Chapter 239 Don't move, I'll sing for you

Chapter 239 Don't move, I'll sing for you
"Stand there and don't move, I'll be right there."

Seeing the message that popped up on the Shadow Order, Liu Xiyan was startled and trembled.

"Mo Yun, did you reply to the message?"

She didn't expect that Mo Yun, who had been unable to be contacted all this time, suddenly replied to the message.

He is coming?
Has he located my information?
Thinking of this, Liu Xiyan was startled, and quickly typed.

【Don't come here, it's too dangerous——】

However, before the letter was finished typing, there was a violent sound of breaking through the sky above.

A stream of silver light rushed towards this side quickly, and the space rippling wherever it passed, seemed to be collapsing, with an extremely terrifying aura.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xiyan trembled all over.

She was very familiar with that silver streamer's breath.

That was the breath of Mo Yun's Immortal Sword!

"This, so fast?"

The others also raised their heads.

Li Xinghe and the others also sensed Mo Yun's aura and became excited immediately.

"This kid is finally here, hahaha!"

"Hey, he's gotten a lot stronger again!"

"Amitabha, with Donor Mo here, Blue Star's crisis will be resolved." Master Hongtian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Mo Yun is still so cool when he comes out, hahaha!" Hu Wei also laughed.

"Mo Yun has finally arrived, the crisis is about to end!" Long Shan clenched her fists, full of confidence in Mo Yun.

Not long after she broke through to the King Realm, she had seen how powerful Mo Yun was.

Two words: invincible.

Even though she had already broken through to the imperial realm, she still didn't think she was Mo Yun's opponent at that time.

It's not even close.

not to mention.

It's been so long.

She can get a chance.

Mo Yun will definitely get a chance too.

Not surprisingly, Mo Yun at this moment was already extremely strong.

Deep down, of course.

These people also have some concerns.

After all, the number of alien invaders alliance is too scary, the king realm masters have become cannon fodder, this kind of thing is in the blue line, it is simply a fantasy!
"Can Mo Yun solve this crisis?"

Everyone has no idea.

Mo Yun is very strong, indeed.

But now the enemy on the opposite side is also very strong.

"You don't have to worry, the field on the high wall of the human race was upgraded by brother Mo Yun. He has a way to exert all the power of the field."

"At that time, these extraterritorial intruders will not only be trapped, but will be killed directly."

Xu Wei, the former commander of the Jiangnan base, analyzed.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was overjoyed.

"That's right, the field was upgraded by Brother Mo Yun. He must have a way to make the field play its greatest power!"

"Continue to kill the enemy! Lighten the burden for Brother Mo Yun!"

Everyone was smeared with chicken blood again, and bravely killed the enemy.

Mo Yun didn't know this, at this moment, he had landed and appeared in front of Liu Xiyan.

Liu Xiyan who had just seen Mo Yun was very happy, and went straight to Mo Yun, almost falling into his arms.

However, when Liu Xiyan ran over and saw Li Ruoshui behind Mo Yun, she was taken aback and stopped immediately.

She looked at Mo Yun with resentful eyes, and said with some grievances: "Who is she?"

At this time, Li Ruoshui pulled Mo Yun's skirt, and from Liu Xiyan's perspective, the two seemed very close.

Li Ruoshui was startled, and before Mo Yun could speak, he let go of his hand and stood up, explaining quickly.

"Don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with Mo Yun, Yu Jian was flying too fast and scary just now, I'm afraid..."

Li Ruoshui was indeed frightened.

Just now Mo Yun urged the flying sword like crazy, Li Ruoshui only felt that he was traveling through the space, so fast that she wanted to vomit.

Liu Xiyan pursed her lips and looked at Mo Yun.

Mo Yun casually knocked away the intruders outside the king's territory who fell beside him, and explained with a smile.

"Don't get me wrong, she is my junior, and I am her uncle, we are separated by generations."

Liu Xiyan was taken aback for a moment, looked at Li Ruoshui suspiciously, then at Mo Yun, frowned and said, "Junior?"

How can there be juniors who are about the same age?

Hearing this, Li Ruoshui quickly said: "Yes, yes, my grandfather is Li Xinghe, Mo Yun's brother, so I must be called Mo Yun's second grandpa."

Hearing this, Liu Xiyan looked at the sky speechlessly, and said with a look of hopelessness.

"You put it that way, I am also Mo Yun's junior."

Li Ruoshui: "???"

Li Ruoshui was stupid.

What's happening here?
Seeing Li Ruoshui's expression, Liu Xiyan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"My situation is the same as yours, hahaha."

Seeing Liu Xiyan smile, Li Ruoshui heaved a sigh of relief, and asked softly, "Are you not angry anymore?"

"I'm not angry." Liu Xiyan shook her head.

She could also see that Mo Yun didn't mean that to Li Ruoshui, but regarded her as a junior.

As for what Li Ruoshui was thinking, Liu Xiyan didn't know.

But now is not the time to think about this, looking around, Liu Xiyan said quickly.

"Mo Yun, get out of here quickly, the high wall of the field is about to be breached, find a place to hide."

"Even if you have the best talent in the human race, come and avenge us when you become stronger in the future."

Hearing this, Mo Yun was stunned and asked.

"Aren't you going with me?"

Liu Xiyan shook her head, and said firmly, "I am a member of Shadow, and I belong to Zhenmagic Division. I will not retreat."

Hearing this, Mo Yun smiled.

"You're still laughing, hurry up, it's too late, grandpa said that there are many quasi-saint powerhouses in the Outer Territory Invaders Alliance, and we can't stop them from uniting!" Liu Xiyan was anxious.

Without saying a word, Mo Yun summoned the Immortal Slashing Sword and turned it into the size of a door panel. Regardless of Liu Xiyan's willingness or not, he stretched out his hand and dragged her onto the sword.

"Stand still."

"Um, I won't go with you, I want to stay and fight..." Liu Xiyan struggled and wanted to jump off.

Mo Yun held her down.

"Don't move, I'll sing for you."

"Huh?" Liu Xiyan was confused.

Mo Yun didn't care about her anymore, controlled the Immortal Sword and flew into the air.

Then, he took out the guitar from the system space and started playing and singing.

Forget the flowers you planted, start again, and give up your ideals.

Don't look at the dusty happy posts anymore, you are about to move.

If it can be built, people should accept it, but one day it will fall.

In fact, there is no one kind of stability and happiness, and it will never be bad.

The singing sound went away quickly like the waves of the sea, and with a strong sense of sadness, it enveloped hundreds of miles or thousands of miles in one fell swoop.

This is also the effect that can only be achieved with the help of the field after Mo Yun's spirit has improved.

At this moment, all the creatures who heard Mo Yun's singing felt uncontrollable sadness in their hearts.

Not long after, there were tears on his face.

Under the high wall, Li Ruoshui burst into tears, staring blankly at Mo Yun and Liu Xiyan above the sky.

"You and her are so right..."

Li Ruoshui found out the moment Mo Yun saw Liu Xiyan.

The way Mo Yun looked at Liu Xiyan was different from the way he looked at her.

(End of this chapter)

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