Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Mo Yun opened the property panel and looked.

It's been a long time since he opened the properties panel.

Name: Mo Yun

Cultivation level: the first stage of the eighth grade

Martial Arts Talent: Royal Grade

Special Abilities: Invincible Domain, Eye of True Knowledge (advanced version), Traction Dao Yun, Perfect Assassin Proficiency, God-level Alchemy, Soul Extraction, Field Proficiency, Shred God

Special Items: Da Huan Pill*1, Tears of the Dragon*1, Five-Color Stone
Cultivation methods: Chaos Jue (third floor), Tathagata Palm (fourth floor), glazed golden body (fourth floor), Ben Lei Jue (fourth floor), one sword breaking the sky (fourth floor)
After the cultivation base broke through to the eighth rank, there was almost no change.

No matter whether it is martial arts talent or martial arts level, there is no improvement.

Then he concentrated, looked at the special item column, and locked on the three words "five-color stone".

Then, his consciousness was connected to the system space, and he saw the floating stone inside.

Finally, he activated the Eye of True Knowledge to scan the past.

It still shows that it is a very mysterious stone, and the information expansion has no effect.

Mo Yun shook his head, closed the attribute panel casually, and exited the system space consciously.

Every time he opened the attribute panel and saw the five-color stone in the special item column, he would try this.

However, it doesn't work every time.

Mo Yun was very curious about what this thing was used for.

The system has reminded you that this is an important item, so it is recommended to keep it well.

It's a pity that, half a year later, Mo Yun still doesn't know what the use of this thing is.

In the end, Mo Yun stopped thinking about it.

Looking at the time, it was almost time for dinner again.

Mo Yun got up and prepared to cook.

At this moment, Mo Yun was taken aback.

He knew that Liu Xiyan had stepped into the realm of invincibility.

Same as previous times.

Liu Xiyan also brought Mo Yun a lot this time.

There are everything from kung fu, martial arts, pills, and spiritual fruits.

Mo Yun told her many times not to bring him these things.

But the girl just didn't listen and insisted.

What surprised Mo Yun was that Liu Xiyan seemed a little depressed and absent-minded this time.

No, this girl even forgot to climb the balcony and went directly to the stairs.

After several minutes, Mo Yun heard the doorbell ring.

Opening the door, Mo Yun saw Liu Xiyan who looked bright and sunny with a smile on his face.

Mo Yun: "..."

It is indeed a shadow assassin.

This camouflage ability.

If Mo Yun hadn't sensed her long ago.

I'm afraid I'm going to be tricked by her.

But Mo Yun also became a little curious.

What the hell is wrong with this girl.

"Haha, I'm here to eat again!"

Having known each other for so long, the two have become very familiar with each other.

Liu Xiyan was not polite, and went straight in, handed over the things he had brought to Mo Yun, then took out the Xuanshuang rabbit and other ingredients, and went into the kitchen to start cooking.

Mo Yun also took out a bag of spiritual fruit from the package with ease, washed it a little, and then gnawed it.

Don't say it yet.

The spirit fruit that Liu Xiyan brings every time tastes very good.

Looking at Liu Xiyan who was starting to chop up rabbit meat in the kitchen, Mo Yun thought for a while and couldn't help but say.

"You brought three Xuanshuang rabbits here this month, won't your grandpa have any objections?"

Once Liu Xiyan made a slip of the tongue, Mo Yun found out that the girl's Xuanshuang rabbit was taken from her grandfather.

Hearing what Mo Yun said, Liu Xiyan couldn't help being taken aback.

After a while, she said: "It's okay, I took the Xuanshuang Rabbit with my grandfather's consent."

She wasn't lying.

In the first few times, she took it secretly.

After being found out, she confessed.

She told Liu Ji'an that she met a very good friend.

And this friend saved her life.

Liu Ji'an asked on the spot: "Is your friend a boy or a girl?"

Liu Xiyan replied honestly: "It's a man..."

She thought grandpa would be angry.

Unexpectedly, grandpa told her with a smile that in the future, Xuanshuang rabbit would take as much as he wanted, and it would not be enough for him to catch again.

Also let her walk around with friends more.

Grandpa even drove her over when there was no task.

Liu Xiyan was confused by this matter, and couldn't turn his head around.

Just thinking of Liu Ji'an, Liu Xiyan couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

She exhaled lightly, cheered up and processed the ingredients quickly.

"I see." Mo Yun nodded without thinking too much.

He turned on the old TV, switched channels at will, and watched it one after another.

He is perceptive.

Although his back was turned to Liu Xiyan, he still captured the strange emotion that arose from her body.

When Liu Xiyan mentioned her grandfather just now.

There was an air of extreme sadness about her.

It's just that Liu Xiyan didn't say anything.

It was not easy for Mo Yun to ask too many questions.

Soon, a table of sumptuous meals was served.

Both of them are the kings of dry rice, they ate all the food, and finished all the food in less than 10 minutes.

Drinking a glass of fruit juice after dinner, Mo Yun felt that Liu Xiyan's cultivation was still at the peak of the sixth rank, so he couldn't help asking with a frown.

"Did you not take the pill I gave you before?"

Hearing this, Liu Xiyan was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: "Eat, eat, eat everything..."

"That's it..." Mo Yun didn't think too much, and said with some regret: "It seems that the opportunity has not come."

After all, even the Perfect Breakthrough Pill can only play the role of assisting the breakthrough, and it is impossible to really have a [-]% breakthrough probability.

And after Liu Xiyan went back that time, when she came back, Mo Yun didn't feel the breath of the perfect Shattering Void Pill in her body.

So Mo Yun only thought that Liu Xiyan had already taken all the Poxu pills.

Liu Xiyan secretly glanced at Mo Yun.

She didn't know what Mo Yun meant when he said that the opportunity didn't come.

Didn't think much about it.

She calmly reached out and touched the small golden token hanging around her neck.

She was not willing to eat that bottle of beautiful medicine.

Those who are away all the year round, carry it with them and are afraid of losing it.

I just had to keep it at home.

As for the small silver token.

Mo Yun ordered to wear it close to his body.

She made it into a pendant and hung it around her neck.

Fortunately, the small silver token is small and delicate, so it is not strange to make it into a pendant and hang it around the neck.

After resting for a while, Liu Xiyan began to clean the table and clean up.

While cleaning, Liu Xiyan thought about it.

Mo Yun watched from the side and smiled helplessly.

Liu Xiyan always rushed to do such a job, and Mo Yun refused to let her help.

After everything was cleaned up, Liu Xiyan wiped the sweat from his forehead.

With her hands on her hips, she let out a breath of relief, a smile from the bottom of her heart bloomed on her face.

After staying with Mo Yun for a while, she felt a little more relaxed.

But she has to go.

She still has important tasks to do.

We're leaving this evening.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiyan said goodbye with some reluctance.

"Mo Yun, I'm going back."

"By the way, this time I'm going to a place far away to perform a mission. I don't know when I'll be back..."

"Well, you go, pay attention to safety." Mo Yun nodded.

"Yeah, I will. Goodbye." Liu Xiyan smiled like a flower, and looked at Mo Yun seriously.

Just now, she didn't finish a sentence.

I don't know when I will be able to come back.

Maybe never come back.

But she had to do it.


Liu Xiyan left.

There is no next time this time.

She walked through the front door.

Mo Yun leaned against the window, looking thoughtfully at Liu Xiyan's preoccupied back.

After Liu Xiyan walked away and left the invincible domain, Mo Yun was suddenly taken aback.

"Forgot to sign in..."

After thinking about it, he silently read the sign in his heart.


Nothing at all.

After Liu Xiyan left the invincible field, the mysterious magnetic field probably disappeared.

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, don’t be sure next time, just this time. By the way, if you have any questions, you can leave a message in the book review area. Thank you for your support~)

(End of this chapter)

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