
Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Lin Rui's crying gradually stopped.He Zhijun's voice became loud and loud: "Don't you see, Confucianism swells up strong men and dies, and Shenzhou praises benevolence and righteousness from then on. Once the barbarians were in chaos in the Central Plains, the scholars ran to the cowards and wept. I want to learn from the ancient style and revive the heroic spirit. Fame is like dung, Those who disdain the benevolent ridicule. Wearing a sharpened iron sword, killing people in a fit of anger. Cutting off the stock and drinking wine, talking and laughing. Ghosts and gods are frightened. Killing an enemy for a thousand miles will cost ten weeks. Zhu Tianguang and his lover, and Jieming Mingqing. Go out to the west gate Go, Mu Tiren turned his head back. Tired and sleepy, the battle trumpet suddenly blew. Ximen left his mother, but the mother was sad for the child. The body promised history, but the man never returned. Fighting between heaven and earth, terribly frightened the Yin court. Three Killing a person at a step, the heart stops and the hands don't stop. The blood flows thousands of miles, and the corpse sleeps on Qianxun Mountain. After the strong man fights, he is tired and sleeps on the enemy's corpse. In his dream, he still kills, and his smile reflects Suhui. The daughter Mo Xiang asked, why is the man so fierce? Since ancient times, benevolence and virtue have only harmed people, and morality has never been true!"

Lin Rui's tears stopped.He Zhijun's eyes sparkled: "Don't you see, the lion and tiger's prey are famous, but who can pity the poor elk? The strong always feed on the weak in this world, even if it is reasonable, it is in vain. Don't ask, men have their own way. Men do it when they are violent. Things Benevolence and benevolence are incompatible. Men are in the battlefield. They are as brave as bears and eyes as wolves. If you are born as a man, you kill people. Don't teach men to wrap women's hearts. Men never show mercy, even if they die, they laugh at each other. Field of hatred There are 900 places on the battlefield, and everywhere is willing to be green with weeds. Don’t tremble, men, there is a song for you to listen to: Killing one is a sin, but slaughtering ten thousand is a hero. If you kill [-] million, you will be a hero among heroes.”

Lin Rui stood up slowly.He Zhijun looked into his eyes: "Heroes are heroes, the way is different: see through thousands of years of benevolence and righteousness, but make this life a hero. A good name does not love a bad name, and kills millions without punishment. It is better to teach thousands of people to gnash their teeth and hate than to teach no one." There are people who scold me. Looking at the world for 5000 years, where can heroes not kill people!"

Lin Rui looked at his captain, with tears still on his face and the childishness of a child.He Zhijun patted him on the shoulder: "This is the best home for a soldier! Tian Daniu is a real soldier, and a real soldier will not be willing to die of old age in bed!" Lin Rui looked at He Zhijun's black face and nodded solemnly.He Zhijun said slowly: "Stand up straight! Tian Daniu wouldn't want to see you crying like this!" Lin Rui stood at attention. "Turn right—turn!"—Lin Rui turned right.He Zhijun shouted: "Listen to my password! Salute!" The two saluted, to Tian Daniu who was going to heaven.

After He Xiaoyu rushed to the hospital, the first people he saw were He Zhijun and Lin Qiuye.Lin Qiuye was called by He Xiaoyu.But why He Zhijun came, He Xiaoyu didn't know.But this is not important anymore, what is important is how Zhang Lei and Fang Zijun are doing now.Also, is there any news about Liu Xiaofei?But seeing her parents standing together, she was still stunned, because she hadn't seen them together for a long time.

He Xiaoyu came in hastily: "Dad! Mom! Why are you here? Where's Miss Zijun?" Lin Qiuye said, "She was sedated and fell asleep."

He Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief: "Where is Zhang Lei? How is Zhang Lei?"

"Still being rescued!" Lin Qiuye said.He Xiaoyu panted, "Dad, why are you here?" "One of my soldiers died during the mission." He Zhijun said in a low voice. "Ah?!" He Xiaoyu was anxious, "What mission? Are you with Liu Xiaofei?!" "Liu Xiaofei?" He Zhijun thought, "Which Liu Xiaofei?" "It's Liu Xiaofei from Luyuan! Uncle Liu Kai's son!" He Xiaoyu was about to cry. "Oh, you mean him!" He Zhijun suddenly realized.

"Are we together or not?!" "I, I don't know!" He Zhijun said, he really didn't know.He Xiaoyu pushed his mountain-like body: "You man! If you don't know, you don't know, and you still want to whet my appetite! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" He Zhijun hurried out of the way, and He Xiaoyu ran past like a wind .He Zhijun looked at his daughter's back and didn't want to understand: "Liu Xiaofei? Liu Xiaofei? Does Liu Xiaofei go on a mission and what does it have to do with her? Why is she in a hurry?" Lin Qiuye looked at him sadly and didn't speak.He Zhijun understood: "It's broken! It's broken! It's broken!" Lin Qiuye looked at him, smiled wryly, and said to himself that you just found out.He Zhijun was heartbroken: "It's broken! Why, what about her, why she and Liu Xiaofei..." Lin Qiuye smiled bitterly and nodded: "My daughter has grown up." He Zhijun opened his mouth in a sense of loss: "Grown up? Why did she grow up? "Lin Qiuye asked: "It's going to be 20 soon, what do you think?" He Zhijun opened his mouth, still feeling lost: "Daughter has grown up? Xiao Yu has grown up?" Lin Qiuye became angry again, and punched him: "You What kind of father is this? You don't even know how old your daughter is?"

He Zhijun came to his senses, blinked his eyes, and muttered to himself: "Liu Xiaofei, the reconnaissance command of the Luyuan Academy, the Army Academy—it's the Army, not the Airborne Forces, or the Marine Corps! Well, it's good to be the Army, and the fat will not flow to outsiders! My daughter If you want to marry, marry Lu Jun!"

"What kind of logic is this!" Lin Qiuye wished he could kick He Zhijun to death.He Xiaoyu flew to the door of the operating room like the wind, panting and asked: "How is Zhang Lei?" Zhang Lei's team leader said: "We are still being rescued."

"Is Liu Xiaofei okay?" He Xiaoyu grabbed him.The captain thought about it and shook his head.He Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief, and grabbed the captain again: "Where's my sister?"

Fang Zijun was still sleeping, but not deeply.As soon as He Xiaoyu entered, her eyes opened slightly, and tears rolled down her cheeks as white as jade.He Xiaoyu hugged Fang Zijun, tears streaming down his face: "Sister!"

"Xiao Yu, why is my life so bitter..." Fang Zijun said in her thin voice.Xiao Yu hugged Fang Zijun: "Sister! Don't think too much, it's okay! Zhang Lei will definitely survive!" The two hugged and cried together.

The "operating" lights go out and everyone gets up.Zhang Lei's parents stood at the door, looking forward anxiously.The dean came out wearily and took off his mask.Zhang Lei's mother asked anxiously: "How is it? Dean?"

"Don't shout!" Teacher Zhang scolded her, "Let the dean speak slowly!" "He is very strong." The dean said, "very, very strong..." Everyone waited for him to say the next thing.He went on to say, "His vitality is the most tenacious I have ever seen! He is alive."

This piece of dazzling white, is it heaven?If not, how come there are so many stars?Zhang Lei opened his eyes slightly, feeling powerless all over his body, as if he was flying in the air.

"He's awake! Hurry up! He's awake!" shouted a nurse.Zhang Lei felt pain in his body, and only then realized that he was still alive.Fang Zijun ran into the ward and saw Zhang Lei woke up, but his pace slowed down.Zhang Lei looked at her beautiful face and smiled.Fang Zijun stood on the spot, just looking at him like that... Zhang Yun was bloody and squeezed out from his throat: "Smoke..." - Fang Zijun came back to his senses, and smiled at Zhang Lei who was looking at her strangely: " you're awake?"

A child-like smile appeared on Zhang Lei's face, but he couldn't speak. He feebly raised his hand.Fang Zijun felt a little dizzy when he saw this hand.Just as Zhang Lei's hand was slowly lowered, Fang Zijun rushed over and grabbed his hand.Zhang Lei smiled, his eyes bright.Fang Zijun said, "You'll be fine." She deliberately didn't look at Zhang Lei's parted lips.Zhang Lei was not disappointed, because this was his extravagant wish, how could Fang Zijun kiss him so easily?
The doctors walked in and surrounded Zhang Lei.Fang Zijun backed out quietly.She really felt dizzy and sat down weakly.The nurse asked curiously: "Doctor Fang, what's wrong with you? You should be happy!" Fang Zijun smiled weakly: "I am very happy."

"Unexpectedly, this student is really capable!" The nurse jokingly said, "The most beautiful cold beauty in our hospital, the dream lover that many outstanding officers have dreamed of, was actually taken down by this student!"

Fang Zijun smiled and stood up on the chair: "I'm going to take a rest." "Doctor Fang, are you okay?" "I'm fine, maybe I'm too happy." Fang Zijun went out and closed the door of the ward.She leaned against the wall, two similar faces intertwined.Open your eyes, tears streaming down your face.She wiped her tears and walked to her office alone.

"Get ready to fight!" "Ha——" He Xiaoyu stood in the vanguard position, and just as he stepped forward and punched, his mouth stopped moving, as if it had been frozen.The military trainer roared: "He Xiaoyu! What are you doing?!" Liu Fangfang was next to He Xiaoyu. She followed He Xiaoyu's line of sight and saw a jeep parked not far away, with a male student standing beside the car. Her eyes also lit up. "Ah!" He Xiaoyu yelled suddenly, and the military sports instructor was startled.Then, He Xiaoyu rushed towards the jeep.Liu Xiaofei watched her coming, but did not move.Having experienced life and death, he has become much more silent.He Xiaoyu flew to him all of a sudden: "Ah—" the second half of the voice was crying.Liu Xiaofei hugged her and nodded.He Xiaoyu threw herself on him and bit his shoulder.Liu Xiaofei gasped: "I'm back."

"I know you're back!" He Xiaoyu raised his head and let out a big breath, "Let me bite again!" "Can't we not bite people—" Liu Xiaofei gasped again enduring the pain. "He Xiaoyu!" The military sports instructor roared, "I'll punish you!" Liu Xiaofei's captain got out of the car, and he stretched out his hand to call the military sports instructor over.His military rank is higher than that of the teachers who have just graduated from the Military Physical Education Academy, so the military physical education teachers have to pass.The captain whispered a few words to the military trainer, who looked at Liu Xiaofei and nodded, "Okay, I understand." He returned to the front of the line and shouted to the stunned girls, "What are you looking at?!
keep training!Ready to fight—”

Lin Rui sat on the lawn, looking at the photo album in a daze.The opened page is a group photo of the whole class.Soldiers in camouflage uniforms, black berets, and mace armbands hold their own weapons and line up in two rows in front of the team flag, in full bloom.Tian Daniu was in the middle, showing two rows of white teeth and smiling happily.

"Lin Rui!" He didn't respond. "Lin Rui!" Zhang Lei shouted again.Lin Rui turned his head and saw Zhang Lei walking over with Fang Zijun's support.Lin Rui smiled, but didn't get up, and turned his head to continue looking at the photo album.Zhang Lei walked over, and Fang Zijun helped him to sit down.He looked at the photo album and patted Lin Rui on the shoulder: "Good brother, he will be proud to have a brother like you in heaven."

Lin Rui shed all tears and said, "No, he won't be proud, because I haven't done anything to make him proud." Zhang Lei took out his wallet, Fang Zijun turned his face away hastily, got up and looked away.Zhang Lei said: "This is my brother, my own brother.

He died at the front, and he is now with your squad leader.We should all be proud of them and happy to have them together. Lin Rui looked at Zhang Lei and smiled: "Yes, they are all the best soldiers." "

Liu Xiaofei and He Xiaoyu ran in holding hands.Liu Xiaofei shouted: "Zhang Lei, you are recovering very quickly! You were bedridden last time, but this time you came to bask in the sun! Not bad!"

"That's it!" He Xiaoyu hugged Fang Zijun, "With my sister taking care of me, can I not recover quickly?" Fang Zijun smiled and said nothing.

"Hey." Liu Xiaofei sat in front of the two of them, "I said you two, what are you doing?" When he saw the photo album and the photos in Zhang Lei's wallet, his smile disappeared. "Farewell to Yandan here, the strong men are crowned. There are no people in the past, and the water is still cold today..." Zhang Lei recited in a low voice. Everyone was silent for a long time. Zhang Lei said slowly: "God sent these soldiers Born in the world, now, they have completed their mission. The battle behind is ours. Maybe in the peaceful age, our sacrifices are unknown and unknown, but these are not important. The important thing is that the battle is ours Mission! Lin Rui, cheer up, we are still together."

"We lived and died together, you are a good guy!" Liu Xiaofei looked at Lin Rui and said.Lin Rui nodded with tears in his eyes: "I am a soldier in the first squad. Our squad leader said that there are no cowards in the first squad!"

"Okay, don't be emotional!" Liu Xiaofei patted the two of them, "Let's go! I'm a treat, what do you want to eat, you tell me!" "I want to eat a shark, can you afford it?" Zhang Lei said. "Good boy!" Liu Xiaofei gasped, "I'll treat you to braised carp, do you like it or not!" Everyone laughed, Fang Zijun helped Zhang Lei up, and Liu Xiaofei pulled Lin Rui up.A few young soldiers walked out the door, talking and laughing.

The next day, Lin Rui was ready to return to the team.Chen Yong parked his jeep in the parking lot and saw Lin Rui being escorted out by several people.He shouted: "Lin Rui! What are mothers-in-law and mothers doing? That little injury is a big deal?"

"Here—" Lin Rui shouted loudly and ran over with his belongings, "Platoon leader, they, they insisted on sending me out."

Chen Yong said with a sullen face, "Get in the car."

"Yes." Lin Rui got into the car.Chen Yong was about to get into the car when he suddenly saw Fang Zijun among those people and was stunned.Fang Zijun noticed his gaze and found it strange.Chen Yong strode over, stood at attention and saluted, excited: "Comrade Fang Zijun!"

"You are?" Fang Zijun asked in surprise.Chen Yong said excitedly: "Spike Fang Scouting Brigade, Chen Yong!" "Do I know you?" Fang Zijun asked.Chen Yong held her hand: "You saved me! I've always wanted to find you, thank you! I didn't expect to meet here!" Fang Zijun tried his best to remember, and smiled: "Oh, oh, it's you? Okay?" "Okay!" Chen Yong said with a smile, "I've already done it. If you hadn't saved me back then, I wouldn't be where I am today." "Then work hard!" Fang Zijun's hand was held by Chen Yong all the time. He said uncomfortably, "Waiting for the good news of your meritorious service!" Zhang Lei couldn't help laughing.Chen Yong looked at him, he was a student: "What are you laughing at?" Zhang Lei looked at his hands.Chen Yong realized his gaffe, and hurriedly let go.Liu Xiaofei said: "Platoon Leader Chen, we performed missions together, have you forgotten?" "Remember." Chen Yong said, "You know each other?" Friend." Fang Zijun hurriedly pushed him away.Chen Yong opened his eyes wide in surprise, looked at his epaulettes, and then at Fang Zijun: "Really?" "Can it be fake?" He Xiaoyu was delighted.Chen Yong smiled awkwardly: "Doctor Fang, I will never forget your life-saving grace! Welcome to the special brigade to play, I am waiting for you at any time!" Fang Zijun hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, I will definitely go when I have time."

"I'll go first!" Chen Yong saluted, turned around and ran back to the car, and drove away.He Xiaoyu asked: "Sister, did you save him?" "I can't remember." Fang Zijun tried hard to recall for a long time, "I saved thousands of people on the front line, how can I remember all of them?" "I think he seems to be interested in you .” Zhang Lei laughed. "Zhang Lei!" Fang Zijun snapped, and Zhang Lei stopped laughing.Fang Zijun said: "Let me remind you, although I am your girlfriend, I am not your trophy! Don't show off to others at any time!" "I..." Zhang Lei hurriedly explained.Fang Zijun turned around and put it in the pocket of his white coat, and left.Liu Xiaofei looked at Fang Zijun's back and looked at the embarrassed Zhang Lei: "Are you stupid? I told you earlier that my vegetable garden has good vegetables. Don't show them off. Just enjoy yourself secretly! Go after them!"

(End of this chapter)

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