Chapter 172 When Did I Gain So Many Prefixes?

Chapter 172 When Did I Gain So Many Prefixes?

"This is this-"

Grand Master Hong Tian and Long Shan looked at Mo Yun and the Nine-Life Civet on his shoulders with disbelief, as if they had seen a ghost.

When they first saw Mo Yun blocking the ground dragon beast's attack, although they were also shocked, they did not lose their composure like they are now.

But when they saw that the Nine Lives Civet easily killed the Earth Dragon Beast with a flash of light, they were really frightened.

Such an attack... is too terrifying!

too strong!
So strong that they couldn't believe it!

That ray of light directly wiped away the Earth Dragon Beast and the mountain it was on.

Yes, it is erased.

Erase without leaving a trace.

It seems that the earth dragon beast and the mountain that appeared just now are just their hallucinations.

In fact, both Master Hong Tian and Long Shan have the ability to smash a mountain.

But it is impossible to erase the traces of a mountain.

This kind of thing is too outrageous, far beyond the scope of Wang Jing's strength.

What's even more outrageous is that the one who killed the ground dragon beast just now seems to be a monster!
The most outrageous thing is that the monster seems to be close to a human, it looks like his pet!
So... just who is this young man in front of him?
How far has his strength reached?
And how did he control that terrifying monster?
These thoughts came to mind, Master Hong Tian and Long Shan stared at Mo Yun blankly, unable to say a word.

To this, Mo Yun just smiled and greeted politely.

"Hello, seniors."

"Senior, senior?" Long Shan pointed at herself, then at Master Hong Tian, ​​a little confused.

"You, you call us seniors?"

Mo Yun shook his head and explained briefly: "A few days ago, I went to the western base and the central south base. At that time, neither of them happened to be there, so I couldn't meet them."

"You, you went to the Central South Base and the West Base to do, what to do?" Long Shan was still puzzled, her chest rose and fell slightly, and she was a little nervous.

Grand Master Hong Tian at the side was stunned, as if he had thought of something, and quickly showed his comprehension.

Then he looked at Mo Yun, his eyes widened, and he said in disbelief.

"The benefactor is the peerless strong man who repaired the high wall of the human race a few days ago?"

To this, Mo Yun nodded slightly.

At that time, when Li Xinghe went to each base, he would contact the senior management there in advance.

But it is impossible for everyone to stay at the base all the time.

Therefore, in fact, Mo Yun, the person in charge of many bases, has not seen it.

This is the case with the two in front of them.

On this side, Grand Master Hong Tian trembled when he heard Mo Yun's confession, and hurriedly bowed to Mo Yun.

"Thank you for your dedication to the human race, Amitabha."

"The kindness of the benefactor will surely enjoy the great luck, the prosperity of the martial arts, and the generations to come."

Mo Yun: "..."

This monk is quite good at flattering?
Regarding this, Mo Yun just smiled and didn't say any more.

He contemplated for a moment, and was about to ask Master Hong Tian a few questions.

However, at this moment, Long Shan's eyes lit up and she spoke excitedly.

"You, are you the handsome, invincible, supreme martial artist, unrivaled sword fairy Mo Yun that Li Xinghe said?"

Mo Yun: "???"

When did I have so many prefixes?

"It's really you!"

"I was thinking earlier, besides Mo Yun, who else in this world has such terrifying strength and can easily deal with monsters with mid-kingdom strength!"

"I didn't expect it to be you!"

Long Shan was very excited, as if meeting an idol.

After learning about Mo Yun's deeds, she always wanted to meet this peerless powerhouse.

It's just that she didn't expect to meet Mo Yun in this situation.

Mo Yun shook his head, didn't care about Long Shan, but focused on Master Hong Tian, ​​and said slowly.

"Senior, this junior would like to ask senior something, can you tell me?"

Great Master Hong Tian nodded quickly: "Almsgiver, please tell me, the poor monk will know everything and say everything."

He already knew that Mo Yun was much younger than these old guys, so even though Mo Yun was much stronger than him, he didn't care too much about the title of senior.

Mo Yun concentrated his attention, and said straight to the point: "I want to know, why did you two come to Kunlun Mountain?"

Hearing this, Grand Master Hong Tian sighed, and then said.

"Benefactor, it's like this. Benefactor Li has contacted various bases, indicating that in the near future, there will be invaders from outside the territory coming to Blue Star."

"Under such pressure, the entire Blue Star will be threatened."

"That's why the poor monk privately thinks that racial prejudice should be discarded at the moment, resources should be used rationally, and the overall strength of Blue Star should be strengthened as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Mo Yun looked at Master Hong Tian in surprise.

Grand Master Hong Tian clenched his Zen staff slightly, and paused.

"But the poor monk also knows that monsters are cunning by nature, and it is definitely inappropriate to directly cooperate with them."

Speaking of this, Grand Master Hong Tian smiled wryly.

"Actually, as early as the last time the invaders from outside the territory came, the poor monk paid attention to it, and took this opportunity to let several king-level powerhouses from the demon and demon clans take the demon subduing pill."

"The poor monk originally thought that with the Demon Subduing Pill, they could control their life and death, make them use by the human race, and unite with the human race to fight against foreign invaders."

"However, I never expected that the energy in the monster's body after breaking through to the king realm was beyond imagination, and within a few days, the effect of the Demon Subduing Pill was lifted."


Master Hong Tian showed a trace of regret on his face, and continued.

"But now the invaders from outside the territory are about to come, and they are so powerful that the poor monk and others have already experienced it."

"At this time, only by integrating all resources can we have greater confidence in dealing with them."

"So, the poor monk is planning to improve the Demon Subduing Pill."

"Fortunately, the poor monk has some insights after breaking through the king realm, and recently found a way to improve."

"Because there are some materials that only Kunlun can find, so I came here."

After finishing speaking, Master Hong Tian bowed respectfully to Mo Yun.

"The poor monk only found out after entering Kunlun. It turns out that Kunlun is quite different from before. It is full of crises that can threaten the warriors of the king realm."

Master Hong Tian shook his head helplessly, and continued.

"There was a change in Kunlun, and the materials were not found for a while. On the way to find the materials, the poor monk accidentally met the dragon benefactor, so he went with him."


Hearing this, Mo Yun frowned, then shook his head and said, "I see."

He also thought that Grand Master Hong Tian and Long Shan appeared here at the same time because they sensed the changes in Kunlun Mountain and came here to look for opportunities.

Chances don't happen by accident.

If someone perceives the opportunity, it means that Kunlun Mountain will undergo another drastic change.

It now appears that it was just a coincidence.

But at this moment, Long Shan on the side spoke.

"Actually, I came here because I sensed an inexplicable call, and felt that there was something waiting for me in Kunlun Mountain."

"This call appeared ten days ago, and I didn't make up my mind to come here until today."

"Huh?" Mo Yun was taken aback, looking at Long Shan.

(End of this chapter)

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