
Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Second Lieutenant Xiao Le, the leader of the reconnaissance company of the Night Tiger Regiment, thought that he must have made a mistake. This is completely impossible.He rubbed his eyes desperately, and then put it on the high-powered telescope to see, only to realize that it was not a dream—three Mi-8 transport helicopters belonging to the blue army rushed down from the sky with the momentum of Mount Tai, and rushed straight to the red army in the afterglow of the setting sun. A Group Army A Division Command.Xiao Le threw away the binoculars and shouted: "Emergency assembly——"

At this moment, his old comrade-in-arms, Second Lieutenant Chen Yong, had already opened the hatch of the Mi-8 helicopter, flashing past the dumbfounded officers and soldiers of Division A who were having dinner like lightning.The special forces members jumped out of the two helicopters, and the rifles in their hands were already emitting flames when they were in the air.

The gunshots broke the tranquility of Division A since the beginning of the exercise, and the commanders of Division A who were wondering why the Blue Army units that were supposed to engage with them according to the exercise plan were still not in the predetermined position found the answer.The special forces members of the Blue Army went on a killing spree at the headquarters of Division A, as if they had entered a no-man's land.It was dusk, meal time, and most of the officers in Division A headquarters were unarmed.The police communication company did not expect that the blue army would raid its headquarters, even with guns and no empty ammunition - at that time, it was repeatedly emphasized that safety was the first, and empty ammunition would hurt people, so according to the routine exercise, The police communication company that will not go to the battlefield is not equipped with blank ammunition.At the same time, the hidden blue army air force launched a twilight offensive.The second-tier troops of the military region, which had been holding back their breath against Army Group A, found a chance to vent their anger this time. Like a blue sharp knife, they tore through the first line of defense of Army Group A and developed in depth.

In a panic, the fire cover team threw dozens of smoke grenades into different tents. The assault team took the opportunity to rush into the division command tent, followed by the second assault team, which occupied the communication tent and destroyed the power generator. car.

"There is a helicopter for us." The commander of Division A said sadly to his officers.The commando leader Chen Yong put his rifle on his back and saluted: "Chief, I'm sorry. I'm following an order."

"No need to explain, as a soldier who participated in the war, this is my dereliction of duty that I shouldn't have." The commander of Division A smiled wryly, threw away the red and blue pencils in his hand, and was the first to walk out of the big tent, "Let's go, we were trained by ourselves Battle heroes captured."

"Squad leader!" Chen Yong shouted.Tian Daniu stepped forward and replied: "Here!" "Lead them on the plane, pay attention to your attitude - these are my old chiefs!" Chen Yong ordered with a dark face.Xiao Le took his own reconnaissance platoon, drove a three-wheeled motorcycle and mounted a machine gun, and went directly from the headquarters of the Night Tiger Regiment to the outside of the division headquarters. He saw his division leaders walking towards the helicopter under the escort of the blue army special forces, his eyes It became popular, and the second lieutenant who led the team turned out to be Chen Yong!
"Chen Yong, don't bully people too much!" Xiao Le jumped off the sidecar of the three-wheeled motorcycle, shouted and raised the light machine gun to shoot, and the scouts behind followed the platoon leader to get off the car and charged together Enter the tent group of the headquarters.

"It's my old comrade-in-arms." There was a smile on the corner of Chen Yong's mouth, and the smile was fleeting. "Hit me!" The blue army special forces and the red army scouts rushed together. Used it, they all fired with rifles.Grabbing, fighting, street fighting... all kinds of tricks were used, one wanted to grab the leader, and the other refused to let him grab it, all of them were red-eyed.Chen Yong didn't have anything more to say, and led the assault team to escort the leaders of Division A to the helicopter.Seeing that the chiefs were about to board the plane, Xiao Le shouted with all his strength: "Grenade!"

The scouts took out the grenades on their bodies, and following Xiao Le's order, they threw them directly at the division heads.Chen Yong's face changed, and he rolled over and fell down. Seeing more than 20 black and smoky grenades flying over, they landed directly in front of and behind the division chiefs.Bang Bang Bang exploded, but there was no shrapnel flying, only yellow smoke rising-according to the rules of the exercise, the division chiefs and the escort Chen Yong and other special forces were all killed.Chen Yong got up with a wry smile, and saw more officers and soldiers of the Red Army, police and company, holding engineering shovels and sticks, rushing from all directions.The Blue Army special forces members were scattered, some boarded the helicopter that left in a hurry, some were held down, and some escaped from the battle group and ran away.All three helicopters escaped, leaving only Chen Yong and a dozen special forces on the ground.The teacher and the political commissars all went to shake Xiao Le's hand: "Thank you! Thank you!" Xiao Le's eyes were bloodshot, he shook off the teacher and the political commissar, and kicked the smiling Chen Yong in the chest.Chen Yong, who was lighting a cigarette, instinctively turned to the side and dodged his flying legs: "Fuck! Are you crazy?"

"Come at me if you have the ability! What kind of ability is the command center?" Xiao Le shouted loudly and rushed forward again.Chen Yong dodged a few wrong steps, pointed at his nose and cursed: "What a mess! This is a war, I have to obey orders! Do you think I can mobilize a helicopter?!" Xiao Le roared: "Chen Yong! I know You've been holding your breath! You didn't get into the military academy, and you didn't get a commission, so you vented your anger on the A army, right? You took the opportunity to insult the A army, right? Don't forget, this is your old army!"

The smile on Chen Yong's face completely disappeared, he threw away the cigarette and lighter, and went straight up to push Xiao Le down: "You are talking nonsense! I, Chen Yong, was a hero on the battlefield, and I am not a villain when I come down! This is our big brother." The captain’s order! If you change it, you have to carry it out!” The division commander pulled Chen Yong away personally, and the political commissar pulled Xiao Le up and said, “Forget it, forget it, he’s just following the order.” Chen Yong was really enraged, he rushed to Xiao Le’s In front of Le, he grabbed his collar: "I tell you—it's over! My brotherhood with you is over!" He shook off Xiao Le who was wheezing and panting, turned around and left, and after walking a few steps, he turned back and roared, "It's over!" !" Tian Daniu hurriedly followed: "Platoon leader, what's the matter?" Chen Yong waved him away: "I'm with him, it's over!" Tian Daniu followed again: "It's over when it's over, you won't be in trouble It's such a big deal!"

Xiao Le calmed down, with guilt on his face.A Blue Army special forces member whispered: "This is the combat order of our Blue Army headquarters, and our platoon leader has no power to change it." The division commander whispered: "Forget it, forget it, it's our own negligence. Look Let's see if Commander Liu has any way to recover, our teacher is disabled." Xiao Le knew that he was wrong, but he did not lower his proud head.

The Mitsubishi jeep stopped at the tent area of ​​the exercise director's department. Major General Liu Yongjun, the commander of Army Group A, got out of the car and walked straight into the big tent of the director's department.The army outside was very lively singing, but only the old man was leaning over to watch carefully in front of the sand table, very deserted.Liu Yongjun saluted, but didn't dare to say loudly: "Chief." The old man turned his head to look at him, but didn't speak.Liu Yongjun strode over, and the old man looked at the sand table: "You think I should praise you if you won the battle, right?" Liu Yongjun said in a low voice, "No."

"Your main division was wiped out by the whole organization system. If it wasn't for your strategic mobile reserve team coming up quickly, and avoiding the enemy with a left uppercut, directly killing the blue army headquarters, the A group army would have completely ceased to exist." The old man was still looking at the sand table, "This shows that your tactical literacy is good, and the A army has strong combat effectiveness and good equipment-but why do you want the blue army to eat one of your main divisions?"

"Chief, it's my negligence." Liu Yongjun said sincerely.The old man said sadly: "You are a famous young man in the army. How could you make such a low-level mistake? Could it be that the army stopped fighting after the war? Look at what your main division is doing, find Why don't you take the initiative to find the enemy and fight decisively? Why don't you use any of the many reconnaissance methods?" Liu Yongjun lowered his head.The old man shook his head: "I should be gratified that you were able to turn the tide in the face of danger; but I am very disappointed that you could not avoid the loss that should have been avoided. During the Second World War, the Soviet Red Army was paralyzed and underestimated the enemy. In the early days, the German army drove straight in. Although they won in the end, the Soviet Union paid a huge price! I thought this should be a wake-up call, and I went back and read "The History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union" carefully." Liu Yongjun saluted: "Yes."

The old man said lightly: "In addition, the newly established special reconnaissance brigade of the military region performed well in this exercise. You should familiarize yourself with the advanced synthetic command, which will be good for you." layer signal?Before he had time to react, a "report" sounded outside.The old man said "Come in", and He Zhijun entered the tent to salute: "Deputy Commander! Commander Liu!"

"You go back." The old man nodded to Liu Yongjun, and turned to He Zhijun, "Why, you still look sad after winning the battle?" "Chief, we won the victory, but my brigade has been disabled. Half of the members of our brigade I was killed during the exercise, and I have no one left!" He Zhijun really looked bitter: a smile appeared on the old man's face: "You, He Zhijun, are playing with me again? Are you thinking about weaving again?" He Zhijun hehe Le: "Boss, I can't hide it from your eyes." The old man turned to the sand table: "The report has been submitted, but the superior has not yet approved it. I can't answer you now." He Zhijun said anxiously: "However, we have veterans who will be discharged at the end of the year. That's it! There will be 27 in a while! There will be 21 next year, and if this continues, we will only have cadres and no soldiers left in our brigade!" The old man smiled and didn't look at him or speak. "Chief, I want to know if the report of the Special Reconnaissance Brigade's application to select top scouts for training in the entire military region can be approved? We can't have soldiers!" He Zhijun didn't dare to play around with him anymore, and said bluntly .The old man didn't look at him, and moved the sand table: "I can't approve it at this stage. System problems can only be solved by the superiors."

"Then what about our soldiers? Next year you will let me participate in the exercise, I dare not, there is no one left!" He Zhijun was really anxious.The old man smiled wryly: "There are no soldiers, you can recruit." He Zhijun's eyes widened: "Recruitment? Chief! The conscripts are only three years old! The first year is just a soldier, the second year is a soldier, and the third year is half a special soldier. ——But, we have to go again; transferring volunteers is as difficult as reaching the sky, and the ratio is so strictly controlled..." The old man said: "I can increase the ratio of volunteers for you." He Zhijun said with a bitter face: "But I still need time to train Ah! What do you do during this time? You know that the special forces all over the world select their members from veterans..."

The old man looked at him coldly: "This is in China! Do you understand? I can't control system issues at this level. If you select top scouts from other troops, will they let them go? Are you willing to let them go? Do you want me to give orders, Let them give you the top talents they have cultivated? Just saying "special forces need" can solve the problem? How many army chiefs hate you and me? It takes time to develop awareness and habits! Time! You recruit troops first Well, the team can't be dispersed, and the rest of the problems will be solved slowly."

"Yes!" He Zhijun could only salute.Back at the brigade headquarters, He Zhijun hadn't calmed down yet.Looking at the cadres in the room, he turned around a few times and spread his hands: "Yes! If it doesn't work, recruit yourself! The political commissar organizes and sends a few capable cadres to recruit. The key is to have a high education level and good physical fitness. For urban soldiers, rural soldiers must be above junior high school."

"Captain, how do we recruit troops when we go down? What troops?" a cadre asked.He Zhijun smiled: "Special Forces, the hairy kids haven't broken our threshold yet? Captain, the current situation may not be as optimistic as you think." The cadre said, "Most urban children have to go to college. Even if they don’t go to college, they don’t want to be a soldier. According to that standard, it’s very difficult to recruit a full number of people.” He Zhijun wondered, “Why? No one wants to be a special soldier?” Well, when it comes to the special forces, no one really dares to come. The same is true in the countryside, now that they are rich, very few children are willing to take the initiative to suffer."

"The times have really changed?" He Zhijun looked bewildered.The cadres were afraid to speak. Geng Hui said with a wry smile: "Everyone, don't talk about being discouraged. The People's Liberation Army still has a place in the hearts of ordinary people. Our work must be meticulous and patient, and comrades who go to recruit troops must be able to think Work, build a good relationship with the local armed forces. If it doesn’t work, let’s say it’s not a special force, but a unit directly under the military region, so it’s easier to keep secret.” He Zhijun sat until the end of the meeting and didn’t say a word.Geng Hui asked him: "What's the matter, old He? What are you thinking?" He Zhijun showed a very bitter smile: "I was thinking... It was not easy for us to be a soldier at that time, but now... there are really no children who want to be in the People's Liberation Army ?"

(End of this chapter)

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