Chapter 209 Fatal Accident
Chapter 209 Fatal Accident

Yu found that his attack had no effect on the tiny human in front of him, so he could only let him attack.

What's even more outrageous is that it possesses the strength of the Holy Realm, and when it wants to condescend to escape, it actually gets rid of that tiny human being!
"No reason!"

Time passed little by little.

Soon it was the past few seconds.

J's remaining soul power is getting less and less.

In this level of battle, fighting for a second is like fighting for a whole day, countless attacks blasted out, consuming a lot of soul power.

In five seconds at most, it will die.

At the thought of this, it will explode with anger.


So frustrating!

At this moment, there was a sound of "shoo", and another sky-shattering sword cut through the space, bombarding its lower abdomen instantly.

In an instant, an open-minded opening appeared, the flesh and blood were clear, and the bones could be seen deep!

"Damn! Damn humans!"

"You forced me to do it!"

With a roar, he exploded with soul power, displayed supernatural powers, moved his body in an instant, and appeared thousands of miles away.

Then, it looked ferocious, and with a wow, a figure in a green shirt was spat out from its mouth.

Looking at the nearly finished corpse in front of him, hesitation flashed across Yan's eyes.

"This corpse is special. If it is successfully made into a puppet, its cultivation can directly reach the king state!"

"If you put it in the extreme yin and refine it again, it won't take long to reach the imperial realm!"

"With him here, I can do too many things for this deity, and help this deity recover his soul!"

"It's a's a pity!"

Yan's eyes were full of unwillingness, and he looked at Mo Yun's position again.

"Damn! Damn human beings! You actually forced this deity to such an extent!"

Its peak is actually the quasi-emperor powerhouse who is invincible and invincible.

Now being oppressed by a weak human race like an ant is even more uncomfortable than killing it!

"I want you to die!"

Then, with a roar, its body dissipated directly, turning into a ray of silvery-white light that pierced into the eyebrows of the corpse.


"This deity is unwilling!"

The silver-white light pierced into the center of Gu Qingshan's eyebrows, and soon disappeared.

Then, a terrifying vitality erupted from Gu Qingshan's body, and his whole body burst into silver light, like the sun rising in the morning.

He trembled all over.

The bones crackled.

The clothes were split apart in an instant, and then ignited by the silver light, turning into ashes.

Then, Gu Qingshan's body with clear lines and full of explosive power quickly collapsed.

However, this is not the end.

Soon, his body that collapsed and was melted into ashes by the silver light reassembled again.



so back and forth.

Experienced several times per second.

With every reorganization, Gu Qingshan's body will undergo some changes, become stronger, more powerful, and at the same time increase a bit.

Soon, his body was like black iron.

1 minute later.

Gu Qingshan's body has grown to [-] meters tall, like a little giant.

In addition, his body is still sprayed with a faint glow, which looks extremely sacred.

At this moment, Yan's voice came out from the void.


"Innate Eucharist?!"

"This is actually the innate sacrament?!"

"God help the deity! God help the deity!"

"No wonder the deity fell in love with this body at first sight!"

"The sanctuary is worthy of being a sanctuary! Not long after recovering, the congenital sacrament appeared!"

"Hahaha, I thought that taking this human body was a waste of my talent and limiting my upper limit!"

"Thinking about it now! Totally wrong!"

Yan is one of the strongest races in Wanyu.

Seizing the bodies of other races will naturally limit the growth of strength.

The reason why it seized Gu Qingshan was because it was forced to have no choice but to prepare for its strength to be limited to the upper limit.

At this time, only if it seizes this body, its soul power will not dissipate, and it will have a chance to escape, run out of this folded space, hide, and wait for its strength to recover, to make a comeback!

But it didn't expect that it would take away an innate holy body!
The innate holy body is one of the strongest physiques of the human race.

In the endless history, there have been people who have cultivated the innate holy body to the quasi-emperor state.

A human race with such a physique is invincible in all realms.

Even if it was at its peak, it would have to walk around when encountering the Innate Saint Physique Zhundi.

When encountering such a human race, only the strongest Nine-Life Civet in history can barely fight against it.

The other races simply aren't enough to watch.

Even more terrifying.

There are several kinds of supreme physique similar to the innate holy body of the human race!

Of course, the human race referred to here refers to the blue star human race.

The human races in other realms actually originated from the Blue Star Human Race, and their blood is impure, so it is impossible to have a physique like the Innate Holy Body.

Thinking of these, Yu was so excited that his soul trembled.

With this body, as long as he finds a way to collect the treasures that restore the power of the soul, its cultivation can be improved quickly.

When its cultivation level returns to the quasi-emperor state again, the invincible it will be able to return again!
Not only that, with this innate holy body, he can even be stronger than at his peak!

"God help me!"

Yu was so excited that he couldn't get any more excited.

Of course, the excitement is the excitement, but it has not forgotten to take away Gu Qingshan's body.

But for it, this matter is not a big problem.

Even if it is the innate sacrament.

It is also just an innate holy body that has been dead for many years.

Take it away without any effort.

"Give me a pillow when I'm sleepy, is this a gift from God to me?!"

"Ten seconds! At most ten more seconds to complete the seizure!"

"Enough! Enough! That guy won't be able to come here for a while!"




Yu started counting down.

The vitality in Gu Qingshan's body became more and more intense.

Gu Qingshan's soul power, which was originally left in his body, also quickly dissipated.





Ji became more and more excited, a little carried away.

However, at this moment, at the moment when Duoshe was about to be completed.

But Yu's soul trembled, and he became frightened instantly.

A berserk force suddenly gushed out from Gu Qingshan's sea of ​​consciousness, and with a bang, it rushed towards the remnant soul of Yan.

"This, this, this... what the hell is this?"

"The power of the soul?!"

"This innate holy body actually has soul power? How is this possible!"

After panicking for a while, Yan immediately calmed down.

"Hmph! So what if you still have the power of your soul?"

"Even if it is the innate holy body?"

"Before he was alive, he was only in the quasi-king realm, and existed like an ant. Can he still turn the world upside down?"

"Hmph, just come here, this deity will kill you with a flick of a finger!"

"If you want to come to the soul power of the innate holy body, it can also restore a lot to the deity!"

"The innate sacrament belongs to the deity!"

As soon as this thought came to Ji, he was immediately filled with pride, and looked at the impacting soul power with contempt.

However, soon, he discovered that this soul power was strange.

"How, how is it possible?!"

"This, this deity can't resist it?!


In the end, with a scream, the soul was quickly annihilated, and turned into soul power to be absorbed by the soul power gushing out of Gu Qingshan's sea of ​​consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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