
Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Standing on the climbing stairs, Xu Gongdao saw He Zhijun calling him, and immediately a bright smile appeared on his face: "Company Commander! I didn't expect this to be your unit!" The climbing rope on the railing jumped out with a lift of his leg.Amidst the exclamation of his entourage, Xu Gongdao slid his head downwards. When he was close to the ground, he exerted force on his hands, his whole body tensed up, turned around and landed nimbly on the ground.Without any protective measures, naturally his hands were bloody.But Xu Gongdao seemed to be a different person, he dropped the rope and ran to the viewing platform.He Zhijun stood on the viewing platform, full of arrogance, straddling his hands behind his back.Xu Gongdao strode over and stood at attention to salute: "Xu Gouwa, acting deputy commander of the First Company of the A Army Reconnaissance Battalion, is here to report!" He Zhijun returned the salute coldly: "Relax!" Putting on a vest, I almost couldn’t recognize you! You son of a bitch, you son of a bitch, you actually came to my army to make trouble!” He Zhijun’s words behind him became trembling, and he punched Xu Gongdao’s chest, still light of.Xu Gongdao's body trembled, and he hugged He Zhijun and cried loudly: "Old company commander! I thought I would never see you again in this life!" He Zhijun pushed Xu Gongdao away, and said to the surprised officers and soldiers : "Do you know who he is? Don't look at him now dressed like a person - 12 years ago, he was the second-class hero Xu Gouwa! In the defense of southern Xinjiang, he was the acting deputy company commander of the reconnaissance company! He Leading the reconnaissance team to circle under the nose of the enemy, and pointed out a large number of targets to our artillery!"

Xu Gongdao wiped his tears: "Don't talk about the past, old company commander. I didn't know this was your army. I want to know, how dare you be so ostentatious?"

"What the fuck, where's your girl?" He Zhijun said, "Why didn't you bring it?" "I sent her back to school," Xu Gongdao said.He Zhijun laughed loudly: "Bring me a meeting next time!" The world is big and small, and 12 years later, veteran Xu Gouwa met his old company commander He Zhijun again.He Zhijun is still He Zhijun, but Xu Gouwa is not Xu Gouwa anymore. He is now Xu Gongdao, a famous private entrepreneur. In 12 years, with the flick of a finger, people's fate is so impermanent.

In the evening, Xu Gongdao was the host and invited He Zhijun and Geng Hui out for dinner.Naturally, this face had to be given, and the two put on casual clothes and went out.Everyone drank a lot, and Xu Gongdao sang the "Song of the Scouts" loudly: "...Up to the mountains and down to the plains, we are the people's scouts. Dare to go up the mountain of swords and dare to go into the sea of ​​fire..." Cry, laugh, and say how much you miss the troops, but you have to leave.

When Xu Gongdao went to the bathroom to vomit, Geng Hui asked He Zhijun why he left the army?He Zhijun scratched his head: "How should I put it? He has good military qualities, but his family background is not good. Grandpa is a capitalist, and later he became the director of the Ministry of Commerce of the Kuomintang. He didn't go to Taiwan in 49 and went abroad. Really patriotic, he handed over his father to a nanny and took him back to his hometown to take care of him. He said that the Xu family must have roots in his ancestral home. His father was murdered at the beginning of the "Cultural Revolution". The nanny managed to save him and changed his name from then on. His name is Xu Gouwa. He hid his background and joined the army. Later, it was found out that he was going to retire. I was a platoon leader at the time. I saw that this guy was really good, so I took it. You will know the rest of it. He was brave during the battle. He was promoted and became the acting deputy company commander, but he has not been given an official order of the deputy company commander since he returned. At this time, the family asked him to go abroad to inherit the inheritance, and he left." Geng Hui nodded, in that extraordinary era , this kind of thing is not uncommon.

Xu Xi was picked up by Xu Gongdao's driver, and when he arrived, he rushed in excitedly: "Lin Rui? Is Lin Rui here?" He Zhijun and Geng Hui smiled wryly. It seemed that they could no longer hide it.He Zhijun said: "We are also looking for Lin Rui now. He is a deserter."

Xu Gongdao, who was drowsy from drinking, suddenly woke up. He understood the meaning of "deserter" too well. "A deserter? Why did he run away?" Xu Xi asked.Geng Hui said: "I don't know yet, we have already sent someone to look for him." "Then what will you do with him?" Xu Xi asked with concern. "If it was on the battlefield, I'd kill him with one shot." He Zhijun's tone didn't sound like a joke.Xu Xi was stunned: "Isn't it true? There is no war now!" "We have to deal with it seriously if there is no war. The army is the army, not a free market." Geng Hui said, "As for how to deal with it, it is our internal decision. It's over, don't ask me any more."

Just after Tan Min went to study at night, he saw Yue Long and the others entrenched at the head of Guangming Bridge again.Since Lin Rui left, the site of Guangming Qiaotou was once again occupied by Yue Long and the others.Tan Min hurriedly turned his bicycle and rode in the opposite direction. He whistled in the dark. Yue Long and the others heard it and rode over.It turned out that someone had already been placed at the door, just waiting for her to come out.No one dared to help Tan Min, so Tan Min could only ride desperately by himself.Of course he couldn't get rid of him, Yue Long's people were all around him, and he couldn't do without obscenities and obscene songs.Tan Min shed tears, she has already borne too many consequences.

In the darkness, a stick was swept across Yue Long's back, and Yue Long fell out with a bang.Before the rest of them could react, the sticks started to dance like the wind, and they were extremely accurate.Even when everyone fell to the ground, the stick player still had a Shaolin posture to close his hands.Tan Min's eyes lit up: "Lin Rui!" Lin Rui looked at the defeated generals lying on the ground, and threw his stick at Yue Long: "There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys dominate?! Damn, let me fix you, right? ?!"

"You, did you join the army or go to Shaolin Temple?" Yue Long grinned and asked. "I'm going to be a special agent..." Before the word "soldier" was out of the mouth, Lin Rui came over as soon as he flew, and Lin Rui fell to the ground. "A bear like you is worthy of being a special soldier?" Chen Yong jumped out with a flying kick and landed steadily. In the eyes of the fallen Yue Long and others, he immediately looked as majestic as a god.Lin Rui covered his mouth and stood up: "Platoon leader, I..." Chen Yong sent him to the side of the road with one punch, and beat him violently on the ground without saying a word.Lin Rui was still a child after all, and he couldn't stand up in front of his platoon leader, crying for his father and mother.Tian Daniu hurried up to pull Chen Yong: "Platoon leader! Platoon leader! This is a place. You are wearing a military uniform, so the influence is not good. Forget it, forget it, kid, what are you competing with him for?"

After all, Chen Yong let go of his hand, and Tian Daniu hurriedly pulled Lin Rui up: "Why don't you apologize to the platoon leader?"

Lin Rui wiped his tears: "Platoon leader, I was wrong." Chen Yong said with a dark face, "Do you know why I beat you?"

"I'm a deserter." "No!" Chen Yong was heartbroken, "You are fighting with these gangsters and even copying guys, you are ashamed!" Lin Rui immediately stood at attention: "Yes, I lost the platoon leader!" "Isn't it Your platoon leader said something else, don’t get bored with me! Tian Daniu, take him back!” Chen Yong waved his hands irritably.

Tan Min ran over crying and hugged Lin Rui: "Lin Rui! Lin Rui, you shouldn't have come back because of me, I'm the one who hurt you..." As soon as Tan Min cried, Lin Rui's tears disappeared immediately: "Don't cry, I, Lin Rui, am a good man and a good man in doing things! You are my woman, I can't let you be bullied!" Tan Min was so moved that he burst into tears.Chen Yong was angry and funny: "Stinky boy, the hair is not fully grown yet! Do you still want to do this?" Yue Long and the others got up and looked around here, very curious.Chen Yong stared, and kicked a bicycle that fell on the ground, and the bicycle hit the electric pole.The sound shows that the force is very strong, and the structure of the bicycle is destroyed, showing the lethality of this foot.

"Fuck off!" Without Chen Yong yelling a second time, Yue Long and the others all ran away.At this time, Chen Yong felt a slight pain in his toes, but he held back: "Okay! Take him away! Don't cry until he is reeducated through labor and you go to visit the prison." Lin Rui was dragged away by Tian Daniu.Tan Min cried and shouted: "Lin Rui——if you are sent to a forced labor camp, I will deliver food to you! I'll wait for you—"

Lin Rui became firmer. Under the dim streetlight, he looked like a revolutionary going to the execution ground.

He Zhijun realized that he had encountered a serious problem—how to deal with Lin Rui. "Deserters have to be dealt with. This is nothing to say. But his spirit of saving people and fighting gangsters is also worthy of commendation. In peacetime, the army needs this spirit to maintain its vigor; special forces need it more, troops that cannot fight Can we still fight?" Geng Hui said.He Zhijun couldn't help thinking about it.Geng Hui rubbed his head and remembered: "Yo! How did I forget—"Can an army that can't fight still fight" is your famous saying! This is what you taught us back then, and I said it in front of you."

He Zhijun waved his hand: "Forget it, it's just a sentence, I'll leave it to you." "Jokes are jokes, this Lin Rui still has to deal with it." Geng Hui said.He Zhijun sighed: "Yes! This Lin Rui, why does he always give me problems? Huh? Why can't he live in peace? If I send him to a forced labor camp, well, someone will say - see, this He is a good soldier who does what is right! If I ignore him, someone will say—look, deserters are ignored, this army is lawless!"

"Speaking of conscience, are you willing to reeducate him through labor?" Geng Hui asked.He Zhijun blinked his eyes: "Why are you asking me, do you still need my answer?"

"I have an idea!" Geng Hui's eyes lit up, "I'm sure others will have nothing to say, and Lin Rui can also learn a lesson!" At the military meeting in the afternoon, Geng Hui first talked about the story of Lin Rui, a new soldier of the Special Reconnaissance Brigade, who was notified by the military region for his bravery. , the opinion of the Standing Committee is to declare him third-class merit, and emphasize that this is a good person and good deed, there is no need to hide it and dare not say it.Lin Rui thought it was all right down there, but when Wu Yun blinked at him, he laughed.

"Next, I announce the decision to deal with the new soldier Lin Rui going out without asking for leave!" Geng Hui's face changed, and his tone also changed.Listen everyone, this is something the whole team cares about.Geng Hui said: "Because Lin Rui went out privately and seriously violated military discipline, the Standing Committee decided to give him a serious punishment! At the same time, in order to strictly enforce the discipline of the combat company of the special reconnaissance brigade, Lin Rui will call out the special warfare company from now on! Lin Rui looked up, not knowing where he was going.Geng Hui's expression was very serious, but he still took a sip of tea.Lin Rui's heart skipped a beat as Geng Hui sipped his tea.Geng Hui coughed twice, still so serious: "From now on, Lin Rui will call out the Special Warfare Company to raise pigs on the brigade's farm!"

Everyone wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.Everyone has jealousy, which is understandable.You kid went out privately as a deserter, and even saved people and made meritorious deeds. How did you catch up with all the good things?no!unbalanced!Geng Hui's art of leadership is to allow his subordinates to find a balance—if Lin Rui goes to raise pigs, everyone will be in balance—and when they are in balance, they will be quiet.But Lin Rui didn't even know why he was crying, he opened his mouth wide, stupid.

Lin Rui was about to leave the dormitory with his backpack on. Only then did he realize how much he hated the honor of being a special soldier.Others are veterans and he is not familiar with him, so they can't say much, not to mention that Lin Rui is still a sensitive person, and no one dares to provoke him.Only Wu Yun helped him pack his things, and when he arrived, he held Lin Rui's hand: "There is a saying in our grassland - wherever an eagle is, it is a strong man with wings! I believe in you, brother!" Lin Rui smiled wryly, Soaring over the pigsty?But he didn't say anything, shook Wu Yun's hand, and went down.When he walked out of the special reconnaissance brigade, he looked back at the compound he was already familiar with, the compound where he shed a lot of sweat and even blood.I never thought that I would be so nostalgic--nostalgic for the pride of being a special soldier.But now that all of this is over, his new position is not in the battlefield, but in the pigsty.

The farm is 5 kilometers away from the station of the special reconnaissance brigade, and Lin Rui will arrive there just by running.The director looked at the letter and asked him to report to Lao Xue in the pigsty.The farm is not big, but it has everything.Walking through a large vegetable field, Lin Rui smelled a stench.At this time, he knew that the pigsty had arrived.Turning around a red brick wall, dozens of uncle pigs immediately appeared inside, living in separate pens, humming and enjoying themselves.There was a burst of nausea, it really stinks!Lin Rui couldn't help throwing up.This was the first time Lin Rui, who grew up in the city, saw a pigsty, and his reaction was natural.When he had almost vomited, Lin Rui stood up while leaning on the brick wall, and saw an old volunteer soldier in his 30s or 40s standing in front of him.Although he was in a pigsty, the old volunteers were neat and tidy, their whitewashed camouflage uniforms were clean, and their trousers were buttoned up. What puzzled Lin Rui the most was that he was still wearing the spike armband of the Special Reconnaissance Brigade .Lin Rui held his nose and stood up: "Are you the squad leader Xue Xicai? I'm Lin Rui..."

"Xue Xicai, squad leader of the third squad of the special reconnaissance brigade of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Military Region A." The old volunteer said seriously.Lin Rui stood up involuntarily, and raised his hands in salute: "Report to monitor! I am Lin Rui, and I am ordered to report to you!"

The stench rushed into his nose, and Lin Rui wanted to vomit again. "Just get used to it." Xue Xicai said, with a smile on his face at this moment, "Go, I'll take you to the class." Lin Rui felt even more uncomfortable when he entered the room. Pigsty!How can people live here?
(End of this chapter)

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