Chapter 60 I want to ask you something.

Chapter 60 I want to ask you something.

Ming Kuang hurriedly followed Mo Yun.

Ming Kuang at this moment was shocked beyond measure.

Although it was some distance away from Mo Yun and the others.

But he still saw something.

With the help of "Gu Qingshan", a martial arts waste material whose Qi Sea had been scrapped, actually repaired the Qi Sea, and is about to break through his cultivation!
"Is this kind of thing... a miracle?"

Ming Kuang was so shocked that he stopped quickly and pressed his heart that was about to beat wildly.

He was afraid of being exposed.

After a few seconds, he took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Then, he followed again, keeping up with Mo Yun.

Ming Kuang followed Mo Yun while thinking quickly in his mind.

"Even Qihai can be repaired?"

"Why does Gu Qingshan have such an ability?"

"Could it be that he has already proved the peak?"

"No, impossible!" Ming Kuang instantly denied this idea.

"The Dao declines, no one can prove the peak of the Dao!"



"Yes, pill!"

"He seems to have taken out a pill just now!"


"Gu Qingshan is an alchemist, surpassing the current alchemist of the last level of Blue Star?!"

Ming Kuang's pupils dilated, filled with disbelief.

Afraid of revealing his whereabouts, he stopped again and held his heart with both hands.

But soon, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and then trembled all over again, his pupils widened.


"He, he, he is not Gu Qingshan!"

"The cultivation aura he showed just now has always been at the sixth rank!"

"It's not that he deliberately concealed his aura, but because he really only has a sixth grade!"

Thinking of this, Ming Kuang trembled again, a piece of information appeared in his mind, and his complexion changed drastically.

"Although few people have seen Gu Qingshan face to face, it is certain that he has always shown himself as an immature boy of sixteen or seventeen years old. For decades, he has never changed!"

"And that person... is not a young boy of sixteen or seventeen!"

"He, not Gu Qingshan!"

Coming to a conclusion, Ming Kuang's eyes widened and he almost gasped.

But he held back.

He was afraid of being discovered by "Gu Qingshan".

Moreover, there are still some places that he has not figured out.

"Last time, he killed Ming Qing with one palm, what happened?"

"The last time I saw him, his cultivation seemed to be only at the third rank."

"In just half a year, it has already been promoted to the sixth rank?!"

"how can that be!"

"What the hell is going on here..."

Ming Kuang was puzzled.

But right now, he didn't have time to think about it.

Because Mo Yun quickened his pace.

Ming Kuang's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly hid himself and followed.

After a few minutes.

Ming Kuang watched as Mo Yun entered the elixir garden.

He frowned and didn't continue to follow.

After observing for a while, he stopped at a place with a good distance, and hid himself well.

He knew that Li Xinghe often stayed in the elixir garden.

Li Xinghe is now a ninth-rank high-level warrior, and his cultivation is much higher than him.

Even if his stealth skills are not bad, he can be easily spotted if he gets close.

Looking at Mo Yun's disappearing back, Ming Kuang frowned.

Along the way, he has figured out some problems.

He thinks that the last time Mo Yun was able to kill Mingqing with one palm, it is very likely that Gu Qingshan was behind it.

After all, it is Gu Qingshan's territory, and it is not something he can discover if he manipulates it a little bit.

Looking at it this way, things are very clear.

Obviously, that kid has a very close relationship with Gu Qingshan.

As for the breakthrough from the third rank to the sixth rank in half a year.

Although exaggerated.

But not necessarily impossible.

He reckoned that either this kid got some kind of amazing adventure.

Either it was Gu Qingshan who used some tricks on him to change his aura.

But the truth is no longer important to Ming Kuang.

He just wants to confirm Gu Qingshan's status now.

I want to know how much of the other party's cultivation base is left.

Is it really exhausted?

In order to figure out these problems, he could even risk his life.

He left the headquarters of Tianmo Cult without authorization and lurked in Jiangnan Wuda regardless of danger, which is the best proof.

He just wanted to seek the truth!
Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find any news about Gu Qingshan.

it's good now.

Finally found a breakthrough.

This breakthrough.

Obviously it was Mo Yun!

Ming Kuang took a deep breath to calm himself down.

His mind was running fast, thinking about many plans.

After only a few minutes, he had a decision.

"Let's lurk first, follow this kid for a few days, and figure out what's going on."

Ming Kuang does not intend to take risks.

Although now it seems that the young man is just an ordinary sixth-rank martial artist, as long as he makes a move, he will definitely be able to catch it.

But don’t be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

So to be cautious, it is better to observe for two days before talking.

The shadow of the sun slanted to the west.

Ming Kuang hides his body in the shadows, always watching the elixir garden.

at the same time.

Mo Yun had already found Li Xinghe in the Spirit Medicine Garden.

As for the guy following him.

There is no rush to deal with it for now.

Let's talk about it after finishing the business here.

"Senior, why did you ask me to come here?" Mo Yun cut to the chase.

The current Li Xinghe looks energetic on the whole, with broad shoulders and sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, giving off a sense of sternness, and he almost has the word "master" written on his face.

Seeing Mo Yun, Li Xinghe grinned happily.

"It's getting dark, you kid finally came, I thought you were going to release my pigeons."

Mo Yun smiled apologetically, did not speak, and quietly waited for the next sentence.

Li Xinghe didn't care, and asked the illusory master behind Mo Yun a few words as usual.

Mo Yun rolled his eyes, but didn't bother to explain.

Anyway, it's useless to explain, the old man will make up his own brain, and everything he says can be misinterpreted into what he wants.

After going through it a few times, Mo Yun didn't bother to explain.

Chatting across servers is too tiring.

Let him go.

Seeing that Mo Yun didn't seem very interested in his master's topic, Li Xinghe shut up after asking a few words.

He concentrated his attention and said: "The old man called you over, there is indeed something important."

"Well, to be precise, I want to ask you something."

"Senior, it's okay to say." Mo Yun said.

Li Xinghe thought for a while and said, "You should have heard of Tianmo Cult too, right?"

Mo Yun nodded.

Li Xinghe focused and continued.

"The old man seems to have told you that 20 years ago, the old man was poisoned for half a month, and his senior brother was besieged and killed by eight quasi-kings from two tribes of monsters."

"All of this was a good thing planned by the Demon Sect back then."

When he said these two sentences, Li Xinghe looked very calm, and there seemed to be no turmoil in his heart.

But Mo Yun sensed the already boiling anger in his heart.

But Mo Yun didn't speak, just listened quietly.

Li Xinghe said slowly.

"In the past few months, this old man is still not proficient in Yijian Potian, so he didn't free up his hands. He just asked people to investigate the traces of the Tianmo Cult's headquarters."

(End of this chapter)

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