Chapter 54
Chapter 54

time flies.

The days of practice are short but full.

In the blink of an eye, another five months passed.

It has been a year since Mo Yun came to Jiangnan Wuhan University.

He got the system, again for almost a year.

It was close to zero, and Mo Yun signed in as usual.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and getting basic rewards, spiritual power +200, mental power +200, physique +200, understanding +20, foundation +20, luck +20...]

There are no special rewards for signing in.

Mo Yun was not surprised either.

Generally speaking, the chances of special rewards appearing are very small.

Mo Yun paid a little attention in the past two months, and he found that on average, it takes about four or five days to sign in and get a special reward.

And most of them are pills for cultivation.

Such as skill cards, exercises, special abilities, etc., the probability of appearing is extremely low.


Meet Liu Xiyan, a koi carp.

It's a pity that Liu Xiyan was busy dealing with the Tianmo Sect, and ran to the deep mountains and old forests every day, and it took a long time to come here once.

In the past five months, Liu Xiyan came here three times.

Twice it was past zero before leaving.

Therefore, when Liu Xiyan was around, Mo Yun signed in a total of five times.

And these five times, special rewards appeared in all of them.

Mo Yun even suspected that this girl had some hidden special physique.

Although there were three mediocre harvests, only the pills for cultivation were signed in.

The other two times, the harvest was very good.

Mo Yun thought about it for a while.

He signed in with Liu Xiyan and produced three dozen Perfect Foundation Establishment Pills.

This thing is something that has been frequently checked in and out in the past few months.

There are already a bunch of these things in the system space now, and Mo Yun can't finish them.

In addition to the three dozen Perfect Foundation Establishment Pills, Mo Yun also signed the Glazed Golden Body and Immortal Slayer Sword.

Because the Liuli Golden Body is an advanced version of the Vajra Indestructible Magical Art, after signing out of the Liulijin, the Vajra Indestructible Magical Art on the attribute panel will disappear directly.

And the glazed golden body has been directly upgraded to the same level as the Vajra Immortal Art.

Mo Yun didn't care about this either.

As for the Slashing Immortal Sword, it was the first tool Mo Yun signed out, and it was quite new.

[Sword to Slay Immortals: When the aura is revived, a magical weapon born under the influence of a trace of chaotic qi has a quality beyond the heavens and can kill immortals with a single sword. 】

From the introduction, it seems to be awesome.

But how awesome it is, Mo Yun hasn't tried it yet, so he doesn't know.

Of course, this Immortal Slashing Sword is not that Immortal Slashing Sword.

This thing is not the awesome Slashing Immortal Sword in the myths and legends.

In addition, in the past few months, Mo Yun himself has signed in and issued a special reward besides the pill.

Heaven and earth cage skill card.

At the same time, his martial arts cultivation has also broken through to the sixth rank.

The sixth rank is called a martial arts master, and he can barely be regarded as a small master.

After signing and completing, Mo Yun opened the property panel to check it.

Name: Mo Yun

Cultivation level: the first stage of the sixth grade

Martial arts talent: Wang Pin

Special abilities: Invincible Field, Eye of True Knowledge (basic version), Traction Dao Yun, Perfect Assassin Proficiency, God-level Alchemy, Soul Extraction

Special Items: Da Huan Pill*1, Tears of the Dragon*1
Cultivation methods: Chaos Jue (second floor), Tathagata God's Palm (third floor), glazed golden body (third floor), Ben Lei Jue (third floor), one sword breaking the sky (third floor)
The cultivation base has broken through to the first stage of the sixth rank.

Martial arts talent still stays at Wang Pin.

After the martial arts talent reaches Wangpin, it is more difficult to improve. Mo Yun even feels that his talent has not been improved for several months.

It can be seen from the speed of comprehension of the exercises.

Compared with five months ago, his comprehension ability has not improved much.

Similarly, the increased comprehension when signing in the basic attributes has little effect on Mo Yun now.

It seems that in this area, he has reached his limit.

But even so, his comprehension is already abnormal.

Heaven-level exercises can be learned in one or two hours, and this speed can scare people to death.

Mo Yun probably knew something about this.

If he wanted to improve his understanding and martial arts talent, he might have to develop his physical potential again and improve his life essence.

in other words.

He needs to break through to the seventh rank before he can continue to improve his understanding and martial arts talent.

In addition to these, the exercises Mo Yun practiced, except for the Chaos Jue, have all been upgraded to the third level.

It is worth mentioning the Ben Lei Jue.

Ben Lei Jue is a body technique.

After casting the Thunderbolt Jue, Mo Yun was as fast as lightning, and his speed could be increased several times.

Moreover, after breaking through to the third floor, the Thunderbolt Jue has changed, allowing it to move regardless of obstacles.

The specific point is that now that Mo Yun is using the Thunderbolt Jue, he can go directly through the wall and reach the old Wang's house next door.

Not only that, but if Mo Yun wanted to, he could maintain this state and pass through obstacles all the time.

In other words, the current Mo Yun, after performing the Thunderbolt Jue, can drill into the ground and go all the way down. As long as he is not roasted by the high temperature, there is no problem in drilling into the core of the earth.

Of course, this thing consumes a lot.

An ordinary sixth-rank martial artist might not be able to sustain it for a minute, and his spiritual energy would be exhausted.

But Mo Yun is different. He has built a perfect foundation, a perfect martial arts foundation, and he also has the talent of Wang Pin.

In addition, every time he breaks through his cultivation base, he waits for the attributes to reach the limit before breaking through.

The result of this is that his physique is extremely special, and his spiritual energy is almost continuous, and it is difficult to be exhausted.

As far as the current situation is concerned, other sixth-rank warriors will exhaust their spiritual energy in less than a minute when they use the Thunder Step.

But Mo Yun, even if he ran for a day and a night, he might not be exhausted.

No way, my physique is too perverted.

Mo Yun was very satisfied with the effect of Ben Lei Jue.

In the future, if you encounter an enemy that you can't beat, once you use the Thunderbolt Jue, no one else will be able to catch up with you.

If the opponent is too strong and insists on catching up, then he will directly burrow into the ground.

At that time, combined with the stealth technique in the Perfect Assassin Mastery, even if the gods come, they will not be able to track them.


the next day.

in the afternoon.

After practicing for a long time, Mo Yun stretched and stood up.

After making a cup of tea, he walked slowly to the window, looking at the bright red clouds in the sky, Mo Yun was in a happy mood.

In a few days, it will be the day for new students to enter school again.

Mo Yun sighed a little.

Before I knew it, a year had passed.

Now that he is a sixth-rank martial artist, he is getting closer and closer to his goal of proving the peak.

"After breaking through to the fourth-rank realm, the system was successfully upgraded, and the basic rewards were doubled, which saved me a lot of training time."

"And after breaking through to the seventh rank of martial arts, the system will be upgraded again, and the basic rewards will probably be greatly increased by then."

"My self-cultivation speed is not bad."

"Now it seems that the goal of proving the peak of the Dao has to be advanced a few years."

Thinking of this, Mo Yun smiled.

Looking at the picturesque red clouds again, Mo Yun changed his clothes and prepared to go out.

Two days ago, Li Xinghe asked him to go to the elixir garden, saying that he had something important to ask him.

Today was just free and the weather was fine, so Mo Yun decided to go out.

However, as soon as he went downstairs, Mo Yun frowned.

He saw an acquaintance.

At this moment, this acquaintance was surrounded by a group of menacing middle-aged men in black clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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