Chapter 222 Imprisonment
Chapter 222 Imprisonment

Mo Yun had a feeling in his heart that those so-called immortals came for the volcano on the bottom of the sea.

After all, there are spatial fluctuations there, which seem to be connected to a special area.

Of course, it may not necessarily be connected to other realms, but it may also be connected to a folded space like Jiangnan Wuda Beishan.

Thinking of this, Mo Yun was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt that the probability of being connected to the folding space was higher.

The folding space is still considered to be the boundary of Blue Star, but due to some reasons, it has been hidden.

After so many years, these hidden areas have appeared in the form of folded spaces.

And in the folding space, it is less affected by Blue Star's will.

For example, outside the folding space, under the influence of Blue Star's will, those whose cultivation level exceeds the imperial realm will be rejected.

But in the folding space, the creatures of the holy land have been allowed to exist.

In addition, there are many precious elixir and a large number of supreme mineral veins in the folding space. If they can be used well, they can enhance the strength of the group.

In fact, when the space was folded, Mo Yun had already discussed with Li Xinghe, asking him to notify Zhenmeng to send some high-level warriors to collect precious resources.

As for why these reasons occur.

Mo Yun guessed that the recovery time of the folding space may be much earlier than the recovery time of the outside world.

Therefore, Mo Yun felt that those "immortals" might have some special information and learned some secrets.

But Mo Yun didn't care about these.

What Mo Yun cares about is.

These so-called immortals.

Is it the Blue Star aborigines or the descendants from outside the territory.

If it is someone who descends from outside the territory.

That couldn't be better.

Because in that way, Mo Yun could gain experience again.

His beating and crying gods and tearing gods are already hungry and thirsty.

Just when Mo Yun was thinking about this.

There were several sounds in succession.

Then, several white rainbows rushed down from the sky.

All of them were dressed in white robes, with white hair and childlike faces. Looking at the fairy-like bones, the old men who looked like supernatural beings fell from the sky.

They looked kindly and peaceful.

However, as soon as he landed, he frowned and looked at the strong men on the beach by the sea.

These powerhouses are composed of three tribes of demons and demons, all of whom are proficient in battle.

At this moment, they are setting up the magic circle and preparing for going into the sea.

"Leave this sea area quickly, there will be great terror here, and creatures like you cannot resist it."

The leading immortal looked at these strong men who formed the formation. Although his face was still peaceful, his tone could not hide his contempt and aloofness.

In their view, these creatures in front of them are like ants.

this side.

Hei Chi, who was setting up the formation and was sweating profusely, raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and felt immediately upset.

He is the leader of the monster clan, deterring the existence of half of the blue stars. When can someone come here casually, can he give him advice?
Hei Chi stood up suddenly, and stared at the so-called immortals with a cold expression. His four to five meter tall body was very oppressive, like a small hill.

"What are you, dare to say such things to your grandpa Hei Chi?"

"Hehe, go back and forth wherever you want, otherwise your grandpa Hei Chi will let you have a good pregnancy in your next life!"

Hei Chi sneered, and he was not polite, and went directly away, his scales shining in the sun, like a god of war, and his thick palm slammed down on the old man in charge.

He could tell that these people in front of him had arrogant capital and were very powerful.

He wants to strike first.

Seeing this, the old man's face remained unchanged, motionless, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"A mere ants, dare to compete with the bright moon? Overestimate their abilities!"

At the same time, his expression froze, his eyes flashed, and he spit out a syllable.


A terrifying and strange energy fluctuation quickly gathered together with the syllables from the old man's mouth, and swept towards Hei Chi.

Suddenly, the air seemed to be distorted.

Hei Chi's complexion changed, and he instinctively sensed the danger, so he couldn't help but retreat desperately.

However it was too late.

He only took a step back, and his whole body trembled, as if he had been shown a body-holding spell, and he stood on the spot for an instant, and the foot he just raised was suspended in mid-air, as if it had been petrified.

Seeing this, no matter whether it is a master of the human race, the monster race or the demon race, their complexions changed.

Few people in Blue Star don't know what kind of strength Hei Chi possesses.

If it weren't for being controlled by the Subduing Demon Pill, everyone believed that, except for the invincible sword fairy Li Xinghe, no one on the human race would dare to say that he was definitely his opponent.

Even Master Hongtian didn't have such confidence.

However, such a powerful creature.

At this moment, he was imprisoned by someone, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back.

At the same time, another thin old man in white robe stood up and said with a blank expression.

"I'll give you five seconds to leave here immediately, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."




(End of this chapter)

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