Chapter 216 On Seniority

Chapter 216 On Seniority
"Have there been any mutated mountains and rivers recently?" Mo Yun edited the information and contacted Liu Xiyan with a shadow order.

After a while, the message came back.

Liu Xiyan: "Hey, there really are, why are you asking this?"

"I want to take a look." Mo Yun replied.

Soon, Liu Xiyan's message came back.

"I just received a notice that fishermen in the North Sea reported abnormalities, and the nearby villagers were killed and injured."

"After the investigation of the nearby shadow members, it was found that the North Sea has indeed changed. It is being blocked there, and the fishermen are migrating."

"There will be a high-level martial artist going to conduct a thorough investigation in a while, do you want to go and have a look?"

Looking at the information that popped up on the Shadow Token, Mo Yun was silent for a while.

The ocean has also begun to change?

He didn't think it was a good sign.

The blue star is the same as the earth, the ocean area is far larger than the land.

The ocean has always been mysterious.

On the earth, the exploration of the ocean is less than [-]%.

The same is true in Blue Star.

Fortunately, when the aura revived, only Yaoshen Mountain and Moyuan were the places where the mutation occurred, and other places were not affected.

It would be even more terrifying if all animals in the world mutated and evolved into monsters.

Don't say anything else.

If the ocean really changes.

The consequences were unimaginable.

As we all know, the ocean is vast, boundless and deep, and there are countless ferocious creatures living there.

If these creatures evolve into monsters, the human race will not have to fight them.

Monster sea tactics can kill you.

Not to mention, the more powerful the creature, the more ferocious it will be after evolution.

Mo Yun even suspected that real dragons could evolve in the depths of the ocean.

This is not imaginary.

The former Kowloon Pool is a good example.

After pondering for a moment, Mo Yun replied, "Okay, then I'll go there, and you send me a location."

Soon, Liu Xiyan replied: "Are you in Jiangnan Wuhan University now? Wait for me for a while, I will go to find you, and then we will go to Beihai together. I happen to have a mission over there, so I can rub your flying sword?"

Mo Yun was stunned for a moment, then replied: "Okay, then I..."

Mo Yun looked around and found that he was the closest to the elixir garden, so he happened to go there to take a rest.

"Then I'll wait for you in the elixir garden."

Liu Xiyan: "Yeah, I'll come right over, wait for me!"

After putting away the shadow order, Mo Yun concentrated on walking towards the elixir garden.

When Mo Yun exerted his full strength, his speed was twice as fast as Li Xinghe's.

At this moment, it will take a lot of time before Li Xinghe leaves the folding space.

When Zhou Jie went to Moyunna before, he also said that he happened to have something to go back to his hometown.

Mo Yun thought that the elixir garden would be empty, but he didn't expect to see a beautiful figure.

"Mo, Mo Yun?" Hearing the sound of footsteps, Li Ruoshui was a little dazed when he turned his head and saw the handsome face in front of him.

"You are Lao Li's granddaughter, Li Ruoshui?" Mo Yun recognized Li Ruoshui.

"Old Li?" Li Ruoshui was startled, but didn't realize it all at once.

"Oh yes, you should call me uncle now." Mo Yun said with a smile.

"Uncle, uncle?" Li Ruoshui was dumbfounded.

"Yes, uncle, your grandfather has to be called my brother, and I can't help it. It's only reasonable for you to call me uncle." Mo Yun said with a smile.

Li Ruoshui: "???"

You are younger than me, and you still want to be my uncle?

and also!

Didn't grandpa want to match me and Mo Yun?

How long has it been since I saw you?

Why are you two generations older? ? !
Is this guy talking nonsense? !

How could grandpa call him brother and brother!

Although Grandpa has always liked this guy.

But that's not the case!

Li Ruoshui wanted to hit someone!

She didn't believe what Mo Yun said was true.

Mo Yun shook his head, stopped teasing the girl, and said with a smile: "Forget it, I'm not much different in age from you, let's talk about our own."

Li Ruoshui: "..."

Li Ruoshui didn't want to talk anymore, she always felt that Mo Yun was deliberately molesting her and taking advantage of her!

She also learned a little about this kind of thing through the Internet.

Some people get very excited when they hear their partner call them daddy...

Does Mo Yun have the same mentality?
Mo Yun didn't know what Li Ruoshui was thinking.

Of course, if you know it, you won't care.

He went straight to the gazebo and sat down against the stone pillar, took out his mobile phone and played games to pass the time.

Curious, Li Ruoshui also followed, and approached Mo Yun to watch him play games.

"Hey, do you play games too?" Li Ruoshui was puzzled.

She heard from her grandfather that Mo Yun practiced very hard, he practiced all day and night, and he didn't even go out. He was an ascetic and a person who could endure loneliness.

Not only that, but Grandpa also said that Mo Yun is a particularly tough person.

After all, when the body is forged, it can absorb six barrels of forging liquid, so it can't be tough!

Li Ruoshui did not expect that such a hardworking person would also play games.

Mo Yun didn't know what Li Ruoshui was thinking, so he replied directly: "Well, playing games is good, it can relax your body and mind."

"Yeah, what you said is very reasonable!" Li Ruoshui deeply agreed, she was also a game fan before.

It's a pity that I am too busy now and don't have much time to play.

Mo Yun stopped talking and played the game seriously.

After a while, Li Ruoshui said, "Mo Yun, did you come to the elixir garden just to play games?"

"I'll wait for someone." Mo Yun replied.

"Wait for my grandfather?" Li Ruoshui said.

"No, I'm waiting for a girl." Mo Yun said without thinking.

Hearing this, Li Ruoshui's pretty face turned red, like a hot iron.

Her heartbeat quickened inexplicably.

This guy is too much.

Last time I said I didn't like rich women!
Thinking of this, Li Ruoshui was startled.

No, I'm not a rich woman either!

At best it is Bai Fumei!
Could it be that this guy changed his mind?

No wonder he just joked and teased himself...

But uncle or something, it's too much!
He also calls his grandfather brothers and sisters!

I believe you a ghost!
Li Ruoshui thought wildly.

The face became more and more rosy.

Although she also resisted her grandfather's inexplicable attempt to match her and Mo Yun.

But grandpa kept telling her good things about Mo Yun, saying how good he was.

After listening to it for a long time, Li Ruoshui did not know why he had a good impression of Mo Yun.

It's not a good feeling, anyway, I don't hate it.

The person who can make grandpa admire so much is obviously not an ordinary person.

If this guy is interested in me too.

That, that, that... that's not impossible.

Thinking of this, Li Ruoshui not only blushed, but even the top of his head started to smoke.

Mo Yun noticed the abnormality and looked at her in confusion.

"Niece grandson, do you have a fever?"

Li Ruoshui: "???"

Li Ruoshui's eyes widened: "You, you, you, you... what do you call me?"

"Uh, I was influenced by your grandfather, it's okay, just pretend you didn't hear it, and we will still be equal in the future." Mo Yun wanted to laugh.

This girl is also very funny.

What a fuss.

Li Ruoshui: "..."

This guy... is too much!
After thinking about it, Li Ruoshui took a deep breath and said, "Mo Yun, don't make such jokes in the future, I know you want to attract my attention, but there is really no need, we must maintain enough respect for the elders. "

Mo Yun nodded seriously, and said deeply, "What you said is very reasonable. I will maintain the attitude that an elder should have in front of you from now on."

"???" Li Ruoshui stared, and his affection for Mo Yun disappeared a little.

Is this guy over yet?
However, at this moment, Li Xinghe brought Gu Qingshan down from the sky.

As soon as he landed in the yard, Li Xinghe saw Mo Yun and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Brother Mo Yun, are you back first?"

"Well, I came back after finishing the matter, and the speed is a little faster than you." Mo Yun said.

"Not bad, not bad, as expected of you." Li Xinghe stroked his beard and smiled.

He is very happy today, feeling that the air is sweet.

Li Ruoshui on the side stared blankly at this scene, looked at his grandfather with a dull expression, and said tremblingly: "Grandpa, grandpa...what did you call him just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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