Chapter 157 The Son of Fortune?

Chapter 157 The son of luck?
fork in the road.

Mo Yun patted the dust off his body and slowly exhaled.

"This domain is really complicated. The coverage area is obviously only such a small area, but it took me an hour to successfully remove it."

"Solution, solved?" Li Xinghe stared blankly at Mo Yun.

"It's solved, thanks to Lao Li, you helped me suppress those two formations just now." Mo Yun said with a smile.

"It's easy to do, hahaha, just solve it, let's go find Xiyan!" Li Xinghe said anxiously.

Although Mo Yun said that Liu Xiyan would be fine.

But in such a dangerous place as Kunlun Mountain, it is better to be cautious.

Li Xinghe knew.

The three of them survived without danger along the way, all thanks to Liu Xiyan's familiarity with Kunlun Mountain.

Without Liu Xiyan leading the way.

With him and Mo Yun alone, they might encounter a field after walking a few steps, and encounter mutant beasts after walking a few steps.

"Let's go." Mo Yun nodded, and walked in the way Liu Xiyan had chosen before.

Li Xinghe quickly followed.

At this time, the five intersections are no longer miraculous, they are just five ordinary intersections leading to different places.

At this time, Mo Yun was not really worried about Liu Xiyan's safety.

First, at that time he caught a trace of aura with the eye of true knowledge.

Seeing Liu Xiyan's good luck, she knew that she could get chance here, not danger.

Secondly, Liu Xiyan has a small silver token that he personally engraved on his body. If he is in danger, he can sense it immediately.


After entering the intersection and walking forward for a few minutes, Mo Yun and Li Xinghe saw a bare hill that exuded a faint golden light.

"Over there!" Li Xinghe stared at the top of the mountain and said loudly.

"Well, let's go there." Mo Yun nodded and walked over there.

After a while, the two climbed to the top of the mountain and saw the bare sapling not far away.

And Liu Xiyan, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a milky glow all over her body.

Mo Yun and Li Xinghe stopped not far away, some distance away from Liu Xiyan.

Because they could see that Liu Xiyan was in a state of epiphany at the moment and could not be disturbed.

At a glance.

Liu Xiyan was shrouded in milky white light, like a fairy descending from the sky.

But this is not the point.

The point is, Liu Xiyan's cultivation aura.

Li Xinghe sensed the surging aura of cultivation on Liu Xiyan's body, and his eyes widened at once, his face full of disbelief.

"This, this is this eighth-grade breath?"

"How is this possible?!"

"Wasn't Xi Yan an hour ago only at the beginning of the seventh stage?"

"How long did it take to break through to the eighth rank?"

But he didn't dare to disturb Liu Xiyan, he just roared in his heart.

He could see that Liu Xiyan was in a critical state at the moment.

Her body is undergoing an astonishing transformation.

Mo Yun also watched intently.

He first looked at Liu Xiyan.

Then he noticed the bare sapling beside Liu Xiyan.

After thinking about it, Mo Yun scanned Liu Xiyan with his eyes of true knowledge.

[Liu Xiyan, the Shadow Gold Medal Assassin of Zhenma Division, possesses spiritual martial arts talent, a rare cultivation genius. 】

[Eighth-rank early warrior, good at assassination, disguise and disguise.He looks cold on the outside, but is actually kind-hearted.Not good at communicating with people. 】

Seeing this result, Mo Yun was surprised.

He didn't expect that Liu Xiyan's cultivation base had broken through to the first stage of the eighth rank, and even his martial arts talent had been improved.

Mo Yun remembered that Liu Xiyan used to be the best martial arts talent.

But now, it has been directly promoted to the spiritual rank.

Blue Star martial arts talents are divided into four grades: low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, and super-grade.

Although there are grades such as mysterious grade, spiritual grade, king grade, etc. behind the best grade.

But for so many years, apart from Mo Yun, no one in Blue Star has surpassed the best in martial arts talent.

But now, Liu Xiyan surpassed it.

Not only surpassed, but also directly promoted to Lingpin!

"What did she go through?" Mo Yun became curious.

Then, Mo Yun seemed to have thought of something, concentrated again, and scanned towards the small sapling next to Liu Xiyan.

Then, a line of information appeared on the virtual panel that only Mo Yun could see.

[The fruit tree of destiny that has withered. 】

"The Destiny Fruit Tree? What is this thing?"

Mo Yun frowned, and expanded the Destiny Fruit with the Eye of True Knowledge.

The information then appears again on the virtual panel.

[Destiny Fruit: A product of gold and jade, it can nourish qi and lighten the body. Ordinary people can stay young forever after eating it, and gain a thousand years of life.Cultivators who eat it can change their fate against the sky and attain the holy position, which is the supreme fruit of God. 】

[Reminder: The Destiny Fruit Tree in front of me is not fully grown and has withered long ago. 】

Seeing this message, Mo Yun was dumbfounded.

Although it is only a broken version of the Destiny Fruit, it has directly improved Liu Xiyan's martial arts cultivation by a large level.

Of course, what is more important is the improvement of martial arts talent.

After the martial arts talent is improved, Liu Xiyan will practice faster in the future, and the upper limit of what he can achieve will be higher.

"This is also possible?"

"Is this girl meeting her own chance?"

"Isn't this luck too?"

Mo Yun collected himself and looked at Liu Xiyan again.

He could feel that the medicinal effect of the Destiny Fruit had not been fully exerted.

But because Liu Xiyan's body is currently saturated, those energies are temporarily submerged.

As time goes by, these medicinal effects will continue to subtly affect and transform Liu Xiyan.

If nothing else happened, Mo Yun felt that it would only take a month at most for these medicines to take full effect.

At that time, Liu Xiyan's martial arts cultivation base may be able to raise another level.

In addition, her martial arts talent can almost be promoted to another level, reaching the realm of king rank.

"This girl's luck is so against the sky. She chose a random path and found her own opportunity..."

Mo Yun stared at the sky speechlessly.

Is this guy... the son of luck mentioned in the novel?

But soon, Mo Yun just smiled, and immediately concentrated on signing in silently.

It's time to get pissed off.

Waiting for this moment.

Today's sign-in opportunity has not been used yet.

The location is not only Kunlun Mountain, but also the time when Liu Xiyan's luck exploded.

He didn't believe that there were no good things to sign at this time.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and getting basic rewards, spiritual power +800, mental power +800, physique +800, understanding +80, foundation +80, luck +80...]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering a special reward and gaining a special ability: beating and crying gods. 】

Mo Yun: "???"

What the hell?

Mo Yun's face twitched, wanting to hit someone.

It was torn by hand before.

Now another beating and crying?
This insane!
At the same time, Liu Xiyan faintly woke up.

As soon as she woke up, she noticed Mo Yun and Li Xinghe not far away.

"Hey, why are you here?"

"Uh, what happened to your face, Mo Yun?"

(End of this chapter)

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