Chapter 243 Official Announcement

Chapter 243 Officially Announced
"I'm going to find Mo Yun!"

Li Ruoshui touched the ground lightly with his jade feet, and rose into the air.

Then, her expression froze, and a pair of red flame wings sprouted from her back.

The flames, light and rain circulated and shone in all directions, appearing sacred and untouched.

With the light and rain shining, Li Ruoshui's clothes fluttered and her long hair fluttered like a goddess who descended from the nine heavens.

Li Xinghe stared blankly at this scene, he was almost stupid.

"Is this the blood of the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix?"

"Is this kid already this strong?"

At this time, Li Ruoshui's ethereal voice came out.

"Grandpa, thank you, I am going to pursue my true heart and find my true self."

After speaking, Li Ruoshui turned into a flame streamer and went away in an instant.

Li Xinghe: "..."

"Love, love, love, it's too troublesome."

"Oh, I'm old, let them go." Li Xinghe shook his head, threw the sword in his hand, and stepped on it.

At this moment, he has white hair and a childlike face, and his white clothes are better than snow, just like a peerless sword fairy.

"Hahaha, I finally learned Mo Yun's sword control technique!" Li Xinghe laughed happily.

"Don't tell me, you're handsome!"

"If the old man was 40 or [-] years younger, I would have to find my own happiness."

At this moment, the communicator in Li Xinghe's pocket vibrated.

After reading the news, Li Xinghe's complexion changed, he quickly circulated his spiritual power, and headed southwest.

"Senior brother, it's almost time, so hurry up."

"The crisis has been resolved, and he cannot be allowed to risk his life."

He muttered to himself, his figure was as fast as lightning, and disappeared in the Jiangnan base in an instant.

The few remaining people looked in the direction of Mo Yun's distance.

He looked at the direction in which Li Xinghe disappeared.

In the end, they looked at the corpse of the foreign invader under their feet, and there was always an unreal feeling.

"Then the siege of the Jiangnan base by foreign intruders in the king's realm was solved so easily?"

Everyone felt that everything was so unreal.


On this side, Mo Yun flew Liu Xiyan slowly, admiring the scenery along the way.

"Is there any place you want to go?" Mo Yun asked Liu Xiyan.

Liu Xiyan thought for a while and said, "I want to go to the beach to watch the sunrise."

Mo Yun nodded: "I think it's fine."

Seemingly thinking of something, Mo Yun asked again: "Then do you want to buy a swimsuit?"

"Ah? Buying, buying a swimsuit for what?" Liu Xiyan blushed instantly.

"What else can I do, swimming of course? Shouldn't I go to the beach and swim?" Mo Yun said naturally.

"Then, it's up to you..." Liu Xiyan's voice was like a mosquito.

Mo Yun put his hand to his ear: "I can't hear what you said."

Liu Xiyan: "Go buy a swimsuit!"

"Okay." Mo Yun smiled.

However, at this moment, a rain of flames and light came at a high speed and caught up with Mo Yun's flying sword in an instant.

"Wait for me!" Li Ruoshui shouted.

Mo Yun froze for a moment, controlled the flying sword to stop, and looked at Li Ruoshui who rushed over in confusion.

"Niece grandson, why are you here?"

Liu Xiyan also looked at Li Ruoshui, her heart skipped a beat, she had a bad premonition.

"I came here because I wanted to talk to you!" Li Ruoshui said loudly.

"What's the matter?" Mo Yun looked at her.

"I seem to like you a little bit!" The space vibrated, and Li Ruoshui raised his voice loudly, as if to let the whole world hear it.

Hearing this, Mo Yunren was immediately dumbfounded.

Is this what my grand niece should say?
Liu Xiyan was also dumbfounded, and stared at Li Ruoshui dumbfounded.

Afterwards, Liu Xiyan reacted.

Li Ruoshui wanted to rob Mo Yun from her!

For some reason, Liu Xiyan, who has always been cowardly and dare not take the initiative in dealing with feelings, seems to be suddenly pushed away by a mysterious force at this moment.

She walked in front of Mo Yun in two steps, spread her arms, like an old hen guarding her chicks, staring angrily.

"I came first!"

Hearing this sentence, Li Ruoshui was stunned.

Then, she turned her head to look at Mo Yun.

At this moment, Mo Yun smiled, rubbed Liu Xiyan's head, and said to Li Ruoshui, "Well, she came first, I belong to her, sorry."

Hearing this, Li Ruoshui was stunned for a few seconds.

After a while, he let out a long breath and said with a smile.


After speaking, she turned and left.

"Is this what it feels like to be broken in love?"

Li Ruoshui panicked and felt a little uncomfortable.

Of course, if you want to say how uncomfortable it is, it's not.

Wouldn't even want to cry or anything.

After all, she didn't like Mo Yun to that extent.

"That's the way it is with this relationship."

"I'm also broken in love."

"Say it out loud if you like it, even if you miss it, you have no regrets."

"Dare to love and hate, this is me."

Li Ruoshui and Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix headed for the distance like flowing light.

"Since I have loved, there is no need to be in love in the future, just concentrate on being an emotionless training machine."


Li Ruoshui left.

Liu Xiyan lowered her head, a little at a loss.

It happened so suddenly.

Mo Yun pinched her somewhat baby-fat face.

"Let's go, go buy a swimsuit."


Liu Xiyan turned around, put her arms around Mo Yun's waist, and buried her head on his back.

For some reason, at this moment, her heart was as sweet as eating sugar.

The corners of her mouth raised unconsciously.

"What he just said..."

"Is this a confirmed relationship?"

Mo Yun seemed to have heard her whispering, and said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's time to make sure, otherwise I will be seduced by others one day."

Liu Xiyan rolled her eyes and pinched Mo Yun.

"Oh no, itchy."

Zhan Jianxian rolled his wings, and the two of them almost fell.

"Meow!" The Nine Lives Civet called out in dissatisfaction, and continued to bury its head in sleep after the flight stabilized.

(End of this chapter)

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