiful eyes were bloodshot, as if she hadn't slept for three days and three nights.

However, the moment she saw Mo Yun, she was relieved, and the stone hanging in her heart was let go.

"Are you OK?"

"Are you OK?"

The two spoke out at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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