Chapter 206 Resurrection from the Dead?
Chapter 206 Back from the dead?
Li Xinghe hurriedly followed.

Mo Yun didn't say any more, and walked quickly in the right direction.

His mental strength has become boundless.

So at this moment, he has already sensed Gu Qingshan's specific location and his state.

At this time, Gu Qingshan was a little weird.

He had been dead for several years, but his body was full of vitality again.

Of course, the vitality in Gu Qingshan's body at this moment is abnormal.

Mo Yun suspected that it was being taken away by strange things.

But this situation is somewhat different from Duoshe.


The vitality of a person who has been dead for so long has long since disappeared, even if this person was once a strong quasi-king.

Therefore, Gu Qingshan's body is worthless.

but now……

Mo Yun was concentrating, his complexion a bit ugly.

He already guessed some.

But the specific situation, we still have to wait until we see Gu Qingshan's body to know.

Along the way, Li Xinghe was taciturn and did not speak.

But the closer he got to the finish line, the more uneasy he became.

He always had an ominous premonition.

In this situation.

Generally speaking, things are going to happen.

With this level of cultivation, some things related to oneself can be more or less perceived.

People with strong cultivation bases are able to seek good luck and avoid bad luck to a certain extent.

The closer he got to the destination, the more uneasiness in Li Xinghe's heart became more apparent.

In the end, he took a deep breath and asked again, "Mo Yun, my brother...what's the matter?"

Mo Yun didn't turn his head back, he pondered for a moment and said, "Your brother, you're alive."

"This..." Li Xinghe was startled, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Alive, alive... Alive?" Li Xinghe's head buzzed, as if struck by lightning.

Can the dead be resurrected?
The dead... can be resurrected? !
Li Xinghe came back to his senses, his eyes sparkled, and he became excited.

But soon, the look in his eyes dimmed.

"Something should have happened..."

He naturally knew that it was impossible for a normal dead person to be resurrected.

So now this situation is obviously not normal.

And he always had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Mo Yun also said that bad things will happen.

So, brother's resurrection.

Not a good thing.

He understood it instantly.

Brother is not really resurrected.

Rather, the body is used by certain beings.

Thinking of this, Li Xinghe trembled all over, his face turning ashen.


Can't you let people die?
He was a little annoyed.

Brother should have been properly buried in the first place.

These inexplicable things appear!
A cold light burst out from Li Xinghe's eyes, his face was terribly gloomy.

Sensing Li Xinghe's emotions, Mo Yun shook his head and said.

"Don't think too much, things are not the worst yet, it's still too late."

After a pause, Mo Yun said again: "Find a place with better feng shui this time, and I will open up a field for Senior Gu to rest in peace."

"Yeah!" Li Xinghe nodded vigorously, then took a deep breath, desperately turned his psychic energy, and instantly increased his speed to the fastest, surpassing Mo Yun.

Mo Yun's expression froze, and he speeded up, keeping a certain distance from Li Xinghe.

ten minutes later.

The two passed through one hill after another, and came to a simple green brick house.

They are very familiar with the blue brick house in front of them.

That was Gu Qingshan's former residence.

Li Xinghe noticed that the rest of Beishan had changed, becoming like a wild forest.

But the house in front of him remained unchanged.

Even the grass in the courtyard is the same as when Li Xinghe came here before.

Soon, Li Xinghe was startled, and stared at the blue brick house in front of him.

At this moment, wisps of vitality exude from the residence.

Feeling the ray of vitality, Mo Yun's face also darkened.

Although this vitality is not very strong.

But like a newborn baby, it is full of vitality, as if it will never tire.

"Brother..." Li Xinghe's eyes were moist.

He also sensed that strange vitality.

Taking a deep breath, Li Xinghe took a step towards the blue brick house.

"Wait." Mo Yun stretched out his hand to stop him.

"What's wrong?" Li Xinghe was taken aback, and looked at Mo Yun suspiciously.

"Look over there." Mo Yun pointed to the front.

Li Xinghe frowned in doubt, and looked intently.

Soon he was startled, a little dumbfounded.

The green brick and tile house in front of the house, and the courtyard with bamboo trees and weeds growing in front of the tile house, became unreal like the reflection in the water.

"What's going on here?" Li Xinghe's eyes widened, and he became anxious.

Mo Yun ignored him, but focused on looking at the phantom.

The phantom slowly solidifies.

Soon, a head was five or six meters long, with horns like a deer, a head like a camel, ears like a cat, eyes like a shrimp, a mouth like a donkey, hair like a lion, a neck like a snake, a belly like a mirage, scales like a carp, and front paws like an eagle. Its back paws were like a tiger's, and a ferocious beast bursting with blue light appeared in front of Li Xinghe and Mo Yun.

Seeing the ferocious beast in front of him and feeling the terrifying aura emanating from it, Li Xinghe's pupils shrank and his face changed drastically.

The aura of this fierce beast in front of him is much stronger than that of the giant blue snake before!

If you compare the previous cyan giant snake to a flood dragon.

Then the fierce beast in front of them at this moment is the real dragon!

The ferocious beast raised its head and roared, glaring at Mo Yun and the two with fierce eyes.

"Meow!" The Nine-Life Civet who had been sleeping on Mo Yun's back was also awakened, staring at the beast and roaring angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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