Chapter 88 You have a good fortune

Chapter 88
"Even if you really practice, don't climb the railing, it's so dangerous!" Auntie said loudly.


Mo Yun was speechless.

"Young man, come down quickly. If you have anything to say to Auntie, don't think about it—"

"Okay, I'll go down now. You're right, it's really not safe here." Mo Yun interrupted her and stood up from the railing.

Glancing at the aunt downstairs.

He looked at the slowly rising sun again.

Finally, he looked up and his eyes lit up.

Mo Yun smiled, tapped the sole of his foot lightly, and the whole body swished, turning into a black shadow and heading towards the top of the building.

In the blink of an eye, Mo Yun jumped over more than 20 floors and directly reached the rooftop.

"Well, it's nice here."

Mo Yun smiled with satisfaction, sat down cross-legged and continued to practice.

"He, um, um... he, is he a god?"

"He, he... what kind of cultivation is he?"

"A peerless warrior who has rejuvenated?"

The cleaning lady downstairs was dumbfounded watching this scene.


In the afternoon, after training, Mo Yun turned on Penguin Video to watch a movie.

After watching it for a while, he felt that the screen of the mobile phone was too small, and the viewing experience was not good.

Compared with the mobile phones of the same era on Earth, Blue Star's mobile phone is much worse in terms of performance and appearance.

After thinking about it, Mo Yun took out the Shadow Token that Liu Xiyan gave him.

He remembered that this thing has a projection function.

Last time Liu Xiyan told him that this function is very powerful.

Thinking of this, Mo Yun began to fiddle with it.

After a while, Mo Yun connected to the Internet, found the movie he wanted to watch, and successfully projected it.

Really don't say it.

A bit awesome.

It's the same as watching AR.

"As expected of a product of the combination of technology and runes, there is something."

Mo Yun felt a little regretful.

"Why didn't you use this thing earlier?"

While watching, Mo Yun sighed with emotion.

This thing is very powerful, it consumes spiritual energy directly without charging.

And because there is a high-level formation, it can automatically absorb spiritual energy, so there is no need to worry about energy consumption.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiyan's figure suddenly appeared in Mo Yun's mind.

He thought of Liu Xiyan's strange state yesterday, and his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

"This girl, should something happen to you?"

Thinking of this, Mo Yun turned off the projector, turned on the contact function, and sent a message to Liu Xiyan using the Shadow Token.

[If you encounter anything, remember to say, maybe I can help. 】

After a while, the Shadow Order brightened up.

A message came out.

【What can I do? What are you thinking?Haha, don't think about it, I may be a bit busy during this time, I will find you for dinner when I am free. 】

Mo Yun shook his head, did not reply to the message, turned on the projection function and continued watching the movie.

at the same time.

northern wilderness.

Liu Xiyan, who was hiding behind a rock, finished replying to the message, quickly put away the Shadow Token, changed his complexion, and rolled to the side, leaving the area where the boulder was.

next moment.

A muffled sound.

A huge palm print covered the sky and covered the sun, squeezed the space, made a loud bang, and photographed it with terrifying power,

The boulder instantly shattered.

At the same time, Liu Xiyan had already stood up from the ground, using the ground-level movement method ghost spirit step in an instant, and turned into a phantom and swept towards the north.


A three-to-four-meter-high monster with fangs as thick as arms and spikes on its back, which looked like a wild boar and part wolf, roared at Liu Xiyan's back.

It didn't go after it.

At this level of monsters, their spiritual intelligence is not low.

It knew that even if it went after it, it would be impossible to catch up with that human being.

this side.

Liu Xiyan got out of the pig wolf's attack range and slowed down a little.

She glanced behind her and shook her head involuntarily.

"A pig wolf beast at the beginning of the seventh grade."

"It can be solved with some means."

"But there's no need to waste time."

At this moment, she had several wounds on her body, blood stained the front of her clothes, and she was a little tired mentally.

But she didn't care, but headed north with a firm expression.

She has only one goal.

Go to Tianxuan Mountain and find Feihong Yunzhi.

"Mo Yun..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that we haven't had the chance to meet again..."


Thinking of this, Liu Xiyan bit her lip, her gaze became firm.

"No, we will definitely meet again, I must find Feihong Yunzhi and bring it back!"


Jiangnan Wuhan University.

Mo Yun successfully finished a movie, turned it off and prepared to continue practicing for a while.

But at this moment, the doorbell rang.

Mo Yun sensed that standing outside the door was Zhou Jie.

Mo Yun got up and opened the door.

"Hello, Senior Mo," Zhou Jie said.

"Well, come in and talk, sit down wherever you want." Mo Yun nodded and called Zhou Jie to come in.

He and Zhou Jie have said several times that everyone is of the same age, so don't call them seniors.

But this kid promised, but he forgot when we met next time.

Regarding this, Mo Yun felt a little helpless, so he simply let him go.

"Is it a question about martial arts or alchemy when you come to me this time?" Mo Yun asked.

When Li Xinghe went out to seek revenge from the Tianmo Sect, he got rid of Mo Yun to take care of and guide his new disciple.

Since then, Zhou Jie would occasionally come to Mo Yun to ask about his confusion about martial arts or alchemy.

Mo Yun is not stingy, he will solve the problem for him every time.

Moreover, Mo Yun's thinking is different from others.

Every time he can directly point to the core of the problem, Zhou Jie has benefited a lot.

Under Mo Yun's guidance, Zhou Jie has improved rapidly no matter in alchemy or martial arts, and has a faint tendency to surpass Li Chenyi, the first genius of Jiangnan Wuda.

Only this time, Mo Yun thought about it.

Zhou Jie didn't come to ask him questions.

Zhou Jie collected himself, and said respectfully: "Senior Mo, this time, this junior is ordered by the master to invite senior to visit the elixir garden."

"Is your master looking for me?" Mo Yun was puzzled.

Zhou Jie nodded.

Mo Yun glanced at the time, hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go there."

Hearing Mo Yun's words, Zhou Jie's expression brightened.

He knew that Mo Yun didn't like to go out.

At this time, he can agree to go to the elixir garden, naturally he should be happy.

When he was leaving, Zhou Jie caught a glimpse of the dragon scale tree randomly planted on the balcony, and couldn't help but become more respectful to Mo Yun.

He thought of the scene of Mo Yun refining the elixir that day.

At that time, Mo Yun already possessed the level of a fifth-rank alchemist.

Now that a year has passed, how far has he reached?

Zhou Jie has already looked at himself squarely.

He knew he was a genius.

But compared to Mo Yun, it was like the difference between an ant and an elephant.

But that doesn't mean he can't.

It can only show that Mo Yun is too perverted.


After a while, the two came to the elixir.

After delivering Mo Yun, Zhou Jie left.

He also needs to water the spiritual spring water for the elixir.

"Boy, come over here quickly." As soon as he saw Mo Yun, Li Xinghe called Mo Yun over.

Only then did Mo Yun notice that besides Li Xinghe, the principal Tang Xiao was also there.

Mo Yun was already familiar with Tang Xiao.

A few months ago, Tang Xiao approached him once.

Nothing else, just reminiscing about the past, and by the way, inquired about Mo Yun's unfounded master.

When Tang Xiao saw Mo Yun approaching, a smile appeared on his face.

"Not bad, the young man has become much more energetic, and his cultivation must have improved a lot, right?"

"A little bit." Mo Yun said.

After speaking, Mo Yun looked at Li Xinghe suspiciously.

He wanted to know why Li Xinghe asked him to come here.

Li Xinghe laughed loudly and said: "Boy, you are lucky."

Mo Yun was puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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