
Chapter 15

Chapter 15

"You lied to me!" Lin Rui roared angrily at Geng Hui.Geng Hui looked at the angry Lin Rui with complicated eyes and said nothing, and told Tian Daniu: "Go to the infirmary first, and let him stay in the official class of the brigade department at night."

Walking outside, He Zhijun handed the Mongolian knife to Chen Yong: "Let the veterans conduct another inspection on the recruits, a comprehensive and thorough inspection. Such a major accident hazard is not allowed to occur again!"

"Are you a member of the Communist Party?" Geng Hui's voice trembled a little.Company Commander Han said: "Yes." "What kind of Communist Party member are you?!" Geng Hui roared, "You are suspended immediately! Prepare to be dealt with!" Company Commander Han saluted, but still didn't think it was a big deal.Inertia, many things are inertia.In many field troops at that time, the training of recruits was semi-public or even public. Strictly speaking, Lin Rui was not the most powerful.There are some worse situations than this. At that time, there was no such thing as "six prohibitions".The brutal way of leading troops is really not uncommon.

But at the subsequent brigade standing committee meeting, Geng Hui came for real.He Zhijun has been relatively silent, watching everyone talking about the whole recruits.They're all veterans, they've all been recruits, so most of them have been punished, so most of them don't take it too seriously.As for the handling opinions, they all thought it would be enough to confine Company Commander Han and give him a warning; Lin Rui didn't take any punishment, but he was indeed not suitable for serving in the army, so he just sent him back, so that everyone would be at ease.There are cases of withdrawals every year. One is that he was found out by cheating when he was a soldier, and the other is that he really can't do it due to physical or psychological reasons. Lin Rui obviously belongs to the latter. At the end of 1991, the concept of "leading troops in a civilized manner" had not been fully popularized, and even many field troops did not have this concept.The legal system of the whole country is not very sound, and the army is naturally not monolithic.In the end, it should be the concluding remarks of the team leader and the political commissar. Since everyone agrees with this opinion, it is almost the same opinion.The members of the Standing Committee agreed that there was no need for the two bosses to be too serious, and it was really not a big deal in itself.

Geng Hui coughed twice, he knew that his speech might cause a little disturbance.Of course he knows the power of inertia, but he wants to create a brand new mental outlook of the army.Such an opportunity was impossible in the reconnaissance brigade of the A group army. The older the troops, the stronger the tradition or the power of inertia. He knew that it would be useless to rely on personal strength; It's possible - because it's new here, everything is new.Officers and soldiers from different units brought different inertia forces, and in the collision with each other, their different inertias were weakened instead, and he had room to make a fuss. "Han Ren and the veterans who participated in the beating of Lin Rui were all sent back to the original unit, and Lin Rui was punished once." Geng Hui was very calm but his words were surprising.Why? !These three words were written on everyone's faces, and He Zhijun's black face twitched.If Xiao Han is sent back, his official career may be in danger, which goes without saying; as for Lin Rui, a prospective recruit who has not yet taken the oath, it is not easy to send him back, so why bother with a demerit penalty? ?One is a lieutenant company cadre who has won military exploits on the front line, and the other is a recruit who makes trouble everywhere. Which one is more important?Isn't this self-explanatory?Before Geng Hui could explain further, He Zhijun had already said: "I agree with the political commissar's opinion." What else can I say?What else can the cadres below say?Now that the captain and political commissar have agreed, what else can we say?Although thinking about it the other way around, the political commissar is right; but in terms of reason, everyone still sympathizes with Xiao Han. After all, he was killed with a knife and a gun on the battlefield!

Geng Hui slowly began to talk about his views, and he analyzed them thoroughly.The core of the speech is to emphasize the equality of officers and soldiers, to form the special reconnaissance brigade's own style of leading troops, and to break away from bad habits.The recruitment of recruits in the army had become a vicious circle at that time.Especially in field troops and engineering troops far away from urban areas, this vicious circle is very serious.When Geng Hui was just an instructor, this kind of thing happened in his company. The company commander forced a recruit to kneel on a stone, and his knees were bleeding, because he suspected that he had stolen something from his comrades.This matter has been pressed in the bottom of Geng Hui's heart. At that time, it was impossible for him to directly conflict with the company commander. There was a problem of strategy; It has always remained in the depths of his memory and has become his hidden pain for many years.

"It is by no means those quack habits that maintain the combat effectiveness of the army! A special force with real combat effectiveness must rely on iron discipline to maintain its operation!" Geng Hui, who had a dull stomach ache, said in a stern and unquestionable tone, of course he could not The concept of "ruling the army according to law" was proposed, because there was no such slogan at that time.But there is no doubt that he has been implementing the essence of this concept.

Lin Rui, who was standing in the queue, was shocked when he heard the political commissar's decision, and the whole team was shocked.Whether it is an officer or a soldier, whether it is a veteran or a recruit, they are all shocked by this decision.Geng Hui was not surprised by this, what he wanted was the shock.At this moment, He Zhijun showed no expression.Lin Rui raised his eyes and saw the political commissar closing the decision.Then seeing Company Commander Han's body shaking slightly, he suddenly felt guilty.He didn't think that Company Commander Han was right to treat him, but the natural compassion in his heart - no matter how young he was, he grew up in a government compound, and his knowledge of the ups and downs of officialdom far surpassed that of ordinary soldiers around him.He didn't expect to deal with it like this, and he was ready to go home.He looked at the familiar faces in the ranks of recruits, especially the expressions on the faces of the veterans, with regret, grief, incomprehension and even hatred for him.He lowered his head and felt as if he had become a sinner.

Company Commander Han didn't say a word, and after the meeting ended, he didn't say goodbye to Quan Company.A Beijing Jeepla took him and his simple army luggage, and then disappeared.As a soldier, such a disgrace is not easy to deal with, especially as a simple-minded soldier like him.

He Zhijun watched the car go away, full of worries.As long as he can be transferred to become a special warfare company commander, he will definitely not be a simple person. Everyone's experience is enough to write a thick book.But he can only make such a choice. The Mongols can conquer the world immediately, but they cannot rule the world immediately; some people are good players in war, but the army in peacetime is incompatible.He himself has come through this stage.Just because he himself came here like this, he understands why this kind of treatment is better. On the surface, it seems that it is not worth it. Which is more important, a company-level cadre or a recruit who has not yet taken the oath?But if you look at it deeply, you have to worry about it. It is right to say that it is killing a chicken for monkeys to see. The wolf tooth brigade is not a wild dog brigade, and wolves also have their own rules.So, this is also a sacrifice.A sacrifice for the normalized construction of an army.

When Geng Hui walked in, He Zhijun said slowly, "He still has shrapnel that hasn't been taken out..." Geng Hui didn't speak.He Zhijun put on his military cap: "This is the price, the price of the regular construction of the army in peacetime. Let's go, let's go to the recruit company to see."

The recruit company is still training normally, and Lin Rui has already returned to his squad.His footsteps were weak. Although he could keep up with the rhythm, it was obvious that something was wrong with him, and he fell off the bridge several times.When He Zhijun and Geng Hui appeared on the training ground, his gaze followed them.Tian Daniu yelled at him: "Lin Rui! What are you doing?"

"Report!" Lin Rui stood at attention and saluted, "Squad leader, I want to have a word with the political commissar." Tian Daniu thought for a while, and he didn't know what the trouble was with this thorny head.Before he could speak, Geng Hui waved his hand over there, and Tian Daniu hurriedly ordered to run over.Lin Rui ran over, Geng Hui looked at him and didn't speak for a long time.After Lin Rui saluted, he didn't know what to say, his lips were trembling all the time.Geng Hui said: "Talk. Didn't you look for me?"

"Report! Captain, political commissar, I..." Lin Rui burst into tears, "I, I must train hard! I must become a qualified special forces soldier!"

Geng Hui looked at him coldly: "As I said, I'll give you three days! The time limit has not yet come, and you still have a choice. Don't rush to speak big words."

Lin Rui: "Political commissar! I..." Geng Hui said coldly, "Return to the team and continue training." Lin Rui wiped away his tears, saluted, turned and went back.The shouts sounded again, and Lin Rui's voice was hoarse and clearly recognizable.

He ran and jumped like a madman.The third day came as scheduled, but he didn't show up in the political commissar's office. On the contrary, the only place where Lin Rui could be found was the training ground.From then on, during the rest time every day, the officers and soldiers of the special reconnaissance brigade would see Lin Rui on the training ground.It was weird at first, but then it became a habit.Therefore, Lin Rui was accepted as No.1 in the recruit training.

Swish—a bright red August 40st Army flag unfolded in front of Lin Rui's eyes. "I swear!" Second Lieutenant Chen Yong, acting company commander of the recruit company, raised his right fist. "I swear!" Lin Rui and more than [-] recruits raised their right fists.

"I am a soldier of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. I swear to obey the leadership of the Communist Party of China and serve the people wholeheartedly! Obey orders and strictly observe discipline! Fight bravely and not be afraid of sacrifice! Be loyal to your duties and work hard! Practice hard to kill the enemy and resolutely complete the task ! Under no circumstances, never betray the motherland, never betray the army!"

The hoarse oaths roared by the young life echoed in the playground.

Geng Hui looked into Lin Rui's eyes coldly, and put the cap badge, collar and military rank on him himself: "Private Lin Rui!"

Lin Rui saluted solemnly.Geng Hui returned the salute and turned to the dark cloud with gleaming eyes.At noon, the recruit company was preparing for a dinner.We will go to our respective companies in the afternoon, and everyone is very excited.Both Lin Rui and Wu Yun were assigned to Chen Yong's Special Warfare Team, and Tian Daniu's squad leader. The two brothers were happy to be together again.Everyone was talking when they were preparing to gather outside the cafeteria. Chen Yong shouted: "Lin Rui, go to the door! The sentinel said that someone is looking for you!" Lin Rui was called to the door and was still thinking about why. Min's white down jacket fell down immediately.The squad leader of the security guard was still laughing at the door: "Look how beautiful you are! The object has come, and the road will never go away!"

Lin Rui endured the pain in his butt, and ran to the door: "You, why are you here?" Tan Min looked at him: "Why, I can't come?" Lin Rui's face turned green: "Yes, yes...your dad Do you know?" Tan Min said, "What do you care about him? I'll come and see you and bring you something to eat. You're really thin!" Lin Rui smiled wryly: "Yes, you've lost weight."

For this kind of thing, all the army cadres turned a blind eye, so no one gave Lin Rui a hard time.Of course, no one knew about his high school shit, if they knew, it would be a big deal, and it would be another problem.As a well-known thorn in the head, he didn't want to have any more problems with style - the word style was learned in the army.So he took Tan Min in.

"See, Lao He." Geng Hui held his binoculars and raised his chin, "We are stupefied, our partner is here." He Zhijun looked down from the window, amused: "Yo, it's very my style back then. !" "Soldiers are different now, and children in cities are even more different." Geng Hui smiled wryly.Lin Rui brought Tan Min to the cafeteria of the recruit company, which immediately caused a commotion.Tan Min's appearance was indeed fresh, and he was decent and generous, which immediately shocked all the recruits. It was certain that they were vying to shake hands with Tan Min, and it was certain that some comrades would not wash their hands for a few days.Lin Rui was sweating profusely, but he was also having fun.During the lunch gathering, Chen Yong and Tian Daniu arranged for Tan Min to sit at the cadres' table, and Lin Rui also sat at the cadres' table.Of course he didn't dare to let go, Tan Min was also very careful, after all, he hadn't celebrated his 18th birthday yet, and he had never seen such a big scene.

It was time to report to each class in the afternoon, and Lin Rui had no time to accompany Tan Min.Chen Yong specially approved the lunch break for Lin Rui for 30 minutes, so that they could talk.At this time, Lin Rui calmed down, and the original arrogance also appeared.Climbing to the top of the building, the north wind is blowing.Lin Rui pulled Tan Min into his arms and kissed him.Tan Min cried: "I miss you."

"Me too." This was from the heart, and Lin Rui said it with a sour heart.Tan Min said: "My aunt's home is in the provincial capital, and I knew you were serving as a soldier here, so I said to come and see my aunt, and I came to you as soon as I put down my things." Lin Rui nodded: "How is your review going? ?" Tan Min cried: "No, I might not be able to pass the college entrance examination." Lin Rui was anxious: "Don't talk nonsense!" Tan Min cried until he couldn't make a sound: "Really! They all said bad things about me, I can't stand it... ..." Lin Rui was stunned: "Who?" Tan Min cried and said: "Students, as well as gangsters in society, they also robbed me on the road. It was the group of people who used to fight with you, Yue Long and the others, You still talk bad things to me." Lin Rui was in a hurry: "Where are the three dogs? Didn't they help you?" Tan Min said in a low voice: "You left, they dare not make a sound." Lin Rui's face Burning with anger.Tan Min snuggled into Lin Rui's arms: "As long as you are well, I will feel at ease."

Lin Rui stroked Tan Min's hair, gritted his teeth.In the afternoon, when he reported to the class, Wu Yun was still in his lower berth, so Lin Rui was a little distracted.The acting special warfare company commander Chen Yong and Tian Daniu were very enthusiastic, but the smiling face that Lin Rui put on was so blunt.At night, Lin Rui ran away.

At the county station, the night was shrouded, and the express did not stop here, roaring past.Wearing a padded jacket and military trousers, Lin Rui was carrying a military satchel, with his jacket and hat stuffed in the bag, and jumped over the steel column wall of the station with bloody hands.His hand was injured while climbing the barbed wire fence outside the brigade. He had nothing to bandage him, and he didn't care to bandage it, so he could only run desperately.After climbing over the wall of the station, he found a water pipe and rinsed the blood from his hands, and only then did he realize that the pain was terribly painful.There was nothing to bandage, so he tore off his vest, wrapped his hands, and put on a cotton jacket with his arms bare.

Lin Rui sucked in the cold air. He originally wanted to sneak through the waiting room, but found it was impossible when he went.There were not many people taking the night train at this county station, so his attire was even more conspicuous.So he could only turn over, trying to get on the train while the conductor was not paying attention.But when he came in, he realized that it was impossible, because besides the conductor and the police, he actually saw armed soldiers - at first glance, he knew that they were connected by the brigade police, and the armbands on the uniforms could not be others.What now?He was troubled by looking at the whole station.Another express train roared past, and Lin Rui's eyes lit up.When the next express train passed by, a nimble black figure ran out suddenly, jumped desperately and climbed onto the car door.Lin Rui gritted his teeth and endured the pain, clutching the door handle tightly, his legs still dragging.He curled up his lower abdomen and legs with all his strength, and three months of hard training gave him a strong physique.

(End of this chapter)

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