Chapter 184 We are not suitable

Chapter 184 We are not suitable

Seeing the black guitar in Mo Yun's hand, several elders in the Canglong Realm were stunned, their faces full of bewilderment.

Mo Yun ignored them and simply adjusted the tone.


A pleasant voice came out and swayed into the distance.

Hearing this voice, several old men were startled, with surprise on their faces.

"Is this... a Divine Sense attack?"


There was another clang, and the beautiful tune echoed in the air.

Then, a hoarse and pleasant singing sounded.

——I have been waiting for several days for your message.

It was found to be blank.

You are in my mind, filled with colors.

The inner world is only for you——

The singing sound spread, and reached the ears of several old men in the Canglong Realm first.

The moment they heard the singing, they were stunned, with uncontrollable sadness welling up in their hearts, and even the urge to cry.

"Senior, what a terrifying divine attack..."

"No, why can't the old man control his emotions?"

"Hiss! This divine attack is too terrifying!"

"With such a terrifying divine attack, senior is simply invincible!"

"No, no, didn't senior say he wanted to beat us up? What kind of show is this?"

The few people were stunned, and they obviously didn't expect Mo Yun to use his spiritual thoughts to deal with them.

It's fine to deal with them with divine sense.

The problem is, there is no attacking power in that divine sense at all, but only the weird power that can affect people's emotions!

The singing echoed again.

——You once said that you wanted to find someone to rely on.

But you don't know, I just want to be nice to you——

"Hiss! This old man can't take it anymore. If this goes on, this old man will, this old man will cry!"

Under the influence of such singing, some old people seemed to recall some bad memories, and their eyes became moist.

Then he summoned up his energy, trying to resist Mo Yun's singing.

Unfortunately, it didn't work at all.

Mo Yun's singing seems to be an invisible energy that can penetrate any matter, no matter how he blocks it, it will have no effect.

The other elders in the Canglong Realm closed their eyes in pain, and they were in a state of confusion.

—Recalling the past.

My heart is always waiting silently.

This time I hold your hand——

The singing continued.

Mo Yun entered a state of ecstasy, his eyes were slightly closed, and he began to play seriously.

Of course, this was his first attempt, and he didn't activate the spiritual enhancement effect of the sad magic sound, but only used the most basic spiritual energy.

If he is willing, the effect can even be magnified a hundred times and a thousand times.

Of course, Mo Yun chose the song himself.

It's called "Let's Be Friends".

This song is about the tragic story of Yan Wang's online love affair.

Emotional lyrics that tell a sad story.

The composition full of melancholic tone makes people feel as if they are on the scene, experiencing those things together with the protagonist in the story.

This song is tailor-made for the sad magic volume, and the effect is naturally extraordinary.

Of course, if Mo Yun wanted to, he could change it to any other song.

For example, "Learn to Meow" or something.

No matter what song is played and sung, the effect of the sad magic sound will be there.

It's just that the more suitable the song is, the more powerful the sad magic sound will be.

Although Mo Yun didn't know if the sad magic sound rewarded by the system was the same as the sad magic sound in a certain anime on Earth.

But he still felt that it was most appropriate to play and sing the sad magic sound with the songs in that anime.

The singing continued.

Soon it spread to the canyon.

The Jiangnan martial arts masters and students who had long been frightened by the sudden appearance of a strong man fell into a state of collapse the moment they heard the sad and magical sound, tears streaming down their faces.

They didn't have the strong concentration of the elders in the imperial realm of the Canglong Star Region, so they naturally broke their defenses in an instant.

——You clearly said that you need my support.

But you say we should be friends——

Listening to the singing echoing in his ears, Zhou Jie recalled the past, and fell to the ground on his back with a thud, tears streaming down his cheeks, soaking the ground in an instant.

He remembered his experience in the second year of high school.

At that time, he was still an innocent boy who had fantasies about love.

At that time, he had just come into contact with the Internet and met a girl named "Crystal Love" on the Internet.

They seem to be a natural pair, they are attracted to each other, and they have endless topics to talk about every day.

As long as he chats with "Crystal Love", Zhou Jie will have a steady stream of topics, and the two often chat until midnight.

As time passed, the relationship between the two became deeper and deeper.

That day.

Zhou Jie asked the girl: "If I grow fat and ugly, will you despise me?"

The girl replied: "Of course not. No matter you are beautiful or ugly, fat or thin, tall or short, you are you. What I care about is you, not your appearance, your appearance."

"By the way, didn't you send me your photo? Isn't it you in the photo?"

The girl sent a photo.

In the photo, he is a sunny and handsome boy.

"It's me." Zhou Jie replied.

That was him a year ago.

He has not yet practiced the family's ancestral skills.

At that time, he was chic and handsome, a very handsome guy.

just now...

But never mind.

As long as his cultivation breaks through to the first-rank level, he will be able to restore his original appearance.

At this time, the girl sent a message: "I have known you for so long, can I see you?"

Seeing this news, Zhou Jie was startled: "When?"

"The sooner the better, or next week? I want to see you, eat with you, watch movies, go to an amusement park, watch the sunrise, sunset, snow-capped mountains and waterfalls..."

Seeing this news, Zhou Jie's heart jumped up.

He hesitated for a while, and finally sent a message with trembling fingers.

"Okay, let's meet next week, and I'll go find you."

So, the two rushed out.

Zhou Jie took out the New Year's money he had saved for 17 years, bought the best gift, traveled thousands of miles, and came to the girl he was thinking of.

Girls are beautiful.

Tall figure, fair skin, exquisite facial features, elegant temperament, long black hair as smooth as a waterfall.

Zhou Jie's heart was immediately captured by her.

He swore that in this life he would not marry anything other than a girl.

The two agreed to go to the playground.

Zhou Jie was very happy, with a happy smile on his face.

However, the girl seemed to have something on her mind, and she was taciturn and serious all the way.

Regarding this, Zhou Jie didn't take it to heart, and only thought that the other party was shy.

Happy times are always short-lived.

The day passed quickly.

The girl sent Zhou Jie to the station.

When parting, Zhou Jie said full of expectation: "When will we meet again next time?"

The girl lowered her head, bit her lip and said, "I don't think...we are not suitable."

After speaking, the girl trembled, turned and left, leaving Zhou Jie alone in the wind.

Since then, Zhou Jie has never been in love again.

I never thought about falling in love again.

Even after Zhou Xiuwei broke through to the first-rank realm, he could obviously remove the hidden dangers brought by the family's exercises, restore his normal figure, and return to his original handsome appearance, but he didn't do that.

Because he felt that it didn't matter anymore.

After so many years, he has even forgotten what happened back then.

But now, the dusty memory was opened, and the endless sadness in his heart flooded out instantly, drowning him.

"God, why are you doing this to me, woo woo woo—"

Memories kept popping up in Zhou Jie's mind. He clenched his fists and hammered the ground feebly, weeping uncontrollably.

"I'm so stupid, really..."

Not only Zhou Jie, but the others were also in tears, with sad faces, as if they had suffered the most painful blow in their lives.

Even the elders in the imperial realm above the sky are no exception.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in Mo Yun's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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