Chapter 35 It's Not About Money

Chapter 35 It's Not About Money
Looking at the back of Mo Yun's departure, Li Xinghe was stunned in place, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Finally, he shook his head and smiled.

"This kid..."

"Half Moon is so easy to understand..."

"Even Ye Wuhen is helpless..."

Ye Wuhen, the current president of the alchemist union, a peak alchemist of the eighth rank, recognized by Blue Star as the strongest alchemist, a man standing at the pinnacle of alchemy.

Although Mo Yun's talent is boundless.

But still young after all.

Even Ye Wuhen couldn't detoxify the poison, Li Xinghe didn't expect Mo Yun to be able to detoxify it.

However, since Mo Yun wanted to give it a try, Li Xinghe would naturally not refuse.

"That's all, let this kid practice his hands, so that he can know that the journey of alchemy is not all smooth sailing."

Thinking of this, Li Xinghe took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The screen displays: Ye Wuhen.

After a few seconds, the call is connected.

"Hey, Li Xinghe? Are you looking for Ye Mouhe?"

"Old Ye, it's like this. I want you to help me collect some materials. You can charge whatever you want, as long as you have everything together." Li Xinghe said.

"Oh? Tell me." Ye Wuhen suddenly became interested.

"Well, listen carefully, remember carefully, Golden Crow Grass, Golden Crow Blood, Indus Wood..." Li Xinghe repeated what Mo Yun just said.

There are 78 kinds of materials.

For ordinary people, it may be impossible to remember after listening to it once.

But for a seventh-rank alchemist like Li Xinghe, it was nothing.

A seventh-rank alchemist's mental power is terrifyingly strong, and his photographic memory is a basic skill.

"Sky Star Blue, Diwangshui, Hydrangea... eight-stage heavy purple blue, nine-leaf curly silver curtain, um, that's all."

After finishing the last material, Li Xinghe stopped, waiting for Ye Wuhen's response.

However, after half an hour, the other end of the phone was still quiet.

Li Xinghe became puzzled, frowned and said: "Lao Ye, what's going on with you? Why is there no sound all of a sudden? Is there no signal?"

There was still no sound from the phone.

"Is there really no signal?"

Li Xinghe was very depressed, and when he was about to hang up the phone and try again, Ye Wuhen's voice rang out.

"Do you want to refine the eighth-grade Golden Udan?"

Hearing this, Li Xinghe was stunned: "Gold, Golden Wudan? Eight...eight grades?"

The pill given by that kid is actually a grade eight pill?
"Huh?" On the other end of the phone, Ye Wuhen's brows were already knitted together.

"You don't know about Jinwudan? You don't know about Jinwudan. What are you doing with these materials?"

Hearing this, Li Xinghe was stunned, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said without blushing.

"Naturally, how could this old man not know about Jin Wudan? If he didn't know, how could this old man ask you to collect materials?"

"Since you know, then you don't need to practice." Ye Wuhen said directly.

"???" Li Xinghe wanted to hit someone, but said angrily, "What do you mean?"

Although Li Xinghe was very surprised after knowing that Mo Yun reported the eighth-grade alchemy formula.

But he's not ready to give up.

Since this kid wants to play, let him play.

As for whether the eighth grade elixir can be refined or not.

He didn't bother to care.

He doesn't care if the materials cost money or not.

To him, money is nothing more than a bunch of numbers.

Ever since he became an alchemist, Li Xinghe has never been short of money.

What's more, more than 40 years ago, when he was bored, he created a Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, specializing in the production and sale of various equipment and materials needed by alchemists, as well as alchemy items such as alchemy formulas.

In addition, low-grade pills can also be purchased in large quantities at the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, or even customized in batches.

The alchemist equipment, alchemy recipes, and alchemy cheats traded by Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce are all for low-level alchemists.

Similarly, the pills sold by the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce are all low-level, and are only suitable for warriors of the first to third ranks.

Back then when Li Xinghe founded the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, he didn't think too much about it. He just wanted to integrate resources and make it easier for low-grade alchemists and warriors.

The so-called low-grade alchemists are first- to third-grade alchemists.

Li Xing himself did not expect that the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce would eventually develop into the top few chambers of commerce in Blue Star, with an annual net income of hundreds of billions.

But now he understood.

Low-level alchemists and low-level warriors are the most numerous groups, more than [-]%.

To meet the needs of these people, it is difficult not to make money.

Although he had already handed over the Tianshang Chamber of Commerce to his family members.

But Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce will give him dividends, and there are still tens of billions every year.

So, he is really not short of money.

The wealth he has accumulated over the years can even buy the entire Alchemist Guild.

Therefore, Ye Wuhen told him not to refine the Golden Udan, definitely not because of the price of the materials.

Li Xinghe stared, puzzled, waiting for Ye Wuhen's reply.

After a while, Ye Wuhen's voice sounded.

"Li Xinghe, do you really not know or pretend you don't know?"

"Huh? Ye Wuhen, what do you mean? Make it clear."

Hearing this, Ye Wuhen said helplessly: "It seems that you really don't know."

After a pause, he sighed, and then he said: "Do you still remember how I replied to you when you came to me to relieve half the moon?"

Li Xinghe didn't think much, and directly imitated Ye Wuhen's tone at that time.

"Tell me, you can't solve it. No one in Blue Star can solve it."

"No, think about it again." Ye Wuhen denied.

"This..." Li Xinghe was a little confused.

But soon, he remembered it.

"I remembered, it's like this, at first you said try it, but a month later, you told the old man that you can't solve it, and no one in Blue Star can solve it."

Hearing this, Ye Wuhen on the other end of the phone nodded.

"Yes, I won't play tricks with you anymore. When I said I would try it, I was trying to refine Golden Udan."

After a pause, Ye Wuhen explained: "You may not have heard of Jin Wudan. This thing is an eighth-rank ancient alchemy formula that I found in an ancient tomb in Jiangbei Demon Forest."

"I'm not interested in how you got the Golden Umbrella Formula."

"What I want to tell you is that this thing is extremely difficult to refine. If it is only a qualified quality Golden Crow Pill, I can barely refine it."

"However, to detoxify you, qualified quality is not enough."

Hearing this, Li Xinghe was stunned.

"Eighth Grade Ancient Pill Formula?"

"Qualified quality is not enough?"

Li Xinghe was stunned, his brows furrowed into a ball.

He really couldn't figure out how Mo Yun knew the formula of Golden Crow Dandan.

Ye Wuhen ignored Li Xinghe, and continued: "I calculated at the time that if you want to remove the half moon on your body, you must at least have a high-quality Golden Crow Pill to be effective."

"Presumably you also know that for high-quality Golden Crow Pellets, at least an alchemist in the middle of the ninth rank can barely be refined."

"As for Lan Xing, not even an alchemist at the beginning of the ninth rank has ever appeared."

"That's why I told you at that time that no one can solve the half moon, and no one in the whole blue star can do it."

Speaking of this, Ye Wuhen took a deep breath and continued: "So, give up, eat and drink well while you still have time, do whatever you want, and go wherever you want."

Li Xinghe: "..."

This guy, why are you talking so badly?
"Okay, I still have something to do, hang up." Ye Wuhen was about to hang up.

Li Xinghe was startled, and quickly said: "Wait, you don't care if the old man can refine the elixir, just collect the ingredients!"

"Huh? Li Xinghe, why are you doing this?" Ye Wuhen frowned.

"I'll give you three times the price." Li Xinghe said.

"It's not about money, Li Xinghe, you—"

Li Xinghe interrupted Ye Wuhen and said, "Five times."

Ye Wuhen: "It's really not a question of money, you did this without intention—"

Li Xinghe interrupted Ye Wuhen again: "Ten times."

Ye Wuhen: "Deal."


On this side, the sun is setting to the west, and the sky is gradually getting dark.

Mo Yun had a casual dinner at the restaurant downstairs.

When he got home, he first transplanted the dragon scale tree to the balcony, then took out the refining materials for the foundation pill, and finally found the small iron pot for cooking noodles, and prepared to make alchemy.

An hour and a half later, the fresh Zhujidan of perfect quality came out.

Seeing the milky white round pill and smelling the refreshing fragrance, Mo Yun smiled.

"Very good, we can build a perfect foundation for martial arts."

(Five chapters have been updated today. Is anyone reading it? If so, please make a fuss and vote to give the author some confidence.)
(End of this chapter)

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