Chapter 93 Those who hurt me koi, die!
Chapter 93 Those who hurt me koi, die!

"This breath... a demon bird at the beginning of the eighth rank?!"

Liu Xiyan's complexion changed drastically.

She didn't expect to be exposed so soon.

"Is it because I just took out Feihong Yunzhi to watch?"


"Just now I set up a psychic barrier, so it is impossible for the medicinal fragrance of Feihong Yunzhi, and even the glow it emits to spread out!"

However, the moment this thought just came to mind.

Liu Xiyan was startled, his pupils shrank slightly.

She understood instantly.

"Spiritual energy barrier!"

"The problem is the spiritual barrier!"

"This Flying Rainbow Yunzhi plant already has a spiritual energy barrier!"

Liu Xiyan recalled that when he first entered the cave, he did not perceive the existence of Feihong Yunzhi at all.

She didn't even see Feihong Yunzhi.

She was able to find Feihong Yunzhi because she felt that the stone in the corner was an eyesore when she first entered the cave.

It was a long strip of stone, ordinary, quietly in the corner, half buried in the soil, very inconspicuous.

Most people will definitely not care about such a stone when they see it.

But Liu Xiyan...

She has OCD.

She found that this stone, it was placed at a slant!

Liu Xiyan frowned, and immediately walked over to straighten it.

After breaking it off, I found Feihong Yunzhi.

She didn't think much about it at the time, she just thought it was her luck, and after being excited for a few seconds, she took Feihong Yunzhi and ran away.

Now think about it carefully to understand.

At that time, the reason why she didn't find Feihong Yunzhi was because that thing was equipped with a spiritual energy barrier!

And the one who arranged the spiritual energy barrier was obviously the snow-white demon bird above the sky.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiyan's face turned dark.

"This demon bird probably left a spiritual imprint on Feihong Yunzhi, so it was able to find it so quickly."

"Too bad!"

Liu Xiyan gritted her teeth, her face was covered with frost, and she used the ghost step to the extreme, turning into an afterimage to shuttle through the forest.

At the same time, the huge snow-white demon bird in the sky swooped down violently.


A sharp sound pierced the space.

With a swipe, a white mist gushes out from the monster bird's mouth, spreads at a terrifying speed, and sweeps towards Liu Xiyan's direction.

An extremely terrifying aura descended instantly, and the temperature dropped to the extreme.

Wherever the white mist passes, no matter what it is, it is instantly turned into an ice sculpture.

Space seemed to be frozen.

The treetops that were moving against the wind suddenly stopped.

Followed by.

With a soft bang, the ice sculpture turned into powder in an instant and dissipated in the ice and snow.


The snow-white demon bird roared again, its eyes as big as lanterns scanned the lower part, and its mental power radiated wildly.

But soon, it discovered that the blow just now hadn't hit the damned human!
In just a few breaths, that hateful human actually appeared more than ten kilometers away.

Obviously so weak, why is the speed so fast? !


The snow white demon bird let out an angry roar, it was really angry.

It didn't close its eyes for half a month, and finally found an elixir that fit its own attributes, and planned to find a time to enjoy it.

Because it was too sleepy and a bit unbearable, it was afraid that the elixir in its mouth would accidentally drop, and it didn't want to swallow the elixir directly, so it found a clean cave and temporarily hid the elixir.

In addition, it even specially arranged a spiritual energy barrier.

After that, it flew out of the cave and took a nap on the big tree opposite.

In just such a short period of time, less than half an hour, the elixir was actually stolen?


As for why not take a nap in the cave?
That's because the cave is too narrow, it's better to take a nap in the tree!
If it knew that someone would take its elixir, it wouldn't care whether the cave was narrow or not!

Fortunately, it has more eyes, and when it first discovered the elixir, it carved a spiritual imprint on it.

Otherwise, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood and die!

Damn humans!
The snow-white demon bird locked onto Liu Xiyan again, and sprayed out one after another of white mist.

Boo Boo!

Bo bo bo bo!
Pieces of trees turned into dust, and at a glance, they were all bare.


Liu Xiyan's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and his psychic energy was running to the extreme.

The whole person is like a flash of lightning, constantly shuttling through the forest, avoiding the white mist spit out by the snow-white demon bird.

She was born with keen perception, and every time she was able to leave the attack range of the snow-white demon bird ahead of time, she narrowly avoided the attack of the monster bird.

And, under such pressure.

Her ghost spirit step miraculously broke through a layer, and her speed increased a lot.

If it wasn't for this, she would have been hit by that snow-white demon bird long ago, and died.

But even so, she couldn't last long.

Always use your peak speed to maneuver and dodge.

Even if her psychic power is much thicker than that of ordinary sixth-rank peak fighters, she can only last for a few minutes at most.

After a few minutes, if you still haven't got rid of the snow-white demon bird...


Soon, a white mist fell from the sky again.

Sensing the danger, Liu Xiyan's complexion changed drastically, and his psychic energy was running to the extreme, flying diagonally to the right to avoid it.

Another forest turned to ashes.

At this moment, Liu Xiyan's spiritual energy began to show signs of exhaustion.

The speed couldn't help but slow down a little.

With a swipe, the hem of her clothes was invaded by white mist, and a corner was missing after a swipe.

Fortunately, she barely avoided the blow and was not injured.

But at the same time, her complexion also turned pale, and she once again turned the ghost spirit step to the extreme, and fled away.


An angry roar came from the sky again, and the white mist suddenly fell, sweeping towards Liu Xiyan.

And this time, the falling speed of the white mist, as well as the speed of spreading, was much faster than before.

Liu Xiyan's complexion changed, and he used his psychic power to the extreme again.

However, in the next instant, her complexion turned pale, flushes appeared on her face, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

Psychic power is at its limit...

Liu Xiyan clutched her chest, her face twisted in pain, and she closed her eyes in pain.

At this moment, time seemed to stop.

One picture after another flashed in Liu Xiyan's mind.

When I was a child, I stood on a stove that was taller than a person and cooked.

When I was a child, I was lazy when I was practicing kung fu, and my grandpa found out, and I played handboard.

When I was a child, I was mischievous and played tricks on the pictures of uncles, uncles, aunts and aunts in the shadow.

She was really skinny when she was a child, making trouble everywhere.

Unlike now, Wenwen is quiet, often standing alone in a corner without saying a word.

But no one knows.

She was naughty when she was a child, just because she wanted to attract people's attention.

She has lived in the shadows since she was a child, and has almost no contact with her peers, so naturally there are no children to play with her.

And the grown-ups in the shadows can't see anyone all day long.

Everyone has no time to control her.

That's why she used mischievous ways to attract other people's attention.


Always want to get other people's attention.

However, when she became more sensible, she stopped doing this and started to practice martial arts desperately.

Because she knows that only in this way can she join the shadow faster, and everyone will carry out the task together.

Finally, Mo Yun's figure appeared in Liu Xiyan's mind.

For Mo Yun, Liu Xiyan always had a strange feeling in his heart.

For some reason, she always wanted to find Mo Yun and stay with him.

As long as you stay with him, even if you don't do anything, your heart will be extremely happy.

For this reason, whenever she was free, she would go to Mo Yun.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiyan blushed slightly.

But soon, she realized it.

Why is time passing so slowly?

Why didn't the snow-white demon bird land for such a long time?

Just as this thought came to Liu Xiyan's mind, she felt a heat in her chest.

The delicate token that had been hanging all the time floated up automatically, emitting a dazzling silver-white light.

At the same time, a series of mysterious auras gathered quickly.

A human-shaped phantom instantly condensed and appeared behind Liu Xiyan, blocking the blow for Liu Xiyan.

"Whoever hurts my koi, die!"

A domineering voice came from Xu Ying's mouth.

Liu Xiyan was startled, turned around and stared blankly at the phantom, and instantly petrified.

"Mo, Mo Yun?"

(ps: I came back too late from a business trip today, so I barely wrote a chapter. I was too sleepy to write. Let’s watch it first. I will resume two or three changes tomorrow, and I will write a few more chapters on the weekend to make up.)
(End of this chapter)

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