Chapter 182 Cause and Effect
Chapter 182

"Is it related to the Nine Lives Civet Clan?"

Mo Yun was surprised. He looked at the golden kitten on his shoulder, and then at several gray-haired old men.

At this moment, the old man in charge sighed helplessly.

"Countless tens of thousands of years ago, the invincible quasi-emperor of the Nine-Life Civet Clan led the peak powerhouses of all clans to kill Nine Heavens in an attempt to interfere with the Dao and eradicate the power of reincarnation."

"It's a pity that the Ten Thousand Clans were still defeated in the final battle. The Emperor Zhun of the Nine-Life Civet Clan was wiped out by Dao, and even the entire clan was implicated."

"Since then, the Nine-Life Civet Clan has been wiped off by the Dao, and there is no trace of them in the endless reincarnation of the heavens and myriad realms."

"In addition to the Nine-Life Civet Clan, other races that participated in the crusade against the Dao were also implicated."

"Although the leading ethnic groups have not been directly erased, they have also been cursed by Dao. When their strength reaches a certain level, they will explode and die."

"This has led to the fact that it will never be possible for this family to have a strong player with high-end combat power."

"The several major ethnic groups that used to intimidate Wanyu have gradually withered away, either being swallowed up and killed by hostile forces, or disappearing into the long river of history."

"The Ancient Dragon Clan was one of the major groups that participated in that battle."

Speaking of this, the old man smiled wryly and continued.

"Speaking of which, the Ancient Dragon Clan is an exception. Even if they are cursed by the Dao, relying on the special barrier of the Canglong Realm, no group dares to make trouble. After thousands of years of curse, the number of the Ancient Dragon Clan has not decreased but increased."

While talking, the old man looked up at the gray sky and said bitterly.

"Unfortunately, Dao doesn't seem to intend to just let the ancient dragons go."

"Sure enough, when the Dharma-ending era came, Dao made another move, which caused problems and faults in the inheritance marks of the Dragon Clan."

"The dragon clan without the inheritance mark can be born again when the next spiritual power is revived."

"But the cultivation methods of the dragon clan and the power of the blood engraved in the depths of their souls are getting thinner and thinner."

"In this way, the ancient dragon clan, who was originally extremely talented and could easily grow into a strong man in the holy realm, gradually became mediocre."

"After several reincarnations, the ancient dragons don't even have the strength to maintain the magic circle in the Longcang realm."

"The result can be expected. After a few epochs, the ancient dragon clan died out."

Hearing this, Mo Yun was thoughtful.

An era is a reincarnation, a total of 12 years.

In other words, the Dragon Clan existed for at least a few hundred thousand years more, unlike the Nine-Life Civet Clan, which was wiped out directly.

On this side, the old man's eyes were slightly moist, and he continued.

"After the ancient dragon clan died out, only my Huanlong clan remained in the Canglong Realm."

"Without the protection of the ancient dragon clan, the Huanlong clan alone cannot protect the Canglong Realm."

"So, almost every era, the Canglong Realm will be occupied by people from outside the territory."

"My Huanlong family, in these eras, cannot escape the fate of being exterminated or becoming a slave."

Speaking of this, the faces of several old men were ugly.

More than 3000 years after the aura of the Huanlong Realm recovered, they discovered some mysterious tombs and unearthed various ancient documents.

From these documents, they learned this information.

The old man concentrated his attention, calmed down, took a deep breath and continued.

"Until a certain era, a space barrier suddenly appeared in Wanyu, separating all the realms, and the realms became separate individuals and no longer communicated."

"Until then, the disasters of my Huanlong clan stopped, and the next Jidu lived in peace, and the clan successfully continued until the Dharma-ending Era."

"It's a pity that there is no ancient dragon clan in the Canglong Realm. Even if the realms are separated, our Huanlong clan has limited talent, and it will be difficult to grow into a big clan."

Speaking of this, the old man paused.

He took a deep breath and looked a little hesitant.

Seeing this, Mo Yun frowned, and glanced at him lightly, a terrifying wave of spiritual energy erupted from his body in an instant, enveloping the old man, and said coldly.

"You haven't said what your purpose is for coming to Blue Star."

The old man trembled all over, bowed quickly, and said with a look of panic.

"Returning to the seniors, the juniors have discovered some records about the sanctuary from those ancient documents, and know that the sanctuary is the origin of the ten thousand domains."

"Speaking of which, Wanyu seems to be branded with the sanctuary's brand. The most basic thing is that no matter how many reincarnations it goes through, Wanyu's final language will evolve into the sanctuary's language."

Mo Yun nodded.

He also found this problem.

Back then, Ji Wuyue spoke Blue Star Huaxia.

The elders of the Huanlong tribe in front of them also speak the Blue Star Huaxia language.

Just mention it.

Although the blue star structure is similar to that of the earth.

But as early as 500 years ago, when the monsters were in turmoil, only the Chinese lineage remained in the entire Blue Star.

Therefore, the current Blue Star language is equivalent to Huaxia language.

On this side, the old man continued.

"From those ancient documents, we found that records were left as early as countless tens of thousands of years ago, when we don't know which era."

"In a certain era in the future, Wanyu's space barrier will disappear again."

"The space barrier disappears, the information of all races is circulated, all laws are mutually confirmed, and the heavens and myriad domains will once again become prosperous."

"And the starting point of all this is in the sanctuary."

"It is even vaguely mentioned in ancient documents that the sanctuary contains the opportunities of each domain, and it is the place of sanctification and ancestors."

"Now the space barriers in the sanctuary are the first to disappear, which seems to indicate—"

Hearing this, Mo Yun frowned.

Although he extracted Ji Wuyue's memory fragments before.

But the information he obtained was incomplete, and there were some things that he couldn't figure out.

Now hearing what the old man said, many problems were immediately solved, and the doubts that had piled up suddenly became clear.

Sensing Mo Yun's strangeness, the old man was startled and quickly shut up.

Mo Yun frowned and said, "You continue."

The old man nodded in a daze and continued.

"From those ancient documents, the few of us know that the ancient dragons have not really died out, and there are very likely traces of the ancient dragons in the sanctuary!"

"As long as you find the ancient dragon clan in the sanctuary and bring them back to the Canglong Realm, the Canglong Realm will be rejuvenated, and the ancient dragon clan and Huanlong clan can also rise again!"

At the end, the old man was trembling and excited beyond measure.

"This is the reason why the juniors will appear in the sanctuary!"

After listening to the narration, Mo Yun nodded.

After extracting the souls of the two ancient monsters and Ji Wuyue, Mo Yun learned a lot of information.

After confirming each other, he can judge that the old man in front of him is not lying.

But at this moment, Mo Yun's face became a little strange, and he pointed to several mountain peaks not far away.

"The ancient dragon clan you are talking about, don't you mean these mountains that look like giant dragons?"

(End of this chapter)

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