Chapter 186

Chapter 186

Under the effect of the sad magic sound, the grief in the hearts of the elders in the Canglong Star Region was maximized, and they cried uncontrollably.

Normally, everyone will hide more or less sadness and regret in their hearts.

Mo Yun was not surprised that several old men were crying like this.

Because when the sadness in the heart is magnified by thousands of times, even tens of thousands of times and billions of times, by the magic sound of sadness, even the most holy and powerful will have to break through their defenses, let alone these few imperial realm powerhouses in front of them.

To Mo Yun's surprise, he had already received a system notification before hitting anyone.

"It seems that the skill of beating and crying gods does not need to be beaten, as long as they are made to cry, no matter what method is used."

"From this point of view, the magic sound of sadness is really a magical skill..."

At the same time Mo Yun had this thought, the system notification sounded.

[Congratulations for triggering the effect of "Beating the Crying God" and obtaining the basic rewards, spiritual power +56000, mental power +56000, constitution +56000, comprehension +80, foundation +80, luck +80...]

The moment he heard the system prompt, Mo Yun was startled immediately, a little in disbelief.

"Fifty-six thousand?"

"Do you have so much experience?"


Mo Yunren was stupid.

He thought about using the ability to beat and cry gods, he would get a lot of experience points, but he didn't expect to get fifty-six thousand experience points directly.

The basic attribute value of [-], based on his normal sign-in progress, will take two to three months.

"This skill, Nasi..." Mo Yun smiled with satisfaction.

With these basic attributes, my cultivation should be improved, right?
Sure enough, the moment Mo Yun thought of it, the system notification sounded again.

[Ding, it is detected that all attributes of the host have reached the limit, is it a breakthrough? 】

Mo Yun didn't hesitate and chose yes directly.

Immediately after that, a mysterious energy burst out from the void and frantically gathered towards Mo Yun.


Thunder and lightning roared.

Rows of silver lightning appeared out of nowhere and converged on Mo Yun.

In the void, golden lotus flowers quickly formed and disappeared, like gorgeous fireworks blooming.

Without the suppression of the invincible field, it would be easy for Mo Yun to break through and produce visions.

No way, his existence is far different from other creatures in this world.

That's why when Mo Yun breaks through his cultivation, it will trigger a vision, even if he breaks through a small realm.

Mo Yun didn't care about this and concentrated on breaking through.

The aura on his body is also rising at a terrifying speed.

At the same time, a series of mysterious breaths burst out from his body, making everyone breathless.

The teachers and students of Jiangnan Wushu Group fainted instantly.

Fortunately, Mo Yun noticed that most of the aura was restrained, and it would not cause them any harm.

At this time, high above the sky, several elders in the royal realm of the Canglong Realm were no longer affected by the sad magic sound, and returned to normal.

However, before they regained their composure, they were stunned collectively, feeling the aura from Mo Yun's body, and seeing the incomparably gorgeous vision.

"This, this... what's going on here?"

"Vision? It's actually a vision?!"

"Senior, is this going to prove the holy realm?"

"How is this possible! The sanctuary can already prove the way to the sanctuary?!"

Several old men looked in disbelief.

They never imagined that Mo Yun was actually starting to break through the holy realm.

Normally, this kind of thing can't happen at all.

However, it is impossible to trigger such a vision without breaking through to the holy realm.

But soon, someone noticed something was wrong and said in horror.

"No, no! Senior's cultivation is not in the imperial realm! He is not breaking through the holy realm now! He is breaking through from the early stage of the king realm to the middle stage of the king realm!" A thin old man stared at Mo Yun, his expression changed drastically. .

"Huh?!" The others were taken aback.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could the senior's cultivation be—"

However, before he finished speaking, he took a deep breath and almost fainted from the fright.

"Early stage of King Realm?!"

"This, is this possible!"

"Hiss—it's really the early stage of the King Realm!"

"In the early days of King Realm, did you have such terrifying combat power?"

"Who the hell is Senior?"

The faces of the powerful men in the Canglong Realm were full of horror. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, even if they were killed, they would not believe such a thing!
In the early days of King Realm, could they defeat the joint attack of the seven of them with one move?
This kind of thing... how is it possible!

So magical, so unbelievable!

Under normal circumstances, the mere King Jing, any one of the seven of them, could poke him to death with one finger.

but now--

"What exactly is going on?"

"Hiss, the sanctuary is the sanctuary, worthy of being the source of the ten thousand domains, the existence that once ruled the ten thousand races."

"Sanctuary cultivators obviously cannot be judged by common sense."

"Sacred realm cultivators, even mere king realm cultivators, can easily defeat our Canglong Starfield emperor realm peak cultivators."

Thinking of this, the old men felt lingering fear, and their faces showed fear.

"It's a good thing we came here and didn't rely on our own cultivation to mess around, otherwise we wouldn't even know how to die."

"Sanctuary cultivators are so terrifying!"

Several old men looked at Mo Yun who was breaking through, and their expressions became more respectful.

They decided that after Mo Yun's breakthrough was completed, they would immediately go to say goodbye and return to the Canglong Realm.

The sanctuary is too dangerous, obviously not a place for them to stay.

If Bao Buqi encounters any ordinary Wangjing again, he will wipe them all out with a few moves.

Therefore, you must go back quickly, and you can't stay for a moment.

Anyway, their mission has been completed, the ancient dragon is not sealed in Jiulongtan, and there will be no gain if they stay any longer.

While the old men were thinking wildly, the vision slowly disappeared, and the sky returned to calm.

Mo Yun slowly opened his eyes, and the attribute panel immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

Name: Mo Yun

Cultivation Level: Middle King Realm

Martial arts talent: holy grade

Special abilities: Invincible Field, Eye of True Knowledge (advanced version), Traction Dao Yun, Perfect Assassin Mastery, God-Level Alchemy, Soul Extraction, Field Mastery

Special Items: Da Huan Pill*1, Tears of the Dragon*1
The cultivation base has broken through from the early stage of King Realm to the middle stage of King Realm.

Mo Yun felt it seriously.

Compared with before, his strength has improved a lot.

Just now, in the face of the joint attack of several old men in the Canglong Realm, Mo Yun could only defeat him with a single blow, and it was impossible to do more.

But now, with the same strike, he was able to kill the seven old men while defeating the joint attack.

"Not bad, not bad, the combat power has increased a little bit." Mo Yun smiled.

At this moment, several old men from the Canglong Realm flew over tremblingly.

They came to say goodbye to Mo Yun.

Mo Yun didn't stop them either.

Although he really wanted to tear the gods with his hands against these old men, and gain another wave of experience.

But the opponent did not cause any damage to Blue Star after all, and they did not come here for aggression.

Mo Yun is not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately.

So, he let the old men go.

What's more, he also asked them to bring a magnet medium back.

At that time, if he can really transport himself to the Canglong Realm through that magnet——

Thinking of this, Mo Yun smiled.

Watching several old men sneaking into the Nine Dragon Pool and finally disappearing completely, Mo Yun was thoughtful.

"This energy fluctuation..."

"Sure enough, I can't pass through the space channel they built."

"We'll see if the magnet works now."

Thinking of this, Mo Yun turned and looked towards the canyon. He planned to wake up the Jiangnan martial arts masters and students.

However, the moment he turned around, he frowned, turned around again, and looked at a space not far away.

There, a huge crimson light gate is slowly emerging.

(End of this chapter)

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