
Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Fang Zijun fidgeted in the room, inexplicably flustered. This bad premonition had occurred six years ago. At that time, he thought that he was unwell due to the air pressure in the tropical jungle.But at night, the bad news came... She didn't dare to think about it anymore, so she quickly opened the window and took a deep breath.

Soon, someone called her to answer the phone.Fang Zijun ran down in a hurry, and He Xiaoyu's crying voice came from the phone: "Sister! It's me! I can't find Liu Xiaofei! I'm in Luyuan now, but they don't tell me where Liu Xiaofei went! And Zhang Lei, Zhang Lei is gone too!" Fang Zijun's head buzzed, and He Xiaoyu sobbed and said: "The team doesn't know where they went, and a few students are gone. They said they were on business, But their eyes are weird."

"Have you looked for their captain?" "Yes, but he won't say anything!" "Wait for me, I'll be there right away!" Fang Zijun hung up the phone, went back, put on some clothes, and ran out again.She already knew what happened, as a veteran, she was more familiar with the army than He Xiaoyu.Although she couldn't be sure what it was, one thing was certain - they were on a secret mission!The students from the reconnaissance department were drawn out, of course it couldn't be a simple task.After she went out, she was extravagant, took a taxi and went straight to the Army Academy.

"Don't cry yet." Fang Zijun pulled He Xiaoyu to his side, "I'll go find their captain." "I'll go with you!" "Xiaoyu, it's inconvenient for you to go to many things." Fang Zijun said, "After all, you He is still a student, and he will tell me many things, but not you.” The captain didn’t want to talk too much, but said that the academy has regulations, and they can’t say anything to others before they come back.Fang Zijun said earnestly: "Comrade, please believe me! I am also a veteran. I have fought in wars, and I know the importance of the principle of confidentiality! I guarantee with my party and personality that I will not tell anyone."

"Since you understand the principle of confidentiality, I don't need to explain anything." The captain said.Fang Zijun said: "I have the right to know whether Liu Xiaofei and Zhang Lei are on a mission or something else! I just want to know this, I don't want to inquire about anything else! If something unexpected happens, I think I should be mentally prepared. "

"Who are you?" The captain sat at the desk without looking up.Fang Zijun was stunned by the question - yes, who is she?Fang Zijun said: "I am Liu Xiaofei's sister! His girlfriend is my sister!"

"Where's Zhang Lei?" - Fang Zijun opened his mouth and lost his voice.The captain looked up strangely.Fang Zijun gritted his teeth, and said in a low voice, "I'm his girlfriend." The captain looked at her civilian cadre shoulder badges, and then at the mature Fang Zijun, with strange eyes: "Are you his girlfriend?"

"I'm his girlfriend." "How can you be his girlfriend?" "Why can't I be his girlfriend?" - The captain was stunned by the question.Fang Zijun said calmly: "Comrade, I used to be his brother's girlfriend." The captain looked at her stupidly.She said, "Yes, I thought you knew his brother was a martyr." "I know." The captain nodded.Fang Zijun looked into the captain's eyes: "Now, I am Zhang Lei's girlfriend. I think I have the qualifications and the right to know whether my boyfriend may also become a martyr?" The captain was completely dumbfounded.Fang Zijun's voice came from his throat: "I have sacrificed love once!
Now, I wonder, is it possible for me to sacrifice again!My two boyfriends are brothers, and my elder brother died. I want to know, is it possible for my younger brother to become a martyr? "The captain opened his mouth wide, startled for a long time.

"I just want to know, is he dangerous?!" Fang Zijun's eyes were filled with tears.The captain lowered his head and remained silent.Fang Zijun asked inquiringly: "If you don't speak, it means that he is performing a dangerous mission? Isn't that right?" The captain still didn't speak.

"Thank you, comrade!" Fang Zijun bowed gratefully, put on his military cap, and turned to go out. "Wait!" shouted the captain.Fang Zijun turned around.The captain said: "I admire you very much, you are very strong." Fang Zijun smiled wryly: "I have nothing to be strong, all this is the arrangement of fate." "I will keep the relationship between you and him a secret." The captain said. "There's nothing to keep secret," Fang Zijun said with a gloomy expression, "There's nothing shameful about it, we just fell in love.

If he dies, I will attend the memorial service as his fiancée!You remember to notify me! The captain stood up solemnly and nodded. Fang Zijun walked out of the office, and He Xiaoyu was waiting outside. Fang Zijun pulled He Xiaoyu and said seriously: "This is a non-combat operation, a secret operation carried out by the army in peacetime."None of us have a right to know what was going on, it's highly confidential. "

"He, will he be in danger?" He Xiaoyu wanted to cry again.The expression on Fang Zijun's face was very strong: "He is a soldier." "Sister Zijun..." He Xiaoyu cried.The expression on Fang Zijun's face was very solemn: "They are all soldiers. You are also a soldier. We are all soldiers, we do not belong to ourselves, including our lives, they all belong to this army. Xiaoyu, you remember—no matter what happens No matter what, don't forget that we are already soldiers, and it is a bounden duty for soldiers to sacrifice for the country and the army!" He Xiaoyu cried and nodded: "What should I do now?" "Wait." Fang Zijun said bitterly.Yes, wait, as in the past - wait.As women in the military, there is only one word that can sum up their fate, and that is—wait.

"Comrades, there are only six of us left now." Lieutenant Colonel Lei was wearing a suit and looked like a university professor. He still said calmly, "I don't have anything more to say, you all Soldiers. Soldiers are not for food, use your means to complete this arduous task!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" The five young men stood at attention and roared in a low voice.Lieutenant Colonel Lei nodded and looked at Lao Zhao: "Old Zhao, do you want to say a few words?" Lao Zhao smiled bitterly: "What can I say?" Lieutenant Colonel Lei smiled lightly: "You are their senior, there is nothing wrong Did the little brothers say that?" Lao Zhao pointed at his nose and cursed: "Old Lei, you bastard Lao Lei! You have to force me! I owe you in my previous life?!" After cursing, he still stood the front of the queue. The five young men looked at him strangely, not knowing whether to stand at attention or something else.

"Comrades!" Lao Zhao's voice was like Hong Zhong, decisive and capable.Swish - five young soldiers involuntarily stood at attention.Old Zhao looked at these young faces, moved his lips, and said slowly after a long time: "Relax!"

The air seemed to be frozen, the prisoner Lao Zhao suppressed the fluctuating emotions in his heart, his eyes sparkled, it was because of the tears brewing: "Only a year ago, I was a soldier just like you. As a soldier, I Is qualified, even excellent! Countless times of life and death, in the rain of bullets, bloody wind, and my comrades-in-arms! The bastard Lei Keming next to me, I saved him, and he saved me. Friendship is bought at the cost of life!—I am worthy of my military career, and I am also worthy of the honorable title of scout!" The expression on Lao Zhao's face was very sacred, as if he had returned to those glorious years in the past, "But, As a social person who took off his military uniform, I committed a crime! I did not fall under the guns of the enemy, but I was about to go to the execution ground of my own people! At this moment, my mood is complicated! I can’t tell you, I Why have you embarked on this road of no return? I just want to say—comrades! Whether you are wearing a military uniform or taking off your military uniform, don’t forget that you are a soldier!——It’s because I forgot that I am a soldier, Deeper and deeper in the abyss of crime! Now, what they want is my life! And what you outstanding young fighters want to protect is my life as a sinner. My heart is suffering tremendously! Driven by them, they will be insane! Their power is huge, and their means will be cruel! Seeing you are about to embark on this dangerous road with me, I can't bear it! I even want a gun, Shout out and follow me, I'll take you out - if it was a year ago, I would have done it! But now, I know it's impossible!"

Old Zhao couldn't go on, and it took a long time to continue: "I will never forget that I was a soldier. In your eyes, I saw myself back then! I regret taking off my military uniform and committing crimes, but I will not regret being a soldier. You escorted me to the execution ground! Because you are soldiers, my juniors, and my little brothers! Please allow me to tell you as a veteran—all actions follow orders and be flexible! It’s over!"

The five soldiers stood in place, not knowing whether to applaud or not.Lieutenant Colonel Lei waved: "Let's go!" Six active soldiers walked out of the hotel room with one retired soldier in their arms, stepping on the red carpet.At noon, when the military convoy reached the outskirts of the city, they got off.Chen Yong continued northward with a false target, while they entered the city and disappeared among the crowd.After resting for two hours, they also set off.The driver brought by Lieutenant Colonel Lei waited at the entrance of the hotel in a big bread with a local license plate borrowed through the local military sub-division, with the door open. The seven people got into the car directly after exiting the turnstile. Lin Rui was still sitting in the co-pilot's seat, with his right hand stretched out in his arms and touching the handle of the pistol.The van set off amidst the traffic.The car drove out of the city and onto the national highway in the suburbs.Everyone didn't talk all the time, and Lao Zhao didn't even talk, just smoking one cigarette after another.

Old Zhao suddenly said: "Test the firepower." Lieutenant Colonel Lei was taken aback.Old Zhao opened his eyes: "Test the firepower! There are two purposes. First, to test the opponent's fighting determination and firepower intensity; second, to stimulate the opponent's overly cautious nerves and wait for the opponent to make a wrong judgment." Lieutenant Colonel Lei opened his eyes wide .Old Zhao sighed: "The other party's mistakes are all for me. Old Lei, you and I both made mistakes." Lieutenant Colonel Lei understood.

"They are waiting for us to separate from the brigade." The people in the car are all top soldiers, and it is impossible not to understand what this kind of conversation means. "Now, it is difficult to find their tails. The opponents are very professional, not ordinary professional." Old Zhao said.Lieutenant Colonel Lei was deep in thought.Old Zhao said sadly: "My head is worth at least 5 million, and it is worth their risk. It seems that they may have hired experts from abroad. I will not escape this disaster, and there is no need to implicate these little brothers. Old Lei, give Let me shoot."

"My task is to bring you back to Beijing." Lieutenant Colonel Lei said, "As for other things, you don't have to worry about it. If you make a mistake, you can make a mistake, but they don't want to succeed! Don't forget, this is the territory of the People's Republic of China Come on! It's not their turn to be brave!"

The car was moving forward, but they didn't know which one was following them.They all knew that there must be a tail, and this time it was a real tail.Not to mention what awaits them ahead.On the contrary, Zhang Lei's heart calmed down, maybe his life had already gone with his brother, and now he was just chasing his brother.Liu Xiaofei wondered whether He Xiaoyu could accept the reality of his sacrifice.Lin Rui thought about something, or didn't think about anything, and picked up a cigarette from the front windshield of the car and lit it for himself. Then he heard a rattling sound. The pistol is also coming: "The barefoot is afraid of the shoe?! Come on, I'm waiting!"

The battle took place at dusk.A tractor that seemed to be broken down on the side of the national road exploded before the van passed, and the flames turned into a ball of fire that rushed to the sky, and gunshots rang out amidst the thick smoke.Two 7.62mm rifle bullets penetrated the window glass and hit the driver. The driver leaned on the steering wheel and did not forget to step on the brakes.

Lin Rui was pulled back to the seat by the seat belt, and his head hit the door frame.In his desperation, he didn't unbuckle his seat belt, took out a dagger and cut the belt, drew out his guns and kicked the car door.Another 7.62mm bullet roared in, hit Lin Rui's right shoulder, and the pistol in his right hand was released.

"Sniper!" Lin Rui took advantage of the situation to fall back and shouted at the same time, the second bullet hit the car door where he was standing just now. "Smoke bomb! Get out of the car!" Lieutenant Colonel Lei shouted, pressing Lao Zhao's head.Liu Xiaofei shook his hand and threw a smoke bomb that fell outside the car window, and the smoke bomb sprayed out black smoke.Zhang Lei held Lao Zhao between them, Wu Yun opened the way, and Lieutenant Colonel Lei got out of the car right after him.Liu Xiaofei picked up Tian Daniu whose head had been smashed, Tian Daniu came to his senses, and they kicked the car window and jumped out.

A group of people ran to a mud puddle in the woods by the roadside with the help of smoke bombs, and a figure appeared in the woods.Lin Rui gritted his teeth, raised the pistol in his left hand, and fired repeatedly, knocking down two gunmen who were rushing towards him.The opponent's automatic rifle rang, and he hurriedly dodged behind the slope.Wu Yun jumped up and knocked down the third gunman who rushed up. The body fell not far from him, and the 56 submachine gun came out of his hand.Zhang Leiyu jumped out, rolled forward, picked up the submachine gun, and swept out a fan with a click.There were several screams in the near darkness. I don't know how many people were shot, and I don't know how many people are still on the other side.The sniper fired again and hit Zhang Lei on his left leg. He fell to the ground and shouted: "Liu Xiaofei!" The submachine gun was thrown out, and Liu Xiaofei jumped up to catch it. While shooting, he moved to Zhang Lei, trying to drag him. return.Another shot came over and brushed Liu Xiaofei's forehead, scratching the skin and making his ears ring.Tian Daniu and Wu Yun rushed up at the same time, dragging Zhang Lei into the muddy depression.Sniper rifles blocked their heads, and the trajectory of tracer bullets was clearly discernible.

"This sniper must be killed!" Lieutenant Colonel Lei shouted, "Who will go?!"

"I'll go!" shouted Tian Daniu whose forehead was still bleeding.Lieutenant Colonel Lei shouted: "Pay attention to safety! Check your weapons and prepare for cover fire!" Everyone checked their weapons, and Liu Xiaofei took out another smoke bomb.Lieutenant Colonel Lei shouted: "Cover!"

Everyone dodged around the edge of the puddle and started shooting.Liu Xiaofei threw a smoke bomb.Tian Daniu bounced up like a rabbit in the smoke and rushed out.The woods are not dense, and the annoying ones are potholes.Tian Daniu moved forward with a low profile, shooting continuously during the movement, and the accurate rapid fire of the pistol caused the gunmen to suffer a lot.Suddenly, Tian Daniu tripped over something, and before he could react, the flare attached to the tripping rope exploded.For a moment, his body looked so eye-catching under the light of the flares.

"Squad leader!" Lin Rui and Wu Yun shouted almost at the same time.Tian Daniu realized something was wrong, and was about to jump away, and used a series of rolls to get out of the predicament, when dense bullets hit him.Tian Daniu's robust body twitched under the rain of bullets, a round of shots passed, and he fell down.When the gunman approached him, he suddenly straightened his upper body and raised the pistol. Before he could pull the trigger, a denser rain of bullets came.Tian Daniu was beaten to the ground trembling, and the pistol was finally released.Lin Rui wanted to rush out, but was pushed down by Liu Xiaofei.Lin Rui shouted: "Squad leader—"

"Calm down! Going out now is tantamount to death!" Liu Xiaofei shouted. "The threat now is the sniper!" Lao Zhao, lying on the ground with Lieutenant Colonel Lei's pistol on his forehead, shouted, "The sniper must be killed! One person can't do it, two people alternately cover to rush over!" "You Shut up!" Lin Rui rushed to him and put his pistol on his head, "My squad leader died because of you!
I want your life! " "Down his gun!" Lieutenant Colonel Lei shouted. Liu Xiaofei held down Lin Rui and lowered his pistol: "Brother!You must calm down! "

(End of this chapter)

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