Chapter 149 Old Man, I Believe You!
Chapter 149 Old Man, I Believe You!
"If you don't mind, just call me Brother Hu!"

Hearing Hu Wei's words, Mo Yun's face twitched, and he silently withdrew his hand, wanting to hit someone.

Others also reacted quickly.

"Fuck! Hu, you are shameless! How can you be called brother with a shy face?"

"That's right, shameless!"

"Hetui! Disgusting!"

Hu Wei remained unmoved by this, his skin thicker than a city wall.

However, soon, others also rushed over.

"Brother Mo Yun, you can call me Brother Zhang from now on!"

"And me, Brother Mo Yun, just call me Brother Xu from now on!"

"Fuck, are you still shameless?! Mo Yun, don't listen to them, these people are old and disrespectful! The old man thinks that we hit each other quite well. From now on, I will recognize you as my brother. You call me Brother Liu, and I call you Brother Mo!"

Mo Yun: "..."

Hu Wei: "..."

Li Xinghe: "..."

But at this time, Mo Yun noticed the old man who ran over at the end.

He always felt that this old man looked familiar.

However, he didn't think too much about it, and seriously thought about what to do later to save efficiency.

After all, it is not an easy task to repair all the damaged high walls in the base.

Seeing Mo Yun concentrating on his thoughts, everyone stopped in embarrassment, not daring to disturb him.

The old man surnamed Liu swallowed halfway through his words.

He also wanted to say that he had a granddaughter who was not a few years older than Mo Yun, and he wanted to introduce him.

At this moment, Hu Wei on the side bumped Liu Ji'an with his elbow, concentrating his mental strength to transmit the voice.

"Hasn't your granddaughter been refusing to find a partner?"

"I think I can introduce it to Mo Yun. The golden boy and the jade girl may succeed!"

Liu Ji'an shook his head and replied with mental strength.

"That kid knows how to kill monsters and kill demons all day long to perform tasks. He said that he won't be the number one in the shadows, and he won't fall in love!"

"I'm so pissed off, the girls don't know what they're thinking all day long!"

"But having said that, the child seemed to have met a friend of the opposite sex before, and often secretly took the old man's Xuanshuang rabbit out."

Speaking of this, Liu Ji'an seemed to have thought of something, his beard was shaking with anger, and he continued to transmit the sound with a cold face.

"At that time, the old man thought she was really enlightened!"

"But the old man urged her again and again to bring him back, but she quit!"

"Uh, this—" Hu Wei didn't know what to say.

Liu Ji'an continued to transmit the voice.

"It's been two years! The old man thinks she is cheating the old man!"

"By the way, the girl said what is her friend's name—"

"Mo-Mo what's going on."

"Ah, the old man forgot!"

"Anyway, the name is quite strange, it should be made up!"

"By the way! That name sounds a bit like a girl's name!"

Thinking of this, Liu Ji'an's complexion changed, and a look of amazement appeared in his eyes.

"The old man understands! This child probably doesn't know friends of the opposite sex! That's why I dare not bring it back."

"You, you, mean, there is something wrong with Xiyan's orientation?" Hu Wei was dumbfounded.

This child... usually can't tell it!
After thinking about it, Hu Wei reminded: "Old Liu, I think you can do a little research to find out who Xiyan is dating..."

Liu Ji'an shook his head, and said helplessly.

"It won't work. This child looks kind and kind, as if everything is easy to discuss, but you also know that she grew up alone and has a very stubborn personality. If the old man really investigates her friend, she will have to Angry old man forever!"

"That's all, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and this old man won't interfere too much."

Liu Ji'an forced a smile, and continued to transmit the voice.

"Furthermore, it is easier to practice now than before to complete the Dao."

"The old man's talent is not bad, but now he is on the verge of enlightenment."

"In a few more years, maybe the old man will also be able to prove the pinnacle of Dao. At that time, the life expectancy will increase sharply, and the old man will be able to spend more time with this girl."

"So, don't worry."

In this regard, Hu Wei shook his head, and said via voice transmission: "You are open-minded."

At the same time, Mo Yun chatted with Li Xinghe.

A few minutes later, after the plan was customized, Mo Yun looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice.

"Seniors, juniors, tell me about the plan for this time."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and immediately looked at Mo Yun intently.

"The human race has a total of 32 bases, each of which is a weak point in the high wall field."

"These 32 bases are also the key to upgrading the field, and all of them must be repaired."

"I will set off with Brother Li in a while, and go to these bases one by one to repair them one by one."

"And the task of the seniors is to make overall plans to ensure that the ore can be transported to all bases in time."

"In this way, the division of labor and cooperation between the two sides can save a lot of time."

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Mo Yun's plan is simple and clear, but extremely efficient, which is really good.

Finally, everyone discussed the details, and then they were ready to act.

When leaving the emergency meeting hall, Mo Yun suddenly looked at Xu Wei, the commander of the Jiangnan Base Demon Suppressing Army.

From the first time he saw Xu Wei, he found that there was deep melancholy and deep despair in the other's eyes.

Out of curiosity, Mo Yun scanned Xu Wei with his eyes of true knowledge.

[Xu Wei: Commander of the Demon Suppressing Army at the Jiangnan Base, a quasi-King Realm warrior, calm and resourceful, with outstanding leadership skills. 】

[Two and a half years ago, when the allied army of monsters forcibly attacked the Jiangnan base, they were injured by the demon lord Zhutian, ruining the foundation and making it hopeless to be promoted to the king realm. 】

[After the Dao was completed, Xu Wei saw his friends proving the peak of the Dao one by one, and it happened that a strong man from outside the territory invaded Blue Star, and he couldn't help him at the Quasi-King Realm. He felt that he was a useless person, and he was desperate , Feeling lonely. 】

Seeing the prompt from the Eye of True Knowledge, Mo Yun finally knew why Xu Wei's expression was wrong.

For this situation, the god-level alchemy technique that I signed up before came in handy.

Mo Yun knew how to solve Xu Wei's problem almost instantly.

A perfect condensing pill is enough.

After all, the sea of ​​qi problem can be solved with the auxiliary pills that can be used when breaking through at the corresponding level.

However, the grade of the elixir must be the perfect grade.

Perfect level medicine.

No one can practice it.

And Mo Yun, there are a bunch of them.

Naturally, Mo Yun would not ignore the old heroes who had dedicated their entire lives to Zhenmensi and the human race.

After concentrating on thinking for a while, Mo Yun walked up to Xu Wei: "Senior, Qi Sea was damaged by monsters?"

Hearing this, Xu Wei was startled, and said with surprise on his face, "You, how do you know?"

Mo Yun smiled without saying a word, and took out a perfect Condensation Pill that was sprayed with rays of light from the system space, and stuffed it into Xu Wei's hand.

"If senior can trust me, he will swallow this elixir. If there are no accidents, senior's sea of ​​​​qi will be restored within two days at most. With the background of senior, once the sea of ​​Qi is restored, he will be able to break through the cultivation base and prove the absolute power of Taoism." Top."

Hearing what Mo Yun said, Xu Wei was startled.

Then without the slightest hesitation, he opened his mouth and threw the elixir in.

"Old man, trust you!"

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, there is still a chapter being written, it may be quite late to finish it, don't wait for an update, read it tomorrow~)

(End of this chapter)

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