Chapter 235
Chapter 235

Walking along the entrance of the cave, the two of them soon came to an open place that exudes the glow of searching.

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful..."

Li Ruoshui stared blankly at the brilliant galaxy above his head, his eyes full of excitement.

The stars seem to be close at hand, within reach.

She even felt that she could resonate with some of these stars, as if she could hear their heartbeats.

"It's really beautiful." Mo Yun nodded.

After observing for a while and confirming that the field has indeed recovered, Mo Yun instructed.

"I might not care about you for a while."

"Stay here and don't run around. Although your cultivation base has improved a lot, you don't have the slightest combat experience. If you run out, you may not be able to beat a ninth-rank beast."

Concentrating on it, Mo Yun said solemnly: "In this folded space, there are even sacred monsters."

"Just wait here patiently for a while."

Hearing this, Li Ruoshui nodded: "Don't worry, I won't run around, once I get acquainted with the power of the sudden increase in physical fitness."

Mo Yun nodded, said no more, turned around and walked towards the altar.

Li Ruoshui was also puzzled, and followed Mo Yun's figure.

When she saw the altar bursting with five-color rays of light and exuding a mysterious atmosphere, she couldn't help being shocked.

She felt that the space seemed to be distorted, and the ancient altar emitting a colorless glow seemed to have a certain echo with the galaxy above her head.

Perhaps because of the awakening of the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix Body, Li Ruoshui felt a powerful breath of space at this moment.

Those stars seem to connect one space after another.

In other words, connecting one has one world.

"Is it an illusion?" Li Ruoshui was puzzled.

"This altar echoes thousands of stars."

"These stars are connected to thousands of worlds."

"So this altar is actually a transfer station?"

Mo Yun also had a similar feeling.

His brows were tightly knit together.

But he has a deeper feeling for the power of space.

He sensed that the stars here are indeed connected to one world after another.

This altar is a transfer station, the transfer station of Myriad Realms.

Just make the altar fully active.

The altar can connect the heavens and the ten thousand domains.

When the time comes, don't break through the space barrier at all.

There is no need to lock the coordinates of a certain world in the sea of ​​stars, which can only be reached after hundreds of millions of light years.

As long as the altar is fully activated, through the altar, connecting the stars above the head, thousands of worlds can be connected together, and whichever world you want to teleport to, you can teleport to that world.

In an instant, Mo Yun figured it out.

The barriers of the heavens and myriad realms are probably connected through such altars.

And the space circulation energy is gradually increasing.

Perhaps now, people from other realms cannot be teleported to Blue Star through the altar.

But as long as it continues to strengthen, it won't take long for people in other realms to perceive the existence of the altar.

At that time, the restrictions will not be in place, and if Wanyu invades, Blue Star may suffer a devastating blow.

Mo Yun climbed onto the altar, exuding spiritual power, carefully perceiving the stars bursting with dazzling light.

Soon, he frowned.

He, through the ability to perceive the recovery level of each star.

These stars, like the blue star, have only been revived for hundreds of years.

There are also stars that have recovered for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.

There are even some stars that have been revived for tens of thousands of years and have entered the prosperous period of aura.

During the prosperous period of aura, quasi-emperors can be born.

If those terrifying powerhouses were allowed to descend on Blue Star, the consequences would be disastrous.

Mo Yun suspected that even Blue Star's world will might not be able to stop them.

Not to mention the Quasi-Emperor Realm, even the Holy Realm, with Blue Star's current energy level, his will can't stop them.

Thinking of this, Mo Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

"We have to find a way to temporarily close these passages."

"Not only the Beishan altar, but also the Kunlun altar should have such a passage. If it is not closed, the consequences will be disastrous."

Thinking of this, Mo Yunpan sat down and began to sense the field inheritance on the altar.

Now he has no ability to close the channel.

But if the field attainment is improved a bit, there may be a turning point.

Thinking of this, Mo Yun felt it seriously.

Fortunately, as Mo Yun expected.

This five-color altar also contains field inheritance.

Compared with the last time in Kunlun, Mo Yun's mental strength has improved a lot.

This time, he was no longer affected by the field, and his heart was clear, and he directly began to accept the inheritance of the field.

The colorless altar emits a dazzling light.

One after another, obscure information quickly poured into Mo Yun's mind.

Mo Yun frowned.

He didn't think so.

Beishan's field inheritance is actually more grand than Kunlun's field inheritance.

Even for the current Mo Yun, it is a bit difficult to inherit.

If his eyes of true knowledge had not improved a lot and his spirit had grown a lot, he might not be able to bear it for a while.

Fortunately, it is still within his tolerance.

As time passed, Mo Yun's frowning brows began to relax slowly, his eyes flashed with enlightenment, and he subconsciously pinched out one seal after another in his hands, and the pores of his body were full of rays of light.

The space distortion around him even showed signs of shattering.

At this moment, he is like a black hole that can devour everything, making people feel shocked at a glance.

Li Ruoshui stared blankly at all this.

Mo Yun gave her the feeling at this moment, as if he was a god above the nine heavens, full of invincible aura.

Even though she is already a king realm cultivator, she is still as weak as a baby in front of Mo Yun.

Soon, Li Ruoshui noticed the clue, and looked at Mo Yun's slender fingers with sharp joints.

"He... is pinching the seal?"

"The mysterious power in him seems to come from Yin Jue?"

But soon, Li Ruoshui shook his head vigorously again, with the expression that he must be looking up at the sky.

"No, no, the mysterious power in him comes from these stars!"

"He... can control the power of the stars?"

Li Ruoshui was extremely shocked.

"What kind of power is this?"

However, when Mo Yun accepted the inheritance of the Beishan field, the outside world had changed.

The folded space originally hidden in Beishan was slowly revealed.

At the beginning, the mountain peaks that go straight into the sky, the valleys bursting with sunlight, the giant trees that are several kilometers thick, and the giant beasts that cover the sky seem a little unreal, like a mirage.

But gradually, the picture of all this gradually became clearer.

People even sensed the terrifying aura coming from the prehistoric beast as huge as a mountain.

The teachers and students of Jiangnan Martial Arts University were even oppressed by the breath of those ferocious beasts, and they couldn't breathe smoothly. Those with weaker cultivation bases lay on the ground and shivered.

Medicine Garden.

Li Xinghe stared at Beishan in a daze, at the prehistoric forest, at the glow of the sky, and at the hundreds of lucky golden dragons entrenched in the sky, with a bitter expression on his face.

"Is it going to change?"

As he spoke, he held his sword in his hand and headed towards the Jiangnan base.

Ancient temples of the Western Regions.

Master Hongtian clasped his hands together, his haggard face was no longer calm.


As he spoke, he leaned on the ground with his Zen stick and flew towards the Jiangnan base.

Northwest desert.

Long Shan slashed an earth dragon with a sword, then looked in the direction of the Jiangnan base with a dazed expression.

"Something's going to happen..."

As she spoke, she carried the huge sword on her back, turned into a streamer, and headed towards the south of the Yangtze River.

Jiangnan base.

Hu Wei stared blankly at the prehistoric forest in the distance, at the glow rising into the sky.

"This change, the movement is a bit big..."

at the same time.

off base.

One after another, figures with a terrifying aura appeared.

These creatures have different shapes and come from different realms, with terrifying energy circulating in their bodies.

At this moment they collectively became excited and trembled.

"That area is so bright that there are hundreds of lucky golden dragons covering it!"

"This is the birth of a treasure!"

"It's either a mythical weapon or a holy medicine, otherwise it can't cause such a big commotion!"

"That's right, the birth of this rare treasure is no small matter, we can't hide our clumsiness, we must act!"

They stared at the high wall of the human race, showing fear.

Soon, however, they made a decision.

"That's right, our clans unite and summon experts to break through the defense field of the Blue Star Terran!"

(End of this chapter)

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