Signed in at home for three years, I went out and tore the gods with my hands

Chapter 196 The one you really want is not impossible

Chapter 196 If You Really Want It, It's Not Impossible

Chapter 196 If You Really Want It, It's Not Impossible
Mo Yun stepped into the light gate, and was teleported to the balcony of his home in the blink of an eye.

Coming down from the balcony, Mo Yun immediately saw Liu Xiyan who was pinned down by the Nine Lives Civet, and almost laughed out loud.

At this moment, the koi girl was being stepped on the ground by the Nine Lives Civet, her delicate face fell to the ground, her face was swollen with anger, like a hamster.

"Uh, it seems... pretty cute?"

Mo Yun subconsciously took out his phone, squatted down, and took a photo of Liu Xiyan with a click.

After the flashing lights flickered, Liu Xiyan realized that Mo Yun was looking at her near the balcony.


His posture?
cell phone? !
He is taking pictures!

He took ugly pictures of me!
Thinking of this, Liu Xiyan instantly petrified, as if struck by lightning, she was completely dumbfounded.

Mo Yun put away his phone, smiled slightly, and walked slowly towards Liu Xiyan.

Looking at Liu Xiyan who looked like an idiot, Mo Yun couldn't help being a little puzzled.

This just happens to look pretty normal.

How did it become like this in the blink of an eye?
Thinking of this, Mo Yun's face darkened, and he immediately stared at the Nine Lives Civet.

"Did you hurt her?"


Nine Lives Civet immediately shook his head and quickly explained.

"Meow meow! (I just blocked her psychic power and didn't attack her!)
"Then why is she like this?" Mo Yun's face darkened even more.

However, he could also see that Liu Xiyan was not stupid, and his spiritual realm was not disturbed.

In this case, it stands to reason that he would not be stupid.

"Meow, meow... (I thought she was a thief, so I held her down, but I didn't expect...)" The Nine Lives Civet was also at a loss.

How could this ugly human being in front of him be so unbearable, just stepping on her feet made him stupid?


Humans are fragile creatures...

Nine Lives Civet sighed with emotion, a little bit embarrassed.

But soon, the Nine-Life Civet seemed to think of something, and his complexion changed drastically in an instant, and his face became terrified.

Seeing what the master did just now, this ugly human seems to be really the master's friend, and it is still a very important kind!

Now I hurt her...

Will the master... roast me, or stew me in soup?

Compared to grilling and eating...

Stew seems to taste better?
Thinking of this, the eyes of the Nine Lives Spirit Cat widened, and its face was ashen.

It's over.

It's going to be stewed into cat soup!
But then again.

If it really hurt the owner's friend like this, it deserves to be stewed into cat soup by the owner.

Nine Lives Civet's eyes were dizzy and he was in despair.

Cat life...why is it so difficult?
I was only born two months ago, am I going to burp so soon?
"Let her go, she is my good friend, she is not a thief." Mo Yun interrupted the Nine Lives Civet's mind-boggling.

Now he also understood.

Liu Xiyan was not injured.

The reason why he looked dumbfounded.

Mostly frightened.

In this case, take it easy.

After all, he is a high-grade warrior, not that fragile.


Hearing Mo Yun's words, the Nine Lives Civet quickly shrank its body and returned to the size of a normal kitten, looking at Mo Yun eagerly.

"Don't look at me anymore, what should you do?" Mo Yun squatted down to support Liu Xiyan, while waving the Nine Lives Civet away.

"Meow? (Aren't you going to punish me?)" The Nine-Life Spirit Cat rolled its eyeballs with a puzzled look on its face.


Mo Yun rolled his eyes.

"Okay, since you want to punish, then—"

Before Mo Yun finished speaking, the Nine Lives Civet trembled all over.


It looked overjoyed, its figure flashed, and it jumped out of the balcony.

"Meow! (I went to the back mountain to catch butterflies and play, call me when I eat!)"

Mo Yun: "..."

When he came back to his senses, Mo Yun found that Liu Xiyan was staring at him.

"Have you recovered?" Mo Yun wanted to laugh.

Liu Xiyan didn't speak, but still looked at Mo Yun.

Mo Yun was puzzled, frowned, and looked at Liu Xiyan with wide eyes.

The eyelashes are long and curled, and the proportions of the five views are just right, very delicate, and the tight black combat uniform outlines the beautiful curves.

Don't say it yet.

The koi girl looks good.

Mo Yun has seen many beautiful women in his last and this life.

Especially in the last life.

With the development of the Internet, it is not only possible to see the beauties of that era.

Even the beauties of the previous era can see it.

And also globally.

But even so, Mo Yun felt that in Mo Yun's place, in terms of appearance, he could compete with the koi girl, and there seemed to be no more than three.

"It's not bad, it's pleasing to the eye." Mo Yun nodded in satisfaction.

Then, his eyes moved down from the other person's face.

Not bad not bad, quite surging.

so good.

Mo Yun smiled.

Who is not an lsp?
"You, you... what are you looking at?!"

Liu Xiyan sensed something wrong with Mo Yun's gaze, her face flushed to the base of her neck, she clutched her chest and took a few steps back in a daze.

"It's nothing, I thought your brain was broken by Xiao Huang." Mo Yun said calmly.

"Little yellow?"

Liu Xiyan was taken aback.

"Is that the golden kitten?"

"Well, I raised it." Mo Yun nodded.

After thinking for a while, he said again: "I picked it up from Kunlun Mountain."

"I see!" Liu Xiyan nodded vigorously.

After thinking for a while, she said again: "But it is so dedicated, and it still doesn't forget to help you look after the house when you sleep."

"Uh, you're not angry with it?" Mo Yun wondered.

"Hey, why am I angry with a cat..." Liu Xiyan shook her head.

"Then why did you look at me with such fierce eyes just now?" Mo Yun became more and more puzzled.

Hearing this sentence, Liu Xiyan was startled.


"I was almost led astray by you!"

"Huh?" Mo Yun was confused.

"Delete the photo!" Liu Xiyan said with a puffy face and staring eyes.

"What picture?"

"The one you just took! It's too ugly! Hurry up, delete it!"

"Uh, I think it's pretty pretty."

"Really? Show me?"

"Really, come, come, let me show you." Mo Yun handed over the phone.

Liu Xiyan took the hand in a daze, took a serious look, and then deleted the photo with a snap.

Then, she clicked again with lightning speed, and deleted the cloud backup as well.

"Hee hee, return it to you~" Liu Xiyan returned the phone to Mo Yun.

"You deleted the photo?" Mo Yunren was dumbfounded.

"??? Cloud backup is gone?"

This hand speed is fine!
stronger than me!

"That picture is so ugly..."

"If you want, I'll send you some nice ones!"

"Really?" Mo Yun's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, really!" Liu Xiyan nodded vigorously.

"I choose by myself?" Mo Yun said.

"Yeah, whatever you like, I'll take pictures for you, except for the ugly one just now!"

"Okay, what you said." Mo Yun smiled.

"Yeah! I said it!" Liu Xiyan nodded vigorously.

"Then I want to be cooler." Mo Yun said.

"???" Liu Xiyan was dumbfounded, and froze in place, her pretty face flushed.

When did Mo Yun become so dishonest?

"Why, talking doesn't count?" Looking at Liu Xiyan whose face was as red as a hot iron, Mo Yun almost couldn't laugh out loud.

It's also very interesting to tease this girl once in a while.

However, at this moment, Liu Xiyan blushed, lowered her head and spoke.

"If you really want it... also, it's not impossible!"

Mo Yun: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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