
Chapter 31

Chapter 31

She turned around: "You gave him the idea?" Zhang Lei nodded and said solemnly: "I didn't expect him to arrange it so quickly—although their mission is still classified, I want people to remember them. ""Why didn't you bring me here?" "I'm afraid you will be sad." Zhang Lei said frankly.Fang Zijun said firmly: "I am here." So they walked into the "Flying Eagle Scouting Team".What came across was a huge oil painting, and the rough brushstrokes showed the inner excitement of the painter.The painting is a group photo of all the members of the Flying Eagle Reconnaissance Team. Although it is copied from the photo, it is obvious that the painter has integrated his own creative passion. The joints of the hands of the soldiers in camouflage uniforms are enlarged, and they are tightly holding their steel. The gun, with a solemn and solemn face, is slightly deformed, exaggerating the simplicity and fortitude of the warrior.Fang Zijun searched carefully for those familiar faces in the painting. In fact, she knew where he was without looking—yes, it was him.The young face was full of arrogance, the black and white eyes gleamed coldly, the clear lips and the heroic nose were all so familiar... Fang Zijun's hand was gently stroking his face.The painter is a person with very high artistic attainments, not only accurately captured his shape, but also keenly felt his spirit.Fang Zijun's tears welled up in his eyes.

"Do you know how much I miss you..." Fang Zijun's voice choked.Zhang Lei took off his military cap and lowered his head, not knowing what to say.Fang Zijun turned around with tears streaming down his face.

The entire room is full of group photos and personal photos of the Flying Eagle Reconnaissance Team. On a piece of white paper is written solemn black Song typeface: The "Flying Eagle" reconnaissance team of the Air Force Airborne Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army was formed in 1986 and has fought on the front line for one year. , performed more than 50 large and small tasks, and was disbanded after returning to the Defense Army in 1987.Among them, 4 first-class heroes emerged, 15 second-class heroes, and 1 battle hero Zhang Yun...

During the dinner, Fang Zijun drank one cup after another.By candlelight, tears streamed down her beautiful face.The food is actually the canned food and stir-fry that was the specialty of the cooking class back then. The wine is the Moutai at the height of the front line. Even the wine is filled with enamel jars printed with "the cutest person in our time", but she still keeps jar after jar. Drink, Zhang Lei couldn't persuade him.Zhang Lei also drank a lot, and the two sang "Blood-Stained Grace", "Books from Two Places, Mother-Child Love", "Moon of the Fifteenth", and everything imaginable about this silent war song.Both of them were drunk.Fang Zijun lay on the table crying loudly, still drinking desperately.I kept drinking until Brother Wang came in: "It can't be done, if you drink any more, something will happen. Zhang Lei, are you still sober?"

"Here!" Zhang Lei stood up crookedly and saluted, "I'm fine!" Do you guys read the joke?" "No, no! I, I'm going to respect big brother..." Zhang Lei was about to go over with the enamel tea mug, but his feet were weak and he almost fell over.Brother Wang smiled bitterly: "Okay, okay. Go back to sleep!" "Pay, pay!" Zhang Lei touched his body. "I'll go to the Luyuan to find my comrades later, or you can talk about it later." Brother Wang grabbed him, and called another waitress to help Fang Zijun up, "Go, get out, I'll find you a car!" Lei's wine was a little more sober, and he quickly apologized: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I drank too much today..."

"Send your partner back quickly, and don't fight with others on the way." Brother Wang pushed him into the taxi and said to the driver: "Military Region General Hospital, drive steadily on the road."

Fang Zijun was drunk, and she was still drunk. As soon as Zhang Lei got into the car, she leaned over and hugged his neck, murmuring that she didn't know what to say.Zhang Lei just hugged her. They hugged and kissed before, but Zhang Lei always felt cold. It was the first time they hugged each other tightly like this.

The car drove to the cadre dormitory of the general hospital, Zhang Lei helped Fang Zijun down, she was still drunk.Zhang Lei almost carried Fang Zijun back to the dormitory, but Fang Zijun really hugged his neck tightly and did not let go: "Don't leave me, don't leave me..."

Zhang Lei turned on the light and put Fang Zijun on the bed, but Fang Zijun didn't let go: "No, don't leave me..." "Zijun, you drank too much." Zhang Lei said softly, untied Fang Zijun's arm, got up and turned off the light , turned around and walked towards the door.

Fang Zijun slightly opened his drunken eyes, and saw a familiar figure from behind.And this figure in a military uniform jacket is opening the door to go out. "Ah—" Fang Zijun screamed, the sound was so shrill and tragic that Zhang Lei's hairs stood on end.Fang Zijun jumped up from the bed, rushed over, hugged the familiar figure and cried, "Ah! Don't go! Don't go!"

Zhang Lei hurriedly turned around: "I'm not leaving, I'm not leaving! You go to sleep first, sleep!" Fang Zijun hugged this familiar body regardless, holding his familiar chin, and looked at his familiar pair of arrogant eyes full of tears. s eyes.For a long time, she frantically kissed his lips, biting and kissing fiercely, her tongue exploring between his teeth.Almost instantly, Fang Zijun's feminine tenderness was awakened, and her kiss was no longer so cold, but hot.She murmured, "Don't go, don't go..."

Zhang Lei, aroused by passion, hugged Fang Zijun tightly and kissed her: "I won't go! I'm not going anywhere!" Fang Zijun's weak body was paralyzed in Zhang Lei's arms, and Zhang Lei tore her up with his strong hands. Open her blouse.Fang Zijun fell limply on the bed, Zhang Lei threw himself into Fang Zijun's arms...

Fang Zijun under the moonlight is as pure as a goddess.Zhang Lei bent down and hugged his lover.What Fang Zijun hugged was also his lover.She was crying, laughing, screaming, shouting, and a rare flush of happiness appeared on her face.At the moment when the flood broke the embankment, Fang Zijun shouted, convulsively: "Do you know, I miss you so much..."

Sunlight came in through the curtains, Zhang Lei opened his eyes slightly, and smelled a fresh fragrance.He suddenly woke up, and found that he was covered with a pink quilt, and his brain instantly grew bigger.He hurriedly sat up and found himself completely naked, and when he looked again, he was in Fang Zijun's room, and immediately realized what had happened.No one was in the room, and his military uniform and underwear were neatly folded next to the pillow.He put on his clothes immediately, and just as he put on the T-shirt with the words "Chinese Airborne Forces" printed on it, he found a letter on the table.He hurried over and picked up the letter, which was unsealed, and it was written "Acknowledged by Zhang Lei".Opening the envelope, a carefully folded paper crane slipped silently into his hand.Zhang Lei's head was buzzing, and he opened the letter with trembling hands. It was written in Fang Zijun's beautiful handwriting.

Zhang Lei: I don't know how to face you, so I have to write to you.You are an excellent man, an excellent soldier, and a passionate man worthy of the love of many good girls.I thought I could love you, I thought I could love you over a lot of obstacles that maybe shouldn't be between us, but... I was wrong.

You are right, it was me, Fang Zijun, who was wrong.I shouldn't try to love you because the barrier between us is really impossible to overcome.Because, I have no love.I gave all my love to a man named Zhang Yun, your brother.

I am a revolutionary soldier, and I don't care about those feudal shackles, because that seems ridiculous to me.

All my love is for him, for the eagle that won't come back.It is impossible for me to try to love another man, no matter how good he is, how outstanding he is, it is impossible to occupy my heart again.So, it's not your fault, it's my fault.

My fault is that I didn't realize this.I agreed to be your girlfriend out of an impulse, or a natural dedication of women.When you are in danger, I am naturally weak and will agree to all your requests, reasonable or unreasonable.When I was on the front line, there were many such examples. Many of my sisters regarded their feelings as love and dedicated themselves to the soldiers who were about to go to the battlefield to fight with death.

Yes, I don't deny that they are real warriors, but that's not love, it's just a kind of emotion.A woman's innate dedication, sacrifice.A spirit of giving everything voluntarily because of being moved.So, I don't love you, I'm just touched by you.Moved by your struggle with death.There is another point that I have never dared to mention, that is, you are too much like your brother.To a certain extent, because of my longing for him, I transplanted this feeling to you, so this kind of emotion is mixed with complicated factors.

But you are you—Zhang Lei—you are not anyone.You are a fine man and should not be a substitute.Go ahead and find your true love, the love that belongs to you.I don't belong to you, and I don't belong to the eagle, because I betrayed him.

Because of my weakness, I put myself on the altar of the soul.Perhaps, the rest of my life will be spent in a kind of confession, and I will die all my life.However, this is the punishment I deserve.

We don't want to see each other again, it will only embarrass us, and it will cause my soul to be whipped again.Because of my weakness, I lost the qualification to guard that flying eagle.I also lost the qualification to be your sister, Zhang Lei.

Fang Zijun

Zhang Lei put down the letter, unable to tell what expression he had on his face.Standing at the entrance of the main building, Liu Xiaofei and He Xiaoyu were surprised to see Zhang Lei coming out of the building wearing a military uniform and carrying his belongings, with a gloomy expression on his face. "Hey, where's Zijun?" Liu Xiaofei blurted out.When He Xiaoyu pulled him, Liu Xiaofei gave her a strange look. "Have you had a fight?" Liu Xiaofei asked with concern.Zhang Lei didn't say much, just two words: "Let's go." Liu Xiaofei still wanted to ask, but He Xiaoyu was in a hurry: "I said, why do you have so many problems? Why did you change your name to [-]!"

Liu Xiaofei was choked and wanted to talk, but Zhang Lei said, "Don't argue, I broke up with Zijun." "Breakup? Why?!" Liu Xiaofei was shocked.Zhang Lei looked into his eyes for a long time, then lowered his head.He Xiaoyu held Liu Xiaofei back: "Let's go! Go back to your Luyuan! Are you really trained to be simple-minded and have developed limbs?!" Liu Xiaofei was most afraid of He Xiaoyu, so he dared not speak.The three walked out the door.Zhang Lei suddenly turned his head to look at the main building.

He saw the curtains of that office drawn suddenly.His Adam's apple twitched. "I'm not Zhang Yun, I'm Zhang Lei." He said word by word, his eyes became firm, "One day, you will know!"

(End of this chapter)

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