
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

"No." Lei Keming said flatly.He Zhijun thought about it and said, "I can't get out of the military art troupe." "Maybe." Lei Keming didn't have a smile on his face. "My report to the military region has not been approved. Now it is unknown whether the reconnaissance brigade will be disbanded or retained. Everyone has a heart, and prepare with both hands!" He Zhijun stood up and tied his belt. You have to save face too! Don't make it difficult for the little company commander, get up! Get up!"

When the little lieutenant saw the scout cadres get up, he hurriedly smiled and said, "Captain He, all the leaders! How should we go?" You are all recruits here, here for training." The little lieutenant also smiled and tied his belt: "How dare you! I am grateful to all the brothers who can walk out of our regiment! Isn't this the same as letting the brothers take a vacation? ? Look at everyone's red faces, isn't the chicken delicious?" "What chicken?" He Zhijun wondered.The little lieutenant smiled and said: "Brothers, don't lie to me! These days, many of the chickens in our regiment's family courtyard have disappeared. According to my judgment, they must be in the stomachs of you guys! If you want to eat chicken, you can Tell me, I asked the cooking team to prepare. No, the wife of our political commissar found me this morning, and she refused to let me go! She lives on the fourth floor, and the chickens are raised on the balcony. No one else can go up except you. The younger brother is also in the regiment Don’t make trouble for me, everyone, don’t you?”

The scouting cadres looked at each other in blank dismay.He Zhijun was angry: "Who stole other people's chicken? Who did it?" The cadres didn't understand, and asked each other whether it was you who did it. This is impossible, I don't eat chicken.He Zhijun's eyes drifted to the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade who were training in the queue, and he shouted out of anger, "Chen Yong!"He Zhijun looked at him and walked around him several times, which made Chen Yong feel a little nervous.Chen Yong grinned: "Captain, I...I'm greedy too." "Damn it, I'll kill you!" Not daring to hide, he let the armed belt draw a streak of blood on his face.Several cadres hurried up to hug He Zhijun, while Chen Yong stood there motionless.He Zhijun was furious: "Haven't you ever eaten chicken? Are you out of your mind? This is theft, do you know it? You only know that little bit of martial arts, don't you?"

Chen Yong didn't dare to move, the little lieutenant turned pale, and quickly persuaded He Zhijun: "Captain He, I'll just say that. Don't be angry! Don't be angry! Isn't it just a chicken? Our political commissar said it's a reward for everyone, it's okay !fine!"

"You are really shameful! You lost the scouts! The army asked you to learn those skills to kill the enemy, not to steal chickens! Get out of here today!" He Zhijun roared.Chen Yong lowered his head, Geng Hui came over to pull him away, and handed him a roll of money: "What are you still doing standing here, hurry up and apologize to others!" Chen Yong said: "Yes. Instructor, I..."

"Forget it, forget it, you didn't mean it." Geng Hui smiled bitterly, "But you have to have a long memory, this is already off the front line! You are on a mission at the front line, and you steal chickens from the enemy's police station to eat, although it is reckless It’s not ashamed! Now it’s over, I’ve sneaked into the political commissar’s house of the People’s Liberation Army Corps! You, go!” Chen Yong saluted and ran.

He Zhijun had already calmed down, and shouted loudly: "All the reconnaissance brigade come over here! Damn, I can't deal with you anymore, can I? Stand up straight for me, in a military posture for two hours! You are not afraid of death, but you are afraid of standing still!" Military posture?! Look at your queue walking, what kind of dick?!" He put on his armor belt and stood in front of the queue.The scouts stood upright, motionless.The little lieutenant looked very moved: "Captain He, forget it, I'm really fine."

"I said two hours and that's two hours!" He Zhijun said, "I just want to clean up these boys!" Chen Yong ran to the family home, passing by the queue of the battlefield ambulance team of the General Hospital of the Military Region, a face that seemed familiar Let him froze for a moment.But Fang Zijun, who was suffering from heatstroke, collapsed at this moment, and the female soldiers ran over and surrounded her.Chen Yong didn't dare to stay, and continued to run forward.

"Liu Xiaofei, come on! Liu Xiaofei, come on!" The girls in the stands were going crazy. Like the white whirlwind, Liu Xiaofei from the third and second class of junior high school surpassed the one who was left behind by him by an absolute advantage in the last lap of 5000 meters. players.

He even raised his right fist towards the stands with a victorious smile on his face.When Liu Xiaofei ran past He Xiaoyu, he turned his head and smiled at her. "Virtue!" He Xiaoyu, who was preparing for the activities, took a cold look at Liu Xiaofei who ran past her, and turned to press his legs.The girl next to her who was helping her with the clothes looked excitedly at Liu Xiaofei who was sprinting at the end, and said, "So handsome!" He Xiaoyu pouted, "Just him?" The girl asked He Xiaoyu, "By the way, Xiaoyu! Your family is different from his. Neighbor?"

"Yeah, we are all from the military compound." He Xiaoyu jumped twice and said in a drawn-out voice deliberately, "My father is a scout, and his father is a logistics soldier!" The girls obviously don't care about "scouts" and "scouts" He Xiaoyu said excitedly: "Then can you bring me a letter for him?" He Xiaoyu asked in surprise: "To him? Are you right?"

"Just help me!" the girl pleaded, "How about it, Xiao Yu!" "Bring it!" He Xiaoyu stretched out his hand helplessly.The girl hurriedly took out the letter she had prepared folded into a paper crane: "You must hand it to him!" He Xiaoyu stuffed the letter into the pocket of his sports shorts and said carelessly: "Okay." "Students! Classmates!" Dear friends! During the school's autumn sports meeting, Liu Xiaofei, a student from Class 17 and Class 21 of junior high school, once again broke the school record he set last time, winning the men's 5000-meter championship with a time of [-] minutes and [-] seconds!" When the broadcast sounded, The girls cheered.He Xiaoyu didn't respond, but the girls around him were so excited: "It's great! It's great!"

Surrounded by several boys, Liu Xiaofei ran to the stands and waved his hands.He Xiaoyu beckoned to him, "Liu Xiaofei, come here!" Liu Xiaofei looked at He Xiaoyu in surprise, not believing that He Xiaoyu was calling him. "Liu Xiaofei, come here!" He Xiaoyu waved again.Liu Xiaofei ran over in surprise: "You are looking for me?" "Yes, oh no!" He Xiaoyu pointed at the girl beside him, "She is looking for you!" "Oh! I didn't!" The girl turned and ran away.Liu Xiaofei was puzzled: "Who is looking for me?" "Here is this." He Xiaoyu took out the paper crane and gave it to him.Liu Xiaofei's eyes lit up, and he opened it hastily: "You gave it to me?" "Look for yourself, I'm going to compete." He Xiaoyu smiled strangely, turned around and ran briskly.Liu Xiaofei watched, the expression on his face changed from excitement to disappointment.He stuffed the note into his pocket and shook his head, looking at He Xiaoyu's running back and swaying ponytail.

"Women's 3000 meters, get ready!" The referee raised the starting gun.As soon as the gunshots rang out, the girls rushed out.He Xiaoyu ran first in the first group, as she always did.Standing on the sidelines, Liu Xiaofei watched He Xiaoyu's long fair legs bouncing out of beautiful curves like a deer, and fine beads of sweat ooze on his beautiful face. He shouted: "He Xiaoyu, come on—"

He Xiaoyu didn't even look at him, but just adjusted her pace and rhythm. At the end of the 3000-meter race, she had left the other competitors by at least half a lap and was preparing for the final sprint.At this time, the smile on Liu Xiaofei's face suddenly froze, and he saw He Xiaoyu's legs gave way and fell.He Xiaoyu insisted on standing up, but fell down again clutching his stomach, and the contestants behind him walked past with a clatter of dust.He Xiaoyu still clutched her stomach and didn't get up.The field was quiet.Liu Xiaofei was the first to react. He ran over at lightning speed and pulled He Xiaoyu up, but she couldn't stand up and fell limp in Liu Xiaofei's arms.Blood flowed down He Xiaoyu's thigh, and she frowned tightly, clutching her stomach and moaning: "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me?"

"Blood!" Liu Xiaofei touched the blood on one hand and shouted, "School doctor! School doctor! She's injured—" The physical education teacher, female teacher and girls all ran over: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Liu Xiaofei was beaten by the female teacher. After pushing it out, several female teachers and girls picked up He Xiaoyu and ran away.With blood on his hands, Liu Xiaofei yelled, "She's hurt, bandage her quickly—" Who cares about him?They all carried He Xiaoyu and hurried out of the sports field.

He Xiaoyu woke up from a coma and found herself lying at home.She wanted to turn over and sit up, but was stopped by a pain in her stomach.Lin Qiuye ran in and said with a smile, "Are you awake? It's okay, it's okay, don't get up!" He Xiaoyu felt a stomach ache, and touched himself, his face changed instantly: "Ah! Mom, I'm hurt ? Why did you bandage me up?"

"Silly girl, you've grown up!" Lin Qiuye whispered in her ear with a smile.Inside the corridor, Liu Xiaofei was holding a bag of fruit, hesitating whether to knock on the door.He thought for a long time, but still didn't dare to knock. He put the fruit in front of the door and was about to go down. "Oh! Mom, I don't want to be a girl anymore!" He Xiaoyu was in a hurry, "How uncomfortable?" "You can decide this?" Lin Qiuye smiled and nodded her nose, "You have a good rest, go to school tomorrow I take this with me when I go to school. When you need to use it, go to the toilet to change it, remember!" He Xiaoyu sat on the bed with a distressed face, with long hair: "It's unreasonable!" There was a knock on the door outside, and He Xiaoyu Ji Ling, "Mom, is Dad back?" She got up and got out of bed to open the door, but found that she was only wearing underwear on her lower body, and hurriedly grabbed the pajama pants and put them on, put on her slippers and went to open the door.Lin Qiuye came out of the kitchen: "I never heard of it!"

He Xiaoyu opened the door excitedly: "Dad!" Liu Xiaofei stood at the door awkwardly: "Student He Xiaoyu." He Xiaoyu blushed, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing here?" Liu Xiaofei hugged the fruit and said, "You are injured!" , let me come and see you." He Xiaoyu's face turned red in an instant and he was about to close the door: "I'm fine, you go back!" Lin Qiuye opened the door and said, "Who is it? Xiao Fei? Come here, come in!" Liu Xiaofei came in with an embarrassed smile: "Auntie, let me see Xiao Yu. How is her injury?"

"Injured?" Lin Qiuye was also puzzled, "Xiaoyu, are you injured?" "Mom—" He Xiaoyu turned back to her room and closed the door forcefully.Liu Xiaofei anxiously said to Lin Qiuye: "She was bleeding during the competition, and I don't know where the injury is. Aunt Lin, you are a doctor, didn't you show her?" Lin Qiuye suddenly realized: "Oh! Look, she's all right!" "That's good, Auntie, I'm leaving." Liu Xiaofei smiled and put down the fruit, and ran out quickly. "Let's go after dinner!" Lin Qiuye shouted from behind, but Liu Xiaofei had already disappeared.Lin Qiuye smiled helplessly, closed the door, and walked to her daughter's room: "Let's go, come out!" He Xiaoyu cried inside: "Mom, didn't you tell him?" Lin Qiuye Pushing the door: "Why did I tell him this? Open the door! Open the door!"

"I won't drive, I want to be alone for a while!" He Xiaoyu shouted loudly, Lin Qiuye had no choice but to continue cooking.He Xiaoyu lay on the pillow crying, but raised her head and opened a corner of the curtain.Liu Xiaofei was standing on the flower bed downstairs and looking towards her room.He saw He Xiaoyu opened the corner of the curtain, smiled and waved, and said, "It's good that you are fine, I'm leaving! Go forward, go forward, our team faces the sun, and our feet are on the land of the motherland..." He sang Running away like a rabbit with the song.He Xiaoyu pulled down the curtains, her heart was pounding.She huddled under the quilt and felt her face was very hot, and the arm that Liu Xiaofei hugged suddenly became numb.Strange, what does this feel like?Never before! "Bad guy, you have been bullying me since I was a child..." He Xiaoyu cried aggrievedly, "Now you see me make a fool of myself..."

Geng Hui carried his things back: "Captain, I'm leaving." He Zhijun smiled wryly: "Don't call me Captain, the reconnaissance team has been disbanded." Geng Hui smiled strangely and shook hands with him: "That's mine too." Captain. I will go to the reconnaissance brigade of Army Group A as the deputy political commissar first, and I will wait for you in the brigade." He Zhijun nodded: "Okay. You should familiarize yourself with the situation first, and I can start work after I go!" Geng Hui saluted, turned and left .

He Zhijun sat on the bed and looked at the dormitory with fewer and fewer people.Lei Keming and Xiao Zhao, the deputy squadron leader of No. [-] Squadron, went to talk to the organization department from Beijing, and most of the rest returned to their original units. From now on, the reconnaissance brigade of the A military region will become such a natural paragraph or even such a sentence in an unknown corner of the war history, and it will completely disappear.

Lei Keming and Xiao Zhao packed their things when they came back.He Zhijun asked: "Are you leaving too?" Xiao Zhao was very excited: "Captain, we are going to work in Beijing." He Zhijun asked puzzledly: "Are you working together? Are you also going to the art troupe?" Lei Keming The face was very flat: "No. I didn't go to the art troupe, and the B Department of the General Staff asked us to leave. The car is downstairs, and we have to leave immediately." He Zhijun nodded: "Then do it well, don't leave us Spike Scout People from the brigade." The two stood at attention and saluted: "Yes."

He Zhijun watched them go out, and the dormitory was empty again, and he really became the captain of the naked team.He smiled wryly, stood up and looked at the soldiers of the chemical defense regiment who were practicing outside.Without the pressure of the veterans who participated in the war, the soldiers of the chemical defense regiment were alive and well.Even the people who participated in the war disappeared, and the last trace of that war disappeared from He Zhijun's eyes.

Has it really disappeared since then?He Zhijun felt a burst of sadness in his heart, turned over, picked up the washbasin and toiletries, and went to the water room to take a shower.Splashing, a basin of cold water was poured down, which made him wake up a lot. He looked at his strong but bruised upper body in the mirror.Scars are the medals of soldiers, and every scar is a medal, a story of iron and blood.These stories have really become the past, and the one-month training life has made him used to the peaceful environment of the military camp.But he woke up suddenly - although he was off the battlefield, he was still a soldier!He wiped himself hastily, and ran back to put on his uniform, hat, and belt—he was going to fuck, and fuck alone—as long as he was alone, the scouting team didn't disappear!
(End of this chapter)

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